Faith does not save a person. If you are helped, it is a gift, grace, of the Almighty YHVH. Most people have faith in something else, which cannot save. And in the end most people will choose to be lost rather than come to the Savior YAHOSHUA for salvation!
The Almighty YHVH set up a system. He sent His “Son” YAHOSHUA to die for the sins of mankind so they would not have to. (They could choose to, but did not have to). Any person who chooses not to allow Yahoshua to take care of their sins, chooses to remain attached to their sins. They thus will wind up in the lake of fire which is YHVH’s method of cleaning this world, and eliminating sin and sinners. The Creator set aside the Seventh day for rest and worship. Yes that is the day usually called “Saturday”. We are not saved by obedience, we are saved by faith. However we are saved FOR obedience. As He said in John 14:15 (and in many other places) “If you love me, keep my commandments.
The only thing that will change a person is the indwelling savior Yahoshua. Obviously that is rare in this sinful world.
2007-02-25 07:52:20
answer #1
answered by hasse_john 7
You can't prove the Bible...its a matter of faith. Thats what separates believers in Christ from non-believers...true believers have faith to believe in something of which there is no "scientific" proof...but if I had to give you some sort of proof...I would say that the universe had to come from somewhere...
Im talking about Earth...I mean the entire universe, all the systems, all the stars and planets...the empty space between them.....everything. It all had to come from somewhere...and its obviously intelligently designed, or things (like humans) would not be made with such complexity like fine tuned machines...
This whole universe and everything in it came from somewhere...and if you were smart, you would seriously consider trying to have faith and believe...hey, if there is nothing after we die...nothin lost right? But if you dont believe, and there is someone waiting for us....well, that would be a bad deal
2007-02-25 07:56:37
answer #2
answered by xtaticlyme 2
belief what you want just don't look down on some one that does belief in God...I think thats the problem...People think all christains are the same, and people think all athiest are the same...start looking at the person as a individual and take the belief at face value. And there are historian that have proved many events in the bible, so that about it as proof...but that is also part of the faith, believing without scientific proof, it shows you are worthy for thew kingdom of heaven.
2007-02-25 07:53:56
answer #3
answered by Spades Of Columbia 5
"The senseless one has said 'there is no Jehovah.'"
"This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ."
Yes, it's wrong to not believe in God. Bear with me and really think about this, ok?
How would you feel if you spent time, energy and counless hours designing and building an incredibly luxurious, beautiful yet efficient and self sustaining skyrise apartment building, only to have it's inhabtants trash it, be violent and destructive, and then ultimately say that the building was designed by no one? That it spontnaeously came about? What about you? The inhabitants are obviously ignoring all the hard work you did for them: the incredible design, the structural integrity, the aesthetic beauty and landscaping, even the plumbing, electrical wiring and amenities. These were all provided by you. Heck, you even left a welcome book and instruction manual with your name in it to tell the inhabitants how to get the best experience possible while living in your building. But the inhabitants took your name out of the book,and the majority of them ignore it completely.
How would you feel? Wouldn't you be hurt if you were ignored completely and the credit for your incredible work was given to others? Now imagine God. Proof of Him is all around us, from the design of a hummingbird's wings(copied by humans to create helicopters) to the magnificence of the human brain(still not completely mapped or understood) to the incredible efficiency of the water cycle. Still not enough? There are thousands of new species being discovered every day and we still don't know what the vast ocean depths hold. Science is useful, but still can't explain everything. God is the Creator of science, and wants us to understand this World while still giving Him credit for it.
Still want proof? Check out the Bible book of Daniel. Specifically, read the prophecy of the fall of Jerusalem to the Medes and Persians, which history books prove happened in October of 607 BCE. Read the account, then do some research. Scrolls of the book of Daniel have been examined and shown to be older than the date of the fall of Jerusalem. The prophecy was made over a hundred years before the birth of Cyrus, the Persian King who is specifically named in Daniel. Cyrus himself was evidently aware of this prophecy, something he mentions later on in Daniel. If you want more info, just email me and I can get it to you.
Proof is all around us: we just have to see it correctly.
2007-02-25 08:18:37
answer #4
answered by danni_d21 4
You are exactly on target. It should be obvious that proving the bible is impossible: not only does it have hundreds of factual errors, but dozens of internal contradictions as well [reference]. Since people have been attempting to prove the existence of god for at least the last 2000 years, and nobody has yet succeeded, it is reasonable to suppose that no such proof is possible. And, since it is similarly impossible to prove that god does NOT exist, it follows that every theory of god is useless: no such theory can make any prediction about the real world.
2007-02-25 07:58:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Well, that's apparently up to God to decide, not so readily his disciples or believers. Proving the Bible is iffy because supposedly his prophets scribed everything, but there is the chance of the natural human error.
It's not wrong to believe in God, and it's not wrong not to. If you don't believe in God, it just had better have some justification behind it. I think God would better acknowledge a search for truth and faith rather than devoting blind faith.
2007-02-25 07:55:38
answer #6
answered by yuffleduffles 3
I think it is wrong to not believe in God. After all who made us. Even if we all came out of a seed gradually, someone put the seed there. There has to be an Almighty Father who looks out for all His children. He gave us His Commandments, His Word, His Son and most of all His Spirit.
How can I not believe that there is a Supreme Being.
2007-02-25 07:59:53
answer #7
answered by Party _Boy 2
First, define GOD. If you speak of the 'guy' who made man in his own likeness, the one who lives in Heaven and is vengeful but forgiving.....I say it's ok to not believe in that god. That god has never made much sense to me.
My faith is in nature. Much like you, I'm quite scientific, it's how I grew up. Want proof, just look around....and it's all scientific too.
2007-02-25 08:06:21
answer #8
answered by Lillith 4
Many things in the Bible have been proven. Anyways, I think its wrong to not believe in God, but then I am a God fearing woman.
As for your scientific mind, you might think the stories in the Bible are really cool. I mean there was a talking jackass.
Can you relate?
2007-02-25 07:52:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It is a choice we are given.Those of us who do believe find it obvious because of His 'works'.Scientist's have proven the Bible.Just depends on what channel your watching I guess.I think some of those people who don't believe and are voicerous about it are trying to convince others God doesn't exist.Well,look around you.Do you really think all nature and mankind just 'popped' in out of no where?lol.Not likely.Not trying to be tiffy,but the evidence is all around you.
2007-02-25 07:59:40
answer #10
answered by gotabedifferent 5
I am going to say it like it is...
The best rebuttal against the Christians and their claim that Jesus of Nazareth is God is his inability to intervene in the non-stop and unspeakable abuse against defenseless animals, children, women, elders, and mentally incompetent and physically incapacitated men.
Decent citizens, who are scarce in number, have done more to help others than Jesus ever has. Police and firefighters risk their lives to save others EVERYDAY, not Jesus Christ.
Whenever a Christian, of any branch, gets snobbish with me, I simply ask them, "If your god is "Almighty" then why does he still allow pedophiles, even those in his own clergy, to prey on innocent children?"
They have no explanation and their bank of words begins to deplete.
I then take out a dictionary and read the meaning of COMPASSION out loud and clear.
To use the theory of "free will" to excuse their god for not intervening in behalf of victims is called "ad hoc hypothesis."
Christians need to stop the harassment against gays and non-believers (the "lost sheeps") and stop eating baby food because there is compelling evidence and research done by experts that suggest that Issa escaped death on the cross and fled to Kashmir, India, where he proclaimed to be the Messiah and died at the age of 80. ;)~
Read these two sites:
2007-02-25 08:44:36
answer #11
answered by solistman 1