My son will be 10 in May, his dad left 8 days before he was born, stating that he just wasnt ready to be a dad (fine time to tell me) but anyway, his dad managed to pop up long enough in Kindergarten to mess with his head, I should have known better, but for the sake of my son I let him in. They spent Christmas day together and then he was gone. my child was devastated, but on the other hand he kinda started figuring his dad out, then about 3 years later his dad found out I was gettgin remarried and showed up again, they had a few good days, but then he left again, and we ended up in therapy. I think is possible for kids to have the charististics of the absent parent if they have been around at all, my new husband of 2 years is getting set to adopt my son, and he loves him more than anything and even though I know that my son hasnt forgotten his real dad, he has him ALL figured out and I didnt have to say anything about him. As far as what he likes, my kid is a sports fanatic, been playing since he was 4, but he also likes anything out side and action figures and trucks and dirt adn fishing! The older my son got and realized that mommy was the one that hung around and loves him, we couldnt be closer, but I agree with another answer that you got-- DONT BADMOUTH HIS DAD NO MATTER HOW BAD YOU WANT TO! He will figure him out in due time. MAke sure you spend plenty of time with him, but make time for yourself too, so you will feel like playing too, and also remember THERAPY WORKS WONDERS!!! Sorry this was sooo long! GOOD LUCK!
2007-02-26 01:03:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think your son is kind of young to be picking up his fathers characteristics. As a father of a 9 yr old I can tell from my son that all he really wants is to be with his dad. Since his father isn't around much anymore, try lots of different things to keep his mind active on the things at hand. If you live in a large city or town take advantage of zoos, theme parks see if he'll try sports. Keep him social with your friends kids or relatives. let him hang with your dad if possible. I'm sure your son will come around in time. just don't give up ever.
I hope this helps and good luck
2007-02-25 19:41:36
answer #2
answered by crankydad_9999 3
I wouldn't crowd him about feelings and all that. He's probably mixed up enough because of the divorce. I think I would take him on outings--whatever places there are in your area. Maybe the zoo or a movie that you know he would like then dinner after so you have time to just sit and maybe talk about the movie. What about scouts or youth group? There is the possibility that you are trying to hard. Just relax and be Mom.
2007-02-25 19:52:04
answer #3
answered by DixeVil 5
I have an 8 year old. He loves to play video games, skateboard, go to movies....etc.
If your son doesnt have many friends outside of school then invite some school friends over!
Try to get him involved in something, scouts or music or karate or something to get him excited about.
2007-02-26 02:40:21
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well, he could maybe need to talk to someone about the divorce (besides you). I know my 8 y/o likes to play video games, he likes manga, Naruto, that kind of thing. He likes to read and make up stories. He likes Yugi Oh and Pokemon.
2007-02-26 05:26:50
answer #5
answered by Jessie P 6
He needs a father, for you, his father is a loser but for him a father is a father... Never say anything wrong about him as he may not be on your side.
Don't throw all your and your child's problems to the father, it's only a problem between you and him.
2007-02-25 19:38:28
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Go to a family therapist. can get the best help there.
Also,ive noticed boys like ninja turtle toys and spiderman..maybe you can get him something,and play with him so he thinks your super cool :)
2007-02-25 19:32:59
answer #7
answered by yahooaddict 4
If studies is the best thing he likes let him push on that dont interfer with his feelings u might spoil his future thx.
2007-02-25 19:35:32
answer #8
answered by titi 2
i used to like action figures
2007-02-25 22:51:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
they like to be serial killers
2007-02-26 00:24:53
answer #10
answered by omgnubs 1