Free will = sin and darkness, which balances good and light???? Sounds like a comic book....
God is supposed to be omnipotent (all powerful), omnibenevolent (all-loving), and omniscient (all knowing).
Does God know what we will do before we do it? If so, How can we have free will if everything we do is per-ordained??? If he doesn't know, then he isn't omniscient. How can God be omnibenevolent and allow sin and darkness in the world??? A perfect being would not let his creations suffer. If he does, he isn't all loving. And why is there suffering? If God is all loving, he should stop the suffering. But if he doesn't stop it, he is either unwilling to (not all loving), or is unable to (not omnipotent)....
All of God's supposed features contradict each other..... Religion tries to blame the imperfections in the world on us, but I think that a perfect being would have created a perfect world, one in which there was no sin and darkness. All loving, all knowing, and all powerful beings are also considered perfectly loving, perfectly powerful, and perfectly knowledgable beings, and if any of this contradicts, you can't say that God is perfect, can you..?
Does good and light really need to be balanced, anyway??? And do you really want to believe that this life is just a test? Where's the comfort in that???
2007-02-25 11:39:17
answer #1
answered by Occam's Pitbull 6
Yes, he allows the suffering now - the sin and darkness, but there must be a loving reason why he has kept it going on for as long as this. 2 Peter 3:9 gives some insight into this. God cannot be imperfect, since he created the first perfect human couple. However, perfection to us is different from perfection means to God...just because they were created perfect did not mean that they could not have the right to have free-will. That gift was from God, so that we would not be like robots and choose to do what we want to do...just so happens Adam and Eve chose to disobey God...but God gave his only-begotten Son in place of their disobedience in order for righteous people to be able to live forever on a Paradise Earth...God's original purpose.
2007-02-25 11:22:09
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
God is not imperfect we are the imperfect ones- through choice. In the world of sin and darkness God makes a way for us to get into the light- and that is through Christ- and His shed blood. He sent the perfect, spotless lamb of God, His Son, to die for us imperfect people. We had a choice- we were made in the image of God, and decided on our own to sin.
2007-02-25 12:54:38
answer #3
answered by AdoreHim 7
No, I think that you are mistaken. God Created a wonderful earth for His loving creation to live forever! He gave man a free will with only one restriction. Do not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Man was deceived into disobeying and sin entered the economy.Ever since then the universe has been falling apart as mankind chose to disobey. We can see the results of sin in our world today. It is falling into disorder!! And the only way to be reconciled back to Him is to follow the Salvation plan in Acts 2:38. This is an experience that you don't want to miss!!
2007-02-25 11:26:35
answer #4
answered by michael m 5
There is a mystery about it all, isn't there? Why a good god would allow bad. Why a righteous god would allow unrighteousness.
But the Bible is clear in this: It is our sin, our disobedience, our willful selfish rebellious wicked hearts that has allowed sin and darkness and disease and despair and death into our world. Sure, God could have stopped it and God knew ahead of time what was going to happen - but He didn't and we as believers simply believe the Bible is true in that it describes the character of God as one of great love, great mercy, great compassion, and great holiness.
Some day we shall know more...
God bless
2007-02-25 11:23:22
answer #5
answered by happy pilgrim 6
God did not create a world that was imperfect, we as humans did. God gave us the ability of free will. He allows us to discover for ourselves to act on what we want. What he hopes for is that we choose to act on him and for him. Many of us don't and this is why the world is full of sin and hate. Not because god made it that way, but because we made it that way.
2007-02-25 11:21:59
answer #6
answered by sid_donut 2
Ahh and the things of God continue to be foolish to the world. God didnt have to allow sin..he could have squashed it..but then how could the universe ever really see how good and right his ways are.
Think of it as someone putting two boxes in front of you - a red and a blue one. And they say that the red one is the only one that is good . You want to see if whats under the blue one to make sure but the person says he will not allow you to see what is under the blue box. You will forever doubt if the red one is actually the best possible gift.
2007-02-25 11:20:34
answer #7
answered by h nitrogen 5
actually our sermon today was about this. God created the world to be perfect, but because of sin we can't be. Sometimes our faith is "tested" by putting us through troubling times. It makes us more aware and faithful. A good example would be a person who never went to church there whole lives and then all of a sudden they get sick, so they find god, that was there test. Sorry for the bad explanation, but thats the best i could do.
2007-02-25 11:21:03
answer #8
answered by motivated0311 2
you wouldnt want a dictator God and you probably be the first to complain that God doesnt give you choices. well He gave everyone a choice to either honor Him or not. and since we as imperfect humans are allowed to "choose" then alot of us choose evil, sin, whatever makes us happy. and there being the problem. God is not imperfect He's a genius. if we could just appreciate the choice we are given and then make it.
2007-02-25 11:19:57
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
God is not imperfect. People commit sin and live in darkness.
By the way what are your faults.
2007-02-25 11:24:16
answer #10
answered by Freddy F 4