I have no idea why and better yet why would anyone that teaches from the bible say it's ok!
The chapter below explains how God feels about it.
Romans 1 1-32.…..{26-28}
1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
What the Bible says about homosexuality
>>{homosexuals (including lesbians). This is the only clear reference to lesbians in the Bible.}<<<<
"The natural use of the woman"
Paul explains that "the natural use" of women is to act as sexual objects for the pleasure of men.
1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
2007-02-25 00:10:54
answer #1
answered by LucySD 7
This is because it is normal and natural, otherwise why would it exist???? Why would an enormous amount of people in this world choose to pretend to be gay if they weren't?
If you're gay the idea of doing anything sexual with the opposite sex is as repulsive as the idea for a straight person of going with someone of the same sex. It just feels wrong.
Imagine if being gay was "the norm", but you are straight, would you just go with same sex to be like everyone else, think about it, no you would do what felt natural to you, even if it made you discriminated against, because you cant go against your nature.
As for same sex "marriage", first of all i dont like the term marriage when applied to gay ceremonies, i think marriage is for the church and therefore for straight couples. I would have a civil partnership as we call it in the uk because for practical reasons so you have the same financial and next of kin rights as straight couples, also it is nice to take that next step of commitment with someone that you love.
2007-02-25 00:05:42
answer #2
answered by hillpip_123 2
"Normal" is all a matter of perspective. What is weird to you is normal to someone else, and vice versa. Same sex marriage isn't allowed everywhere, where it is allowed it is generally done so out of the idea that a marriage is a sacred covenant of love, regardless of gender.
2007-02-25 00:04:43
answer #3
answered by LeytonKeeley 2
Based on your grammar I don't think you are able to ask this question but the answer is what business is it of yours or mine if they want to get married. Nobody is telling you that you can't marry, or maybe you belong to one of the fundamentalist churches that still promotes the original meaning of marriage.
"The transfer of ownership of a female to another male in exchange for goods, property, money, prestige, power or other valuta by the father or male guardian of the female."
The current purpose of marriage these days is to establish joint and survivor rights to property, insurance and medical benefits. If same sex couples are not entitled to these benefits then why should marriages that do not produce genetic offspring be entitled to the benefits?
2007-02-25 00:01:22
answer #4
answered by St N 7
r u kidding? same intercourse relationships are comparable to heterosexual ones, same issues same subject concerns same love, noone can deny who they are attracted to and there could be no obstacle to the expression of those thoughts, marriage is the only spectacular expression of affection and committment between 2 human beings, it doesnt rely whether it a guy and a gal, 2 adult adult males or 2 gals, whose defintion of regular r u touching on besides?
2016-11-25 22:08:29
answer #5
answered by ? 4
Because anybody who wants the headache and hassle of being married shouldn't be denied. After a few of these have gone thru, word will get out... The craze will die out, and the trend will be like the heterosexual world where it is becoming obsolete.
2007-02-24 23:55:59
answer #6
answered by Lt. Dan reborn 5
Anything for a quiet life.
2007-02-25 00:59:46
answer #7
answered by ? 6