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I am asexual, but for some reason I desire companionship, and come to a creative solution, I need to design or help design an artificial companion to aid me whenever I feel lonely.

I (just about to) have my computer programming AS degree so I'd be willing to make this a final project for when I go into a 4 year. Any help would be appreciated.

My question (especially since this is in the dating category) is that if I am actually able to finish the project on my own, I would need massive amounts of data from women (mainly their reactions to things), anyone know where a site or...something that might have something similar to what I'm asking? I know it’s a stretch but it never hurts to ask, maybe I could do a study or something.

One last thing, this is a real question, I want real answers. If you want a violation, please put something stupid/hateful/or ignorant, I will report anything that is not an answer.

2007-02-25 05:16:00 · 1 answers · asked by D 4 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

1 answers

If you want real data, you could always check scientific journals on psychology, sexuality. Maybe take a class on women's studies (not sure if it covers historical female figures or a social study of women).

There are always the magazines such as comso, vogue, redbook, etc. Or maybe you could obtain input from a guy who is a player and has had interaction with multiple women. Then maybe from a guy who has been married long term.

Whatever you do find, do not ask "how would you react?" in any given situation. The best is to gather empirical data from what the response was AFTER the stimulus was introduced. How many women say "I want a nice guy who will bring me flowers and romance me all the time," only to find out they are dating a mean guy.

2007-02-26 03:29:39 · answer #1 · answered by Thundercat 7 · 0 0

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