It depends on if it's something you'd like to do or not. If you do, you really need to discuss before hand what is and what is not ok. If you are not interested, let him know, no way would you ever do that. And, personally, threesomes might float some people's boat, but with two brothers? sounds a little incestuous to me. I'd stay away, even if I were a fan of threesomes.
2007-02-25 05:29:43
answer #1
answered by leavemealonestalker 6
Answering it is up to how comfortable you are in your sexuallity. Sex is just sex aslong as the two in the relationship are comfortable with each other and not the jelous type.
So heres your two choices, if it turns you on and you think that it wont cause interferance with your relationship by all means go for it!
If you arnt interested and you think there may be some jelousy then you just need to tell him how you feel.
You can have a relationship and have sex with others, theres tuns of swingers out there that are in perfectly good and long lasting relationships.
2007-02-25 05:35:45
answer #2
answered by Jon 5
That's up to you...but I sure hope they don't plan on interacting (incest).
Also, what are the chances your relationship with your bf could be hurt after he sees you being intimate with his brother?
If you want to try out a threesome (male or female), find a playmate who has no ties to either of you.
2007-02-25 05:29:31
answer #3
answered by . 7
bet you aren't the first to be honored by the twins. probably is a routine and serial sort of behavior. they will just move on to the next lay. lol
2007-02-25 05:32:14
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If he asked you that, then you already know he doesn't value you very much. So as a last kiss-off, rock their world and then walk away with a smile on your face.
2007-02-25 05:32:50
answer #5
answered by kristinkat 1
By throwing his sorry asss out the door
2007-02-25 05:28:25
answer #6
answered by Einstein 7
Don't be a slut. I would dump his a*s for wanting to share. I don't know about you, but if he's wanting a threesome. he's going to want more of it in the future. If it's okay with you of course. but my bf and I don't like to share. ESPEICALLY WITH BROTHERS.
2007-02-25 05:29:57
answer #7
answered by roxylee11782 4
How do you want to answer. Does the thought of that repulse you? Does it turn you on? You be the master of your domain.
2007-02-25 05:28:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Think- why would a GUY want to do something with another GUY? Straight males want a threesome with two girls.
2007-02-25 05:28:44
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Thats ******* NASTY, get rid of the guy. You dont need to be with someone who wants to have a threesome with his own bro, thats just wrong.
2007-02-25 05:35:27
answer #10
answered by tommi_ghurl_2006 3