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well, I have a boyfriend and we've been going out for a year and a bit now. It was going pretty well until he started flirting and stuff with my friends right in front of me. It makes me furious but I don't know what to do. I've asked my friends who see this and they don't even know what to do(they always have good advice)
I really need help. I'm getting really pist but i always manage to hide it somehow.

Anything to help me would be greatly appreciated.

2007-02-25 05:49:06 · 15 answers · asked by Talentedgurl5 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

15 answers

Wow, you are jealous one, aren't you. Get over it. Let him flirt. As long as that's all it is, who the hell cares?

2007-02-25 05:53:15 · answer #1 · answered by Tumbling Dice 5 · 0 0

I would have your friend call him on it. See what he has to say. Some guys like to make there gf jealous, if that is the case then this guy has issues. Do you still want to date him? Also, he is showing you lack of respect. I am sure if he want to flirt, he can do so with other then one of your friends. Again, do you still want to date him? My advice, start spending more time on yourself and your needs I would distance myself and start dating a new guy and give the old one the door.

2007-03-05 12:23:46 · answer #2 · answered by Kat G 6 · 0 0

Talk to him! Tell him what he is doing (for some reason, he might not be aware that he's actually flirting with other girls), tell him how it makes you feel (betrayed and unappreciated and angry), and tell him what will happen if he doesn't stop! You should not have to go through such pain and torment, so let him know how you feel about this now, before the situation gets worse.

2007-02-25 13:57:28 · answer #3 · answered by Sybelle 2 · 0 0

It depends. Are the friends you asked, the same friends he's been flirting with in front of you? If so, is it harmless flirting, just in front of you, or, does he take it further when you're not there? It could be that it's his way of being friendly with them. If he only met them through you, since you've been dating, it could be that he's just recently felt comfortable enough with them (and you) to get playful. If he doesn't take it any further than what you see, I wouldn't worry about it. If it doesn't end with what you're seeing, DUMP HIM!

2007-02-25 13:55:50 · answer #4 · answered by spizzerinctum 1 · 0 0

jealousy is a *****. Wanna know what, if you've been with this guy for over a year, you should be able to talk to him. Tell your BF how you feel, and maybe he'll watch what he says or does. I am a very flirty person, but its harmless. Maybe he sees it as being the same way. If it bothers you that much, talk with him about it. Trust him that he loves you, and wouldn't do anything to hurt you. If you talk with him, he'll stop if he knows it upsets you.

2007-02-25 13:53:19 · answer #5 · answered by Hannah 5 · 0 1

You have a few options here. First, you could dump him and get on with life. Some guys are just a**holes. Or, you could sit him down and talk to him about it. If he really cares about you, he'll understand and stop the behavior.

2007-02-25 13:55:14 · answer #6 · answered by kb293 2 · 0 0

Ask your friends to tell him to stop flirting but make sure they say it nice and loudly and in front of you and preferrably in a tone of voice they would use on a naughty child. Bet that'll stop him.

2007-02-25 14:25:05 · answer #7 · answered by Charley 4 · 0 0

You need to ask you can do it without being to obvoius,but ask what he thinks of your friends and if he thinks they are attractive. You might get an answer then. if not Let him know that you noticed how he has been around your friends and how would he feel if you did the same to him.

2007-02-25 13:54:30 · answer #8 · answered by surfawave 1 · 0 0

Start flirting with his friend right in front of him!!!!!

Or just Dump him!! he obviously has no respect for you!

2007-02-25 13:55:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In a relationship you have to tell each other what bothers you. If he doesn't try to please you after that he is probably looking. Don't get pist - Get gone.

2007-02-25 13:56:30 · answer #10 · answered by Kenny Ray 3 · 0 0

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