Tithing is mandatory in most churches of Christendom and taught in a way that causes condemnation if the parishioner doesn't or cannot give. In fact, for members of the so-called church to be in good standing, they must tithe or be removed from the church rolls. Ministers play various members against each other by boasting on those that are able to give large tithes. The ministers and the congregation look upon these members in high esteem for their tithe. Those unable to give large donations may be shunned by the pastor and other good standing members. Religious leaders use this form of mind control, psychology, and peer pressure on church-goers to manipulate both the giver and the size of the tithe. The manipulation that religious leaders use to get large tithes places an extra dose of condemnation on the congregation.
Tithing, the old lie that could send you to hell
At Mt. Sinai, God made a covenant (A testament) with the children of Israel, it eventually came to have 613 laws, everyone of which had to be obeyed to avoid having a curse put on them. The curse of the law. Under the law, Israel could not eat certain foods, such as pork or fish without scales, and they were required to be circumcised. The law called for the stoning of adulterers and homosexuals, it also forbade them to eat with gentiles. The law also called for Israel to pay tithes (Always edible substances). As noted above, there were 613 laws in total. The nature of the law called for absolute obedience to all 613 parts: to violate just one law was to violate the whole law as seen below.
"Cursed be he that confirmeth not all the words of this law to do them." Deut. 27:26
This is confirmed in the New Testament as well in regards to the nature of the old law
"Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them." Gal 3:10
But have you ever noticed that of the 613 laws given to Israel the modern day church leaders (for the most part) say that we are free from all the old law except for the two that puts money into the church and into their pockets: The Sabbath law and the tithing law.
"...shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you..." 2 Peter 2:3
And it would seem to me that many are using this "Tithing Law" to make merchandise (get money from) the children of God just as the word said they would.
How could paying tithes land someone in hell?
When you read the book of Galatians you will find that Paul told some gentiles whom he had led to Christ that if they obeyed any part of the old Jewish law, including the law of circumcision, in order to be right (justified) with God, they have fallen from grace, or lost their salvation.
4"Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace". Gal 5:4
Now any pastor or bible scholar with any knowledge of the word at all will admit like circumcision, tithing was part of the law. Now if obeying the law of circumcision would cause gentile Christians of Paul's day to "fall from grace", one would have to conclude that obeying another old law; "The law of tithing" would have the same results on us today; that is to say, it will cause us to fall away from the grace of God. In other words, to lose your salvation and start down the road to hell.
There is no command outside of the old testament law (which is no longer binding) that requires a Christian to tithe. Let me say that again so you will really get it. There is no command outside of the old testament law that requires a Christian to tithe. If you are trying to tithe you ARE trying to obey that law and are putting yourself in grave danger.
Don't be deceived
I have warned you of the danger in observing the law of tithing or any other old testament law for that matter. Please don't just go along with what your denomination, church or pastor has to say about it, they derive most of their income from people tithing. Of course they will tell you that you have to do it.
Open your bible and ask God to show you the truth. The book of Galatians is a good place to start.
In the Law of Moses, not everyone was required to tithe or give firstfruits. Only those who were actually growing food or raising sheep or cattle were required by the Law to tithe the food or present firstfruits. People from other occupations were not required to tithe since they had no harvest or growth of flocks to tithe or to present firstfruits from. Not everyone tithed food who lived under the Law. No one under the Law tithed money at all.
Christ has only a few words to say about tithing. In those words, Christ does not say that everyone should tithe. He says that unbelieving Jews living under the Law should tithe food if they are growing it. He mentions three food plants. Christ is not addressing His disciples. He is addressing unbelieving Pharisees.
The apostle Paul does not teach that everyone is obligated to tithe or to even to give. He teaches that giving is completely voluntary. The first apostolic council in Acts Chapter 15 does not say that Gentile believers should tithe either. There is absolutely no evidence that any Gentile Christian in the First Century ever tithed anything.
Everyone gives 10% of ongoing income. Considering the gives element. The two events before the Law do seem like giving. They are both voluntary acts. God does not require either man, Abraham or Jacob, to give anything. While this does on the surface seem to support the tithing teaching, it actually contradicts some aspects of the Tithing Obligation teaching. While the proponents of tithing teach that tithing is giving, they also often teach that tithing is required, that a tithe must be paid. Of course, this is a contradiction in their teaching. Something can be only given if it is entirely voluntary. If it is required, then it is, in this case, a fee for spiritual services or a religious tax. If some teach that a believer comes under a curse if they do not tithe, then they are not teaching giving but teaching paying an obligated tithe. Of course, they are right in one sense because they are often spiritualizing the Law of Moses to teach tithing.
more on this at this link below....
2007-02-25 04:28:35
answer #1
answered by T M 2
You have to pay a membership fee to be a member of a synagogue because they need money to keep themselves afloat like any organization, especially since after services there is often a full kosher meal. If you can't pay the whole fee however they don't turn you away, they ask how much you can pay and then give you a full membership based on that. People also bid on the front seats at Yom Kippur and the High Holidays at some large synagogues, because that's when all the usual non-practicing people come, filling up the synagogue. But nowhere are you required to pay more money than you can afford.
If by tithe you mean give to charity, we do. Alot. Every day we are supposed to give to charity in our tzdeka box, as much as we can afford. We do still keep tithes, I don't know what you're talking about.
Actually, it's much more than 10%. We're supposed to give at least 20, but if we can't, we give as much as we can afford. Giving shouldn't be required, it should come from the heart.
2007-02-25 02:35:53
answer #2
answered by LadySuri 7
Tithing is done because the passing of the plate is not a reliable way to receive sufficient donations to cover the operating cost of a church, and the salaries of the pastor. Biblicly, it is no longer required.
In the JWs, they don't tithe or pass the plate. There is one small box in the back of the congregation for donations. You will note that on their web site, there is not even a way to make donations. This is why you never see scammers trying to use their name or any symbols from them to get people to make donation for non-existent projects, such as flood relief. One did try that after Katrina, but failed miserably. Witnesses know there is only one way to make donations, and none involve the Internet. Unfortunately, it is not the same for other religions. People can say they are a Catholic, Protestant, etc., perhaps placing the fish symbol on a web page, and they will get donations.
Since no one gets paid in the organization, and those in positions like the Governing Board, only hold the positions for a short time, and live in two bedroom apartments with the printing plant volunteers. The congregations are of uniform design and are built by volunteers, so that don't cost much.
2007-02-25 02:40:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I hate to disagree with some of you Christians, but yes, tithes are required of most Christians church members, whether it is openly expressed or implied.
In most Christian churches the tithes (10% of a person's income) is to be given to the church as a contribution to support the ministry.
I could give some pretty good list of churches that ask their members to pay tithes, but I won't because that is up to them and their membership.
There are a small number of Christian churches that do not ask nor imply the paying of the tithing tribute. I know of ministers who earn more than all the members of their churches, just because the people's tithes are used to pay the ministers' salaries.
2007-02-25 03:11:08
answer #4
answered by David G 6
The New Testament nowhere assigns a certain percentage of income to set aside, but only says it is to be “in keeping with his income” (1 Corinthians 16:2). The Christian church has essentially taken the 10% figure from the Old Testament tithe and applied it as a “recommended minimum” for Christians in their giving. Although the New Testament does not identify a specific amount or percentage to give, it does talk about the importance and benefits of giving. They should give as they are able, “in keeping with his income.” Sometimes that means giving more than a tithe, sometime that may mean giving less than a tithe. It all depends on the ability of the Christian and the needs of the church. Each and every Christian should diligently pray and seek God’s wisdom as to whether to participate in tithing and/or for how much he or she should give (James 1:5). “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).
2007-02-25 03:42:20
answer #5
answered by Freedom 7
Christians aren't required to because God wants nothing unless it's given with a cheerful heart. We are the stewarts of His money and I like to give as I can, but I do try to make it 10% even though it is not required by God. If a church or religion tells you you must give a tithe, then they are wrong.
2007-02-25 02:33:47
answer #6
answered by VW 6
Do Jews Tithe
2016-10-17 02:30:07
answer #7
answered by drago 4
Interesting -- The Chrisians are the ones that have the new covenant, the old covenant hasn't changed and the Jews should still be following it. weird. I wonder who told them it had changed since God is the same yesterday, today, and forever and if they don't believe in Jesus as the Son of God, they should still be in the old covenant.
We pay tithes because it is needed to support the church and its programs. How would the church feed the hungry and clothe the naked without money?? The church is meant to be a service to the community. The building still has to be paid for, the people who serve at the church need a salary, the electric bill has to be paid. How do you think all that would happen without money? God's work will be paid for by God, but He uses us. I go to a church building, I should pay my part. Anything you do requires you to pay, or at least somebody to pay. Sometimes God sends money through outside sources, but mostly the members of the church need to help out.
Saying we shouldn't is like saying that movie theatres shouldn't charge money. They should pay the bills themselves, why should we help out?? The church provides a service, and that takes money.
2007-02-25 02:36:15
answer #8
answered by BaseballGrrl 6
Tithes are not mandatory....but if you want a warm place that has lighting to meet in then bills have to be paid... so some money has to be collected... it is a voluntary contribution of those who attend... the only way to keep the doors open.
2007-02-25 02:40:27
answer #9
answered by idahomike2 6
I don't think Christians are required to. I think they're asked to.
I do not know what Jews say on the subject.
2007-02-25 02:32:05
answer #10
answered by Misty 7
What Christians actually give 10%, and who do they give it to? Who told you Jews say it's not required now? Never heard of either of these things..
2007-02-25 02:35:05
answer #11
answered by XX 6