2007-02-25 10:03:20
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I believe in God and have some faith in hard science, but take a lot of it with a grain of salt.
I mean I was trained in school that the solar system has 9 planets and the Pluto was one of them.
In the 1960's I was told Hoyle's Steady State theory was more valid than the one Hoyle joked about as Big Bang (which, by the way, was postulated by a Cathloic Priest), then along came background cosmic radiation and between that and Pluto Hoyle's books are meaningless old wives tales.
How can one have faith in science when it regularly preaches mythology and tries to pass it off as reality.
Isn't that the definition Atheists have of religion! Mythology passed off as reality.
Well, how many planets do we have in the solar system!
Is there or is there not an Aether.
Is there or is there not a Unified Field.
Why does the temperature of absolute zero keep changing.
Why isn't the ATOM the smallest part of matter anymore.
Where did all the mass in the unverse come from!
Will it or will it not SNOW tomorrow. It was supposed to snow today and thus far it hasn't, so that scientist at the Weather Service got it WRONG again.
Maybe he should be fired from his $100K a year job for NOT knowing how weather works on a reliable basis.
Meteorology proves THERE IS A GOD and God's got a sense of humor!
2007-02-25 10:08:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
God has never had a paradyme shift in which what was known was discovered to be in error as science has had happened many times.
Science is only a way for blind men to describe an elephant . It is neither the end all nor does it explain the universe.
Tell me this...
What is the differecne between the Big bang, and In the beginning God said let there be light?
To me it is just 2 ways of explaining the same thing.
2007-02-26 04:39:31
answer #3
answered by Papa Mac DaddyJoe 3
I don't believe in either of them. Science does not require belief, it is the collection of evidence and an attempt at explaining natural processes. Science is ongoing.
The two are not mutually exclusive, many scientists believe in a god and many are religious. They just don't accept young-earth creationism because it is not science, it isn't even good religion.
By the way, as Einstein was an atheist it is highly unlikely that he came up with a mathematical proof of the existence of a god. He didn't. It amazes me that so many so-called Christians accept the lies their pastors tell them.
2007-02-25 10:21:54
answer #4
answered by tentofield 7
Both. Many scientists have come to realize that religion and science agree. Sir Isaac Newton, someone well known in the science industry, believed in a creator. If you believe in science, how could you not believe in God?
2007-02-25 10:05:19
answer #5
answered by ♥Catherine♥ 4
I don't "believe in" science. Not anywhere near the way people believe in Gods. I accept it.
It seems like the Internet is the only place I've ever met people who make a choice between one or the other, though. Plenty of people believe in a God and accept science.
2007-02-25 10:13:01
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It's not about believing science is true or not. Science is the knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method such as knowledge concerned with the physical world and its phenomena. So if you don't believe in science then you don't believe the universe exists.
2007-02-25 10:07:06
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Without God there is no science.
we have proof of this in the bible and I quote " In the Begining GOD created the heavens and the earth." See There GOD created the HEAVENS and the earth he is and always will be! Test tubes and beakers did not make the heavens or the earth GOD did! Also Can a bang really make the planets? BANG Aw man no planets........... .....nope Science is NOT a religon if thats what you mean...
2007-02-25 10:06:45
answer #8
answered by Holly Golightly the hippie 3
I believe in both just as you should. Science is knowledge and God is the source of all knowledge.<><
2007-02-25 10:04:23
answer #9
answered by CEM 5
i believe in God
2007-02-25 10:06:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
2007-02-25 10:03:27
answer #11
answered by Anonymous