I just purchased it last night and have read most of the book. Here's the "cure": it's a 4 phase diet or life change, basically phase 1 he states that all foods that are not organic will make you fat and are not good for you so don't eat processed man-made food (fast food). Drink half gallon to one gallon of spring water a day. Do colon cleanse, eat 2 organic apples and grapefruits a day, walk 1 hr a day outside everday. He gives about 50 things to do on the 1 phase, I cannot mention them all, too long. Phase 2 is the actual "diet" phase where he tells you exactly what to eat along with hCG injections you must take daily (this is were I freaked) I don't like needles! but he states that there is an alternative to the injections, something called The turbo protein diet (which I haven't read yet). This phase 2 lasts between 21-45 days. Phase 3 you can eat as much food as you want except for certain things he puts down like no sugar,strach,trans fat, etc. Phase 4 is basically to continue eating organic foods, drink water,teas, etc. The book is a lot more detailed than what I have explained. I would read it, why not? It doesn't bother me that he's been to jail, I am open to all kinds of information and for me eating healthier organic foods plus some of the other things he mentions is just common sense. I'm willing to give it a try. Hope this answers your question!
2007-02-27 05:50:11
answer #1
answered by animalover 3
Here is a place that reviews a bunch of weight loss programs, dieting aides, supplements and so on. They may have a review on the book, if it's listed. The site even has categories like diabetes, low fat and hypnosis. Pretty cool site.
Many of the programs listed have consumer reviews, so you can read what others think of the different programs. Possibly, "Weight Loss Cures" is one of the products with some reviews you could read.
Hope this helps!
2007-02-28 09:35:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I looked up (Search window above) info on here about that book yesterday and this was VERY helpful. I cut and pasted it from someone's answer. Other answers had warnings about the author, but THIS makes sense:
Hi Pretty
I belong to his website membership and he has tons of info and I copied most of it here. The info he gives is eye opening and is very effective.
Diet & Supplements
1. Drink a glass of water immediately upon rising
Ideally, the water should be distilled. Absolutely no tap water.
This starts the body’s metabolism and cleansing.
2. Eat a big breakfast
It is interesting to note that 80 percent of the people who are overweight eat a small breakfast or none at all. Eighty percent of thin people eat a large breakfast. Your breakfast should consist of as much as you want of the following items. Everything listed should be organic. Apples, pears, berries, kiwis, pineapples, grapefruit, plums, peaches, prunes, figs, rye bread, raw butter (raw means not pasteurized and not homogenized), raw milk, plain yogurt (this means no sugar or fruit), wild smoked salmon, beef in any form as long as it’s organic, chicken in any form as long as it’s organic, lamb in any form as long as it’s organic, tuna, sardines, eggs, tomatoes, peppers, salsa, celery, carrots, any vegetable, potatoes in limited amounts, coffee in limited amounts made with pure water not tap water with raw milk or cream and raw evaporated sugar cane juice or honey as a sweetener, real tea (not tea in tea bags).
3. Eat organic apples all day
The old saying is true – an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apples are loaded with fiber and nutrients; they normalize your blood sugar and decrease your appetite. You should eat at least one apple every day. The more the better.
4. Eat only organic meat, poultry & fish
One of the reasons you are overweight is because of the growth hormone put in meat and poultry. If you want to lose weight, eat as much meat and poultry as you like as long as it is organic, grass fed, ideally kosher, and most importantly, has not been given growth hormone. The fish you eat should not be farm raised.
5. Eat a huge salad at lunch & dinner
I don’t care if your lunch is a cheeseburger, French fries, and a pint of ice cream, add to it a big, huge salad and eat that first. You’ll be amazed that you lose weight. The salad can contain anything you like as long as it is only vegetables and they are organic. The salad dressing should be organic olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice, or organic vinegar. If you really want to speed the weight loss process use organic apple cider vinegar. Add some organic sea salt, fresh ground pepper, or some garlic for taste.
6. Add hot peppers
Anything spicy or hot will increase your metabolism and make you burn fat quicker. Imagine for breakfast having some scrambled eggs, some lamb chops, and some rye toast with organic butter. Smother the eggs with some organic hot salsa and you will simply lose weight faster.
7. Use organic apple cider
This has some magical property which helps eliminate fat cells from the body. Take a couple of teaspoons before each meal and you will be amazed at how your clothes will become bigger in no time.
8. Fast
This should be number one, but for most people this is the hardest. Going on a proper juice fast for 21 days will completely detoxify your body, flush fat cells, and reset your body’s weight set point. It is one of the fastest ways to lose weight, and one of the most effective ways to change the body’s set point so that you will not gain the weight back. This should be done under supervision depending upon your medical condition. The best book I know is The Miracle of Juice Fasting
Wellness & Exercise
1. Walk at least an hour, non-stop, per day
The body is designed to walk. Research shows that slow, rhythmic movement exercise, such as walking, resets your body’s weight set point and creates a thin, lean body. A one-hour walk everyday will change your body dramatically in as little as one month.
2. Rebound
A rebounder, or mini trampoline, allows you to stimulate and strengthen every cell in the body simultaneously. Gently jumping up and down on a rebounder for just ten minutes a day stimulates the lymphatic system and increases your metabolism. It is very effective for health and weight loss.
3. Breathe
Oxygen burns fat. Most people do not breathe enough to stimulate their metabolism and fat burning capabilities. There are several great videos which teach breathing techniques that are simple and quick to do that can help you lose weight faster.
4. Wear magnetic finger rings
Special magnet rings worn on the little finger of each hand while you sleep can have amazing results.
5. Add Muscle
Muscle burns fat. When you add muscle through exercise you are increasing your body’s metabolism. The best way to do this is yoga, Pilates, Chinese Kung Fu, or old fashion basic exercises. There are several videos and books I recommend.
Cleansing for Weight loss
1. Candida Cleanse
If you are overweight, you positively, absolutely have a Candida yeast overgrowth, probably throughout your entire body. Losing weight will be hard and slow and keeping it off nearly impossible as long as this condition exists. If you wipe out the excess Candida losing weight will be easier and effortless, and keeping it off will be a breeze. You must get the book Lifeforce, which explains the Candida cleansing process.
2. Colon Cleanse
If you are overweight I guarantee you that your digestive system is slow and sluggish. Unless you are having two to three bowel movements per day, you are in fact constipated. Cleansing the colon will dramatically increase your metabolism, and you can lose up to ten pounds by simply getting rid of the embedded toxins in your colon. There are many colon cleansing programs available. Herbdoc.com is the best
3. Liver Cleanse
If you are overweight your liver is most definitely clogged. Get the book The Liver Cleansing Diet.
4. 15 Colonics in 30 Days
This process will clean your colon making it easier for your body to assimilate nutrients. This reduces hunger and increases metabolism. Colonics also allow your body to digest food faster so that it will not turn to fat.
2007-02-25 03:31:37
answer #6
answered by Sleek 7