There are guys that only go for skinny girls, there are guys that only go for regular average girls, and there are guys that only go for fat girls. These do not represent all guys, some guys are flexible with which girls they choose.
Looks are important, but not overly important unless the guy is shallow. It's the personality and the way you feel about yourself that make you the most attractive. So called "hotness" is a temporary attraction and without the main personality and self esteem the relationship cannot survive with most men. People that have an attractive personality and self esteem tend to make their looks more attractive, that's why the phenomena of if you have a good personality, as a guy gets to know you, the better you look to him regardless of what other people see. There can be fat girls who are more attractive than skinny and average girls and vice versa.
Your boyfriend seems to accept you and your looks which is a indicator of a good boyfriend, but the most important one to accept you should be you. If you don't accept yourself and you make complaints about how fat you are all the time, it is not attractive and can be downright annoying.
Accepting does not always mean condoning. If you have serious health risks from being overweight it is important to eat and exercise better. You can still love yourself for being you and so can your boyfriend, but it doesn't mean that you should just be complacent and not do anything about it. Loving others and loving ourselves usually makes us want to look better and be better people.
So in conclusion and to answer your question directly, yes there are a lot of guys out there who don't always go for skinny girls. I personally do not have a specific type in the categories of fat, skinny, or average. I mostly base it on who the person is and remember that there can always be a better, more attractive girl in another category. Beauty does not discriminate between the categories.
I hope I have answered your question thoroughly.
Good luck!
2007-02-25 14:15:09
answer #1
answered by djf20051 2
i'm of the choice opinion. My journey with online relationship has printed that if a female isn't very skinny, she's not likely to be asked out. i'm a in good shape and healthy length 14 and characteristic been asked for my certainly measurements by skill of adult males responding to my advert. i will not be able to have confidence how petty they're incredibly granted their age and training. Can one generalize? i'm getting off of the positioning as that's becoming to be hurtful.
2016-10-16 11:22:06
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Guys see girls in three classes: skinny, average, and fat. Very few guys go for skinny or fat girls. Most prefer average girls, dont seek after skinny ones but are OK with it, and actively avoid fat. Overweight is generally somehting we put up with or we actively avoid, but it's not something we like, unless the guy has a fetish about it.
Once we get to love someone then it doesn't matter so much about appearance, but true love takes years (not months, not a year and a half, but YEARS). If you've only known him a few months, he's going to be concerned with appearance, as most of us are.
2007-02-25 05:35:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Babe, you I already think you found a guy who likes you for you not just for your body. Hun, I am not the skinniest pair in the world but my boyfriend always laughs when I talk about loseing weight. He doesn't think I have to just as your boyfriend thinks that you are the best when you are happy with yourself.
Maybe it isn't the guys likes but your own. Accept how you are and all around you will accept you too. Everyone is who they are, and you are who you are. If you are really not happy diet, but no matter how skinny you are you will still have to learn to love yourself.
PS djf (look down) is my boy and of course he had to one up me lol
2007-02-25 05:37:35
answer #4
answered by mesacrasy 2
be your self. love your self guys are into a girl that has a mind as well as a body but most out there will tell you as long as you carry yourself well and hold your self to a higher stander-ed guys will notice you not your weight, but remember if you feel weird they will feel that too.. so get right with you then the right guy will notice you for you.. hey and if you feel this way. join a gym with a friend or just take walks and eat a little better this will help you feel better about your self. but remember only you can make you feel one can do that for you...take care good luck
2007-02-25 05:39:30
answer #5
answered by tlcoufan 3
the day you find a guy that truly does not care about appearance is the day you found the best guy on earth. as for me...well i can say i do care about appearance and would not date a noticeably heavier girl not matter how nice she was...i know this is horrible but its just the way i, and most other guys for that matter, feel. but i bet if you did loose a few extra pounds, your boyfriend would love you even more and maybe it would make him do something in return???
2007-02-25 05:37:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Heck yea...I try to telll people its about the way you carry yourself , your personality, and lots of other qualities. What you need to do is be happy with what you see in the mirror and actively work on it if you are overweight. If you dont like what you see how can you expect him to keep liking you...Good Luck ;)
2007-02-25 05:37:58
answer #7
answered by The TrutH 3
of course. we are all our own worse critics. and guys dont notice the things that we do.(ie cellulite). i was very thin when i met my man, and now ive put on 30 lbs.(much to my dismay). i feel like a cow but he tells me im beautiful and sexy all the time.he loves you the way you are. this is YOUR issue hon.and ive known many guys who love curves and dont like skinny girls.sounds like you have a great guy. any means cut yourself down around him. accept his compliments.
2007-02-25 05:40:52
answer #8
answered by itsme2003 2
of course. if ur boyfriend doesn't like the u look then maybe he is not right for u. u should have a guy who appreciates the way u look. u r fine the way u r. u don't want to change just b/c some guy doesn't like the way u look. not all guys look for apperiences they look for personalities.
2007-02-25 05:38:09
answer #9
answered by sweetcherrypie_♥ 4
if the man loves you then he loves everything that is you. im sure it wouldnt matter to him if you lost weight. i have been into some girls that i didnt find atractive at first but as time went on and i got to know them better they became more attractive to me.
2007-02-25 05:35:16
answer #10
answered by airbguy 2