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3 answers

Think an irregular student is someone who doesn't attend his/her classses regularly. One who comes most often too late for her classs. One who promises to submit some write-ups@assignment answers, but never come up@once@the date@time she herself has set.

She is someone who's got deep trouble@problems, too much confusion@a feeling of being lost, why she couldn't lately make it to her word. She's not only in deep psycho trouble, she's also in deep financial trouble, why she can't just be as mobile as she wants to. She's got distrust@lack of confidence upon people around her, so that she feels terribly@exclusively alone.

I think this irregular student needs some kind of health@spirit lifter. Maybe a change of environment, to a more positive atomosphere, away from her trauma@pains of past.

Much too often than not, these irregular students have far higher I.Q. than normal, that is why they often deviate from what's being given as the standard, maybe, for exploration, for enrichment, for added knowledge, for inspiration, for serendipity. And they know too well the price that they have to pay. I think they do a little deviation, just a slight one, so that when punishment comes, it will also be lighter to bear@suffer.

Maybe, these students want a little deviation, to become quite different from the rest. They might have consistent, or should I say, dedicated efforts@studies in their younger years, but as time progresses, they have discovered that if they won't do so, the fast changing times will one day caught them unaware@will trample them totally.

They have a little secret, or shall we say, charism, why they do this. It is to see beneath what naked eyes could see. And it helps. Sometimes, it's also for "style"@"art". Whatever it is, this student feels good deviating a little. Maybe for a little thrill@excitement, to help her keep going, to be able to surpass@overcome her lingering problems.

These students need the support of their teacher. A one-on-one session, so they could be able to talk things through. And for them, to be able to meet a resolution, halfway. And so that, they could come into clearer terms, so that the next time, she deliberately deviates again, she is sure to receive a kind of strict corrective measure, much heavier than her first offenses when she was not yet been "warned".

These irregular students wants@needs@loves a teacher who is gentle of ways, actions@speeches, one with a kind of a lyric voice that makes him more of a poet@a virtuoso, just like a fairty tale soldier prince. Moreso, his handsome appearance@most preferably with most clement Spanish eyes, helps add more inspiration@speed for said students to pick up in their class. There's a kind of a mystical magic in there. It could be charisma, it could be character. It could be aura, it could be artistic sense. Whatever it is, it is there, to inspire said student to become once more a regular, more diligent one. They just need this to make good@excel fairly in their class. Without the help of their teacher, they can't just make it to the finish of their course.

I for one, shares sympathy for these students, knowing their potentials untapped, knowing what they could actually do, speaking of their capability@ability@still some more talents that only surfaces@come at once, upon the promptings@blessings of Divine Providence. They are the shying subtle types, so most often misunderstood@set aside.

I will be very grateful for one teacher, to help these students..... And give them one last chance, please?

2007-02-24 22:34:27 · answer #1 · answered by Marianessa 2 · 1 1

An irregular student is someone who studies on an intermittent basis. In other words not routinely.They attend college or work on computer studies at their own convenience.They are in many ways to be commended because they often have full time jobs, run their own homes and care for their families.They fit in their studies as and when they can,but this does not mean they are less dedicated to their task.

2007-02-24 23:05:04 · answer #2 · answered by Lindsay Jane 6 · 0 0

I'm a new teacher and i was an irregular student... i think every student has his or her own personality. In this world "normal" has to be well behaved and smart with straight A's and all that other stuff, but hey we can't all be that. Every person goes to the beat of his own drummer

2007-02-24 22:11:04 · answer #3 · answered by me 4 · 1 0

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