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I had surgery for scoliosis and have titanium rods on my spine. Do you think a tattoo on my lower back will affect the rods (the vibration from the gun)?

2007-02-25 05:51:16 · 7 answers · asked by emilyjean05 2 in Beauty & Style Skin & Body Tattoos

7 answers

A doctor's advice would definitely be a good idea. I suspect that it'd be fine, as I understand these rods get surrounded by cushioning tissues after they've been put in. That should make the issues of bone on metal not an issue; I don't think the vibration is that much more than an extended car drive or a plane flight. The doctor should be able to extrapolate based on that.

I'm not sure if the artist would be as good a source of information as the doctor, but I'd want to check with them as well.

2007-02-25 12:33:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Seems like it should be fine, but I never really thought about this issue its a good question I suggest talking to a doctor, or a couple of different tattoo artists to see what they think about it....Good luck

2007-02-25 06:12:09 · answer #2 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

I have a tattoo on my lower back and it hurt a bit but I don't think the gun will affect your surgery. I would talk to the tattoo artist first. You never know.

2007-02-25 05:54:45 · answer #3 · answered by Molly 2 · 3 0

i would ask my doctor first but it should be fine. do you have scars on your spine? that may affect whether or not your tattoo artist will tattoo you. some won't tatoo scars. if not you should think about getting the tattoo somewhere else. like on your shoulder blades. not as painful and just as pretty.

2007-02-25 06:16:32 · answer #4 · answered by somebody's a mom!! 7 · 5 0

If I had to guess I would say that you should be fine. It may be like tattooing close to bone, which to me is less painful. Ask a tattoo artist if he or she has any experience doing this. You could even ask a doctor. Goo luck........

2007-02-25 05:59:05 · answer #5 · answered by B aka PE 6 · 3 1

Well if it's for a dedication to your dad then I guess it limits the lyrics I can suggest. Let's see how about "Your hearts be free tonight. Time is on your side" from Young Turks. Other than that I'll suggest the obvious "In my heart you will stay forever young"

2016-03-16 00:49:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no put it on your forehead or face be like mike

2007-02-25 05:55:54 · answer #7 · answered by big slick 2 · 1 6

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