There you are... The One amongst the rare 'sensible' guys on YA...
Dude, I found the majority as the likewise. They know nothing about Islam and just hurl insults on it. Very few like you have tried to understand the LOGIC behind Islamic rulings.
And you are 100% right. The Term 'Jihad' has always been misused by people to justify their aims. Like the Moderate Muslims who are truely following Islam know that 'The Best Jihad is against our own vain desires"
"The Best Jihad is to speak the Truth against a Tyrant"
And when it comes to the PROTECTION of the religion, then it is to DEFEND your religion and lay your life for that.
Note the word 'DEFEND' there. But the Extremists who have been brewing up all because of the negative tactics of the Bush Administration use 'Jihad' to justify killing innocent people in retaliation of the 'killing' done by Mr. Bush.
Again, the 9/11 was NOT done by Muslims, it was an INSIDE job. But some lunatic Muslims have laughed and celebrated the occasion by saying 'Bush deserved that'.
So I believe its all the blame game that is going on from each side. And if the world has to live in PEACE, President Bush and his likes have to chnge their attitude. The Stronger MUST STOP oppressing the Weaker and still yell
" Hey, I am just defending myself, He was going to destroy me with some Chemical WMDs!!! "
2007-02-25 15:20:44
answer #1
answered by flameslivewire 3
Every coin in England has written on it "FID DEF" which is the abbreviation of the Latin form of Defender of the Faith. A jihad is exactly the same thing and is an injunction to defend the faith against internal and external attack.
Jihad is not about killing all those who follow a different belief but only about defending Islams beliefs and values.
Probably the biggest misunderstanding is that the Mullahs and Imams claiming spiritual authority are not actually regulated. Anybody can be a Mullah and speak as a religious leader without any formal knowledge of the religion. Christian churches have a formal hierarchy and a leader speaks with some authority but Islam is not the same. Accepting a elf styled religious leader as representing a spokesman for the majority of Islam is simply to be ill informed.
I am a Buddhist and have no particular Axe to grind.
2007-02-25 14:19:25
answer #2
answered by John B 4
"Al Jihadu fi sabeel illah" loosely means the struggle for the path of God. It is a concept that has been twisted and made ugly by the news media, much more than by the radical Muslims.
You can "struggle" by using the right words to change people's minds about misconceptions about Islam, "the pen is more powerful than the sword", that is the form of Jihad most Muslims believe in.
At the same time, when Islam and Muslims are attacked, it is essentials for Muslims to stick together and "fight the enemy".
The radicals feel that the West is targeting Islam and Muslims around the world, and they can show you proof of this. You may not see it yourself, while sitting at your cozy home (not you personally), watching your biased entertainment news shows like FoxNews. You don't see the ugliness of the war America is fighting to get ahead, all the pain and suffering they have caused people around the world, or indirectly being the cause of.
So, I think people need to dig deeper into your question and fully understand who is the real transgressor. It is fundamental in Islam that Muslims don't attack unless they are being attacked...
2007-02-25 14:35:31
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I agree with you. Many people choose to be blind (eyes and heart) and say all muslims are the same and that they are all bad. It's not like that at all; actually, real muslims dislike those people that don't practice peace and tolerance and call themselves muslims.
Ah, and I have to answer your question... Christianity? Well, everyone has the right to believe in whatever they want, as long as there is respect for others and an open mind, it's ok.
2007-02-25 14:23:37
answer #4
answered by ? 2
I embrace all religions - they teach essentially the same truths and ethical standards.
I understand that the primary definition of jihad is the perpetual struggle of an individual with his or her evil propensities.
The radical Muslims totally distort the meaning for purely political purposes, and our media fails to ferret out the true meaning.
2007-02-25 14:18:59
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
First, you have to convince me that there is a difference between a 'radical' and a 'real' Muslim. When Muslim countries don't lift a finger to supress the 'radicals', when there is mass dancing in the streets after 9/11, and when filter groups consisting of 'real' Muslims sending money to Hamas, Hezbollah, and Al Qaeda are discovered, you have a hard time convincing me that the 'radical' Muslim isn't in fact the mainstream Muslim.
Until Muslims can live in peace with other religious groups, and amongst themselves (something they have NEVER been able to do), I will never be convinced that a peaceful Muslim is a mainstream Muslim. I am rather convinced that a Muslim who truly believed in peace and tolerance is a radical Muslim.
2007-02-25 14:28:22
answer #6
answered by irish_giant 4
Are you sure that Jihad that is mentioned in teh Quran means self-control?
2007-02-26 06:59:19
answer #7
answered by Mostafa Al Banna 2
Once again, the obligatory reference to something that happened 1,000 years ago. Nice.
Also, jihad is like the American use of the word "gay". Back 40-60 years ago, it meant a happy young gentleman. Now it means homosexuality. Whatever Jihad may have meant to people in the past, it now means terrorist killings.
Moderates, get your stuff together or we will have to get it together for you.
2007-02-25 14:07:55
answer #8
answered by Kermit renversant de corporation 3
I am a Muslim, and there are two types of Jihaad.
1. Inner.
2. Outter.
Inner is within one's self.
Outter is when Islam is being attacked and you must defend.
Both are mentioned in the Quran al Kareem.
2007-02-25 14:06:18
answer #9
answered by Phlow 7
Yes, I have heard that. However I believe that it would be wiser for them to use another term, since Jihad has been so identified with violence.
2007-02-25 14:15:26
answer #10
answered by Mr Ed 7