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OTHER THAN THE BIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

try to approach this question through a scientific and/or philisophical point of view

2007-02-24 21:12:10 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

15 answers

The existence of a Creator can be proven mathematically, that is scientifically. This is an irrefutable fact. The natural question that arises then is why don't all the scientific people believe in God?
The reason is that on this particular subject many people prefer to keep their preconceived, emotional, thoughts.
In case you are interested to pursue the matter further on your own I can give you the following hint.

Non existence can become existence only if there is a Cause. An example. We were non existence before being born. We came from non existence into existence because our parents existed. There was a cause: our parents. The same is true with our parents. They came from non existence into existence because their parents existed.

So let's go back and imagine a time when nothing at all existed. Existence can appear from non existence if a Cause exists.
We need to demonstrate that this Cause did not have any other Cause in turn, in other words that this Cause is unique.
The mathematical proof does just that. This proof belongs to Avicenna - mathematician, doctor, philosopher, astronomer and genius of the 11th century Persia. The theorem goes like this: There exists a Cause which is Uncaused and Unique. ( I wish I could write it in bold letters.) This Cause is what we can call God or the Creator or the Primary Source of All things or whatever name we may feel more comfortable with.

2007-02-27 04:50:01 · answer #1 · answered by apicole 4 · 0 0

Subatomic molecules naked to any eye other than a electron microscope, can be seen and even adjusted with other molecules. To seperate or combine those molecules are the basic principles associated with massive energy release, correct? So that being said, what united force makes that reaction so intense? Because after all you cant have a reaction without an EQUAL and opposite reaction. A mixture of chemicals is not a difficult process to maintian, and consequently neither is assembling that nuclear reacotr chamber to quantify and catalyze that reaction. All those things being said, how can there not be a God to facilitate any of these occurences. No scientist or doctor can tell you WHY the human heart works. Its a free floating nominal spirit that moves the whole body and provides life giving oxegon to every part of the bopdy including the brain. Doctors know how it works. But not why it beats. Foigure that one out when the earth ends and I'll show you why there is a God, whther I ever see or feel him in my lifetime, I dont know yet. But I know there has to be a god. A famous philosopher and scientist said, "Science only goes so far, and then comes God" Because even science cant explain everything. So the only logical explanation is that something omnipitent and all-knowing is running this wet dream we call life. Of course, what the hell do I know? I'm no theologist.

2007-02-25 05:32:45 · answer #2 · answered by B Rock 2 · 0 0

The numerous blessings in my life and the answered prayers. True, there are times when the answer to my prayer is "NO" and it so darned sucks but still there are times when things seem to be impossible but after saying a prayer, a miracle happens. Sceptics would perhaps attribute it to pure coincidence or luck but I am more prone to believe it is the work of something mightier than either.

There was also once a study which used plants with the same degree of sickness and some people were asked to pray for some of these. The others received no prayer but both received the same treatments. Results showed that those prayed for recovered more and a lot quicker than those unprayed for. Too much for a coincidence, don't you think.

Anyway, proof or no proof, as somebody once said: "I would rather live my life as if there was a God and find out that there isn't, than to live my life as if there was no God and find out that there is."

2007-02-25 06:29:19 · answer #3 · answered by woman in the well 5 · 1 0

I think proof of God could be the sun. Now we really do not understand how a ball of fire, the size of a planet, can burn and produce heat for so many centuries. We cannot even come close to sending a shuttle there and get any sample of any kind.
(Rumor has it "Hell" is hotter.) And from what I know, we can only observe the sun through telescope and make "Educated guesses." We don't know if it's a liquid or if it has solid ground. All we know it that the sun shines on us, feeds us, warms us, and even makes our world the greatest masterpiece ever assembled for us to enjoy. That's God for you. God makes the sun shine on us. He makes the grass and plants grow, and he makes us feel like we belong to somebody who actually cares about what happens to you. Sure you fall down, but he practically YELLS at you, Learn from your mistakes! Don't fall into the same trap like you did before! And from there, it's your choice.

2007-02-25 11:23:40 · answer #4 · answered by Da Mick 5 · 1 0

first of all i'd like to comment about the point that most people mock the bible a lot and such is a proof that this book was subject to change through out history.
as for proof of Allah's existance without even seeing him, is the natural changes we see everyday and the earth and universe undergoes such as the phenomena of day and night, the coming and going of four seasons, the way another human is formed within the womb of a female, the amazing way all beings grow: humans, plants, how mountains are formed..... and i can go on for ever. hopes this is up to your satisfaction, and is quite convincing. if not, take some time medidating the world around you.. and ask yourself... who?

2007-02-25 10:47:47 · answer #5 · answered by Honey 3 · 0 1

Nothing can be proved other then I exist. If I can prove to you nothing because there is flaw in all human logic, because knowledge is only based off old ideals that will be later disproven or changed by the populace. Faith is the only "Proof".

2007-02-26 01:16:37 · answer #6 · answered by the_rokker_89 2 · 0 0

its inside us.i hail myself as something more persistent than a mere body of flash and blood. its the soul .the reason of our exitance hasn't been clarified to this date by science.the death only means wearing out the old clothes and getting in to the new ones.
as for the existence of god ,keep doing sins , you will
get the reward some day.thats the only way if you dont have faith in god and still want to find him.

2007-02-25 07:55:01 · answer #7 · answered by arjun 1 · 1 0

You will find your answer - and one which scientifically proves the Adam and Eve account once and for all - in the newly-released book, "TWO BIRDS ... ONE STONE!!", by Denis Towers.
It can be obtained via Xulon Press website, play.com or amazon.com
It has received ONLY raving reviews thus far!

2007-02-25 05:22:54 · answer #8 · answered by dr c 4 · 1 0

Bible is not a proof..It is like a stick for blind..and a blind can't see from his stick..If you want to feel God then you will have to search for it in your soul because He resides within your soul..He is not out there to prove Himself for people like you..can you see love..No..Isn't it? Is that mean love is not present in this world? Can you see the fragrance of rose?No..Is that mean fragrance is nothing..
How stupid people like you sound when you ask for proof of God..Your existence itself is the proof of God.

2007-02-25 07:22:58 · answer #9 · answered by goodbye 6 · 3 1

after 4 miscarriages & being told I would never have kids or carry any to full term...then giving birth to 2 BEAUTIFUL, entergetic, healthy, smart, outgoing children.....

THAT, my friend, is my proof there is a God & he answers prayers....

2007-02-25 06:08:32 · answer #10 · answered by mysticfairy74 5 · 1 0

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