We live in an escapist culture. Religion personifies that.
2007-02-25 11:34:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Okay... Christians have a violent history, we fight for what we believe in. But the people that you are talking about throughout all the middle ages and the holy wars and what not weren't Christians they were actors. There are so many people in this world that give Christians a bad name because they could make a few dollars, that is what started the wars and the violence. I could go on all day about this subject because there is a lot to say, but the basic fact is:
No all people are good people, not all Christians are good Christians, not all Muslims are good Muslims, not all Buddhists are good Buddhists and so on and so forth. People put there personal desires before the needs of others and will bring down there own God to do it.
If they had any idea what they were getting themselves into I'm sure they would have thought twice. Because i know i will be smiling down on them someday.
Jesus said that he would rather half you a non-christian than a luke warm christian. If that's the way you are he will chew you up and spit you out of his mouth.
2007-02-25 19:40:40
answer #2
answered by Trinity 2
first off your question is incredibly biased in the way that your question is providing evidence for itself, and is not a so much a question as a rant with a question mark at the end. second off, it is wrong to bulk together ALL christians in one remark as it is wrong and also very rude. third off, if your question actually does have a confused inquirer asking it, then the answer is that the christian that you seem to have met probably avoid the question as to NOT cause a conflict between you and the person. Also, to clarify, are you actually asking why christians are so good at avoiding the question or are you asking why are christians soo violent but wont admit it? if the answer is the first, then the point is moot because you already have all the answers anyway, right? if your question is the latter, the only overtly christian act of total violence was the crusades, and that was to recapture the holy land. it was also the brainchild of catholics, who seem to be more material than protestants. land seemed to be really imprtant with them back in the day. to recap, christians on the whole avoid questions to avoid conflict, not because they are hiding something. christians also have NOT "had religous wars or non-stop violence" since the crusades, and that was very, very, VERY long ago. also it didnt work. the war on terrorism doesnt count, though it is back by a christian prez, it is an american effort and is supported by christians, atheists, and others alike.
2007-02-25 19:54:03
answer #3
answered by That one guy 5
I'm not sure I can give a satisfactory answer but I will try.
Yes, It can't be ignored, from the time of Joshua and the Israelites entering Canaan up to present, violence and Christianity go hand in hand. The Israelites in the Old Testament were commanded by the LORD to take the land. During Jesus' time on earth, the Jews were the troublemakers. Since then it seems that each group and sect believes they have the only right way to believe and some will kill or be killed to defend it. I don't know why...perhaps ego? They actually believe they are doing God's will? I may have left you with more questions than answere...sorry..:-(
2007-02-25 21:07:20
answer #4
answered by trixiedogs 2
Because your questions seem to be more attacks than actual questions. What kind of answer can you expect to get when you ask Christians such a non-specific and generalizing question? Are you referring the the Christian at the corner store yesterday, or the Crusades?
Christians know that they are supposed to try and inform others (some use the term convert) of their faith.
Of course, people are resistant to change, or are happy in their current beliefs. Unfortunately, some Christan's back in the day didn't quite understand that. These others were resistant to the message, and violence resulted.
With the exception of G.W. Bush, who I think we can all agree is NOT Christian despite what he claims, I don't often seen true Christians as violent in this day and age.
2007-02-25 19:47:15
answer #5
answered by reginachick22 6
Violence isnt a Christian issue, or a muslim issue or any other religion. Its a human issue. Many who believe in God use His name to condone violence and many who dont believe in God use other excuses.
Jesus Christ is Lord and is loving and just. Humans are imperfect and make mistakes. But the more the world accepts Christ, the less violence there would be. In fact if everybody followed Gods laws to begin with we wouldnt have most of the problems we have in todays society, if any.
2007-02-25 19:42:25
answer #6
answered by angelvic_83 3
I was going to start with a joke, but after reading some of the responses you have recieved I opt out and will try to help you, but you may see the answer as a dodge or slight.
You are right those Claiming the Christain name have done much harm and violence countless times. Some acted in misguided loyalty like Saul/Paul others out of greed. Some never had so much as a drop of Christ in them but still they bore his sign(many Crusaders). Some will recieve judgement and go where they were told by Pope's and Priest they would avoid for doing the will of the Father. Judgement will be swift and sure and all will be held accountable for their actions both good and bad.
All Germans are not looked upon as Jew killers. All Spanish are not looked upon as murderers of three ancient cultures. But, all whites and Christians are looked upon as violent and destructive.
The truth is all people of all race, creed, and color share violence and death. So where does that leave us? When will we stop wagging fingers of blame and "get over it." Regardless of the very poor examples of some in history the truth of the Christian message is one of peace and love. It will not be perfected till Christ comes again.
Matthew 7:22-24 (New International Version)
22Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' 23Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'
The Wise and Foolish Builders
24"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
2007-02-25 20:03:45
answer #7
answered by crimthann69 6
The answer to your first question is two-fold. A- Because people are wretched sinners who, unfortunately, do bad things in the name of a good God. B- The historic violence of Christianity is way, way, way overblown. The crusades were wrong (mostly), but in some cases they were indeed a response to Muslim instigated violence. The answer to the current question is...... That is a loaded question and as such it should be avoided.
2007-02-25 19:40:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You are right. And Jesus and his apostles foretold that that would happen. They also foretold that there would come to be so many different flavours of "Christian" that people would think that it was impossible to find who "true Christians" were. But- true Christians conduct themselves like the original Christians did. They are not violent, infact, they will take prison or even death before becoming involved in any war or acts of violence. They remain separate from politics- just as Jesus and his apostles did and they do the work that Jesus and his alostles did. They are also hated and persecuted like Jesus and his apostles were.
So, the answer to your question is, those "Christians" were not truly Christians.
2007-02-25 19:39:40
answer #9
answered by Val W 4
First, Jesus never advocated pacifism.
He, in fact, told his disciple to sell all they owned and buy a sword.
Jesus did, however, not expect them to war. He hoped they would never use it and if they did they wouldn't hurt a hair on the other guys head, just PUT the fear of God into them.
But Jesus DID turn over tables, yell, scream and chase the money lenders and gamblers out of the Temple.
Hardly a pacificstic way of doing things.
Christians DO what is asked of them. Jesus SAID they have to. He said they HAVE to pay taxes. He said WHEN THE SOLIDERS ASK YOU TO CARRY THEIR PACKS 5 miles, CARRY THEM 10 miles!
Jesus didn't say: "Tell them you're a pacafist and consicnetious objector and you can't do things for war mongers."
NOW, what Christians SHOULDN'T BE doing, are doing all those things we saw in pictures with Iraqi war prisoners.
Any Christian involved in that, as far as I'm concerned, has the mark of the beast upon them. I hope God agrees with me.
There is a difference between LAWFUL WAR and you'd be speaking German today and Hiling Hitler if a lot of Catholics and Protestants and Jews didn't fight and die in WW2, and doing nasty things to prisoners or choir boys.
EVERYONE here took issue with your LAST STATEMENT that the EAST IS THE BEST
Bull Hockey
Why are BUDDHISTS FIGHTING MUSLIMS IN THAILAND RIGHT NOW if BUDDHISTS are such pacificsts. Why don't they JUST SUBMIT to ISLAM or move out of their own country into America where they can be BUDDHISTS all they like.
Is THAT your solution.
Give in to Hitler, STalin, Mao, Castro or run for the hills.
That's your way of life.
You sound like Bennie from that movie "The Mummy"
How many religious charms are around your neck!
2007-02-25 19:44:27
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Okay let me give you a quick education. A christian is someone who follows the teachings of Christ. Christ said not to be violent. So if someone is violent then they are not a Christian. Thus you question is mute. Christ even says that many people will call themselves or want to be known as his followers, but few actually will be.
Your question is as logical as someone seeing that an asian person murders someone and asking why do asian people murder so much. By the way - you wonderful hindhism is a class based religion that divides people into statuses where high statuses get to treat lower statuses like dirt. I dont know much about buddhism but what has it really done for the world except give us a statue of a fat chubby asian guy to toss coins at in chinese food restaurants
2007-02-25 19:37:56
answer #11
answered by h nitrogen 5