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And in less than about 200 words tell me who, and why. That is, without reference to religion, sex orientation or activities or anyhting that has to do with marriage. Also, no reference to religion or abortion or race. Justify your answer and its consequences as best you can. Change that to 500 words

2007-02-24 19:18:59 · 16 answers · asked by syrious 5 in Politics & Government Politics

16 answers

I'm more inclined to go for Obama at this point. First of all, people keep talking about his inexperience... there is no job in the world that prepares you for the presidency, and there's a concensus on that. He makes me proud to be an American... something I haven't felt in a long time. As for decision making, he's intelligent. I truly believe he'll lead the country through what he envisions for us, not through the "liberal" or "conservative" angle, but as a people of a nation that accomplishes the most good.

2007-02-24 20:12:45 · answer #1 · answered by stelle d. 3 · 1 1

Walter Cronkite--

In accepting the 1999 Norman Cousins Global Governance Award at the ceremony at the United Nations, Cronkite said:
It seems to many of us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict we must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government patterned after our own government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace. To do that, of course, we Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That would be a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith in the new order. But the American colonies did it once and brought forth one of the most nearly perfect unions the world has ever seen.

2007-02-25 04:31:51 · answer #2 · answered by GO HILLARY 7 · 0 1

My current first choice for someone who is actually running for President would probably have to be Barack Obama (as weird as the name is) and maybe, just maybe, Hillary as his running mate (I suspect between her, Bill and their constituents, they would all get a lot of work done). From what I can see he is a straight forward hard working person who has but one agenda and that is to do his best job serving office in the interest of America and the world. I can't pin him down having some underlying agenda which is clearly what we've been stuck with the past two terms.

However, I think the best choice for President, not because of our war problem (stirred up like a kicking a bee's hive by our present administration's policies and actions) but because maybe we should find a way to end all wars and focus on the greatest problem mankind has ever faced which is Global Warming is someone who is not running, but a lot of people wish he was...
Someone who is not funded by Big Oil but instead, someone who works hard to understand and inspire change with regard to greener, cleaner energies. That's the path we need to get on in a hurry. Couple this important issue with someone who has ample political experience both domestic and abroad...

That person is none other than Al Gore... Face, it, If America could go back in time, Al Gore would have kept his win and we wouldn't have had to get bullied into accepting Bush as our president which we clearly were.
Fox News was the first to say Gore was not the winner and instead declared Bush the winner, and Albright was the first person to declare the FL recount over and Bush the official winner (Bush rewarded her by promoting her from her brother's cabinet to his own).
Note - Money wins elections... Bush had 10 times more money then anyone else, and he's been paying back his backers at the country's expense and with blood. Not cool Mr. Bush.

Think about all that next time you go to the polls.

PS - many people don't know this, but he did not 'invent' the Internet; however he is credited for getting it off the ground in ‘being what it is today’.
Before he was involved, the known Internet was all but entirely run by the Dept. of Defense (known then only as DARPANET if I remember correctly) but Al Gore raised interest and funding so to make the Internet main stream for civilian and academic use and therefore useful to everyone... He got the funds and the support he needed to make that a reality and before very long it just took off with the help of the multimedia enhanced WWW.
Anyone using the Internet right now really does have Al Gore to thank for it - that's no joke (just think, if history played out a little differently and Al Gore wasn't there, either there would be no Internet or it would probably have still been under control by the government). Now he's trying to save the world from destroying itself from Global Warming (he is the forerunner in bringing about awareness of the very real and urgent problem to cities and countries all around the entire globe).... this doesn't make someone a bad person, this makes someone a great person we should appreciate... People should wake up and know a good thing when they see it.
If it turns out he was right about everything with Global Warming - history will rewrite him as a hero. So between the Internet and Global Warming, if not president, humanitarian of the … millennium? Very well could be deserving of him.
Note – anybody born now is referred to as the I-Generation (after Internet - as we know it now - meaning, what Al Gore got going for us, to which I for one am very grateful)

Al for Prez!
Sorry folks, he's not running... and who can blame him, almost exactly half of us turned on him before and helped get elected a very unqualified group if personal interest, agenda-driven individuals instead, led by Dubya Bush (who was influenced by Oil, if you don't belive it, look up 'Zapata Oil'), the greatest leader to ever live! NOT -Are we ever going to recover from that mess??? (sigh)

2007-02-27 16:10:17 · answer #3 · answered by blphnx 3 · 1 0

Jessica1222/Condi Rice Jessica because she is an unknown outside of Y/A but about to explode onto the political seen! She has a excellent track record here of being able to give precise answers back by research and web sight to back them up! In addition she is well educated, has worked in the privet sector and will only serve 2 terms! Condi has already said she doesnt want to be president but I am sure she will server her country once more and help President Jessica maneuver around D.C.

2007-02-25 03:47:28 · answer #4 · answered by Boston Mark 5 · 0 1

Rudy Giuliani- Why? Well, honestly, first I thought Obama, until about a week or two ago when I realized how incredibly young and inexperienced he is. If he were to be elected into office in 2008, he would only have 4 years of politics under his belt... so Don't think we'd want him, maybe 20 years ago when foreign relations weren't so shaky, but not now a days. Rudy although many question his experience and ability would be the best choice. He knows what to do in an emergency for he lead NY through 911. In this world of uncertainty, there is no greater quality I'd want in a President - Must be able to act under pressure...

2007-02-25 03:57:03 · answer #5 · answered by Can I ask you a few questions? 2 · 2 4

I'm going with Barack Obama. Even though he's inexperienced it only means that he hasn't been corrupted. Somebody else mentioned this, but there is nothing that can prepare you for the Presidency. And he has always appeared to be sincere. He has never lied to public and always told the truth no matter how bad it was going to make him look. Obama has my vote.

2007-02-25 07:57:59 · answer #6 · answered by Knowledge 4 · 0 1

If I understood your prerequisites for answering, I am not certain I can do this justice. However, I am interested in this question, so I will respond.
Thanks for your indulgence...
First, I am a woman who has been waiting nearly a lifetime for the day when women can finally be taken seriously, in this country!
Secondly, I am a social-activist who is deeply troubled and concerned about the direction America has been taken in. The Bush-Factor has failed miserably as a "real" president of the U.S.A., and we need major efforts to undue the damage he has done to MY Country! (if possible at this stage of his maniacal maneuvering and mismanagement.) I fear less the 'terrorists' than I do hiM and, his cronies.!
Now, having written all the above, you might well imagine, I am VERY interested in having a really strong, intelligent, effective woman as President, e.g., Hillary Clinton. Geraldine Ferraro was the first woman who came within distance of the WhiteHouse, as candidate for V.P., and she would have been great! Alas! America was not yet ready for such a strong female candidate... or, perhaps, the person she was 'running' with??
Now, I believe OUR time has finally come when America might be open to the prospects of a woman president. After all, Germany, Chile, and other countries now have women presidents. So, it seems only fitting that the U.S. should finally be open-minded enough, mature enough, and willing to experience what a woman president is capable of.
In all of my years I have observed men in positions of power, e.g., President, take us into wars which we had no business being in, and without, (seemingly) much consideration for the 1) reason, 2) the consequences, and 3) the true cost of war. The real victims of war are the dead, the children, the spouses and families of the deceased, and the many civilian "collateral damage" - (what a disgusting terminology for the unnecessary, innocent victims of war)!
In my opinion, Hillary would consider all aspects of any military decision before making any decision about war, or military action, or the strong-arm tactics of most of the Presidents we have already endured. Further, I believe it is long past time that our Leadership started directing their energy toward the needs of the American people; the environment, social issues, employment, technological advances to improve our society, higher standards for educational improvements and accessibility for more High School graduates to attend college.
Hillary Clinton has worked long and hard for many of these issues already - and, as President, she would finally be able to make a real impact in these areas.
I frequently contact my congress members about many of the issues which I have already mentioned, above. It is way past time to get us on the right track in this country! Hillary is already discussing the issues of global warming, fuel deficits, alternate energy sources, and "the no child left behind act" - which as you most likely know, GWB used as part of his platform when he was candidating for president. right!
I further believe Senator Clinton would NOT abuse the privilege of serving as President of the U.S., as has mR bUsH!
AND, many males believe it is a woman's job to clean up their messes, so... in this light, it really is time for a strong woman President, to clean up the mens' messes of the past!
It is late, and I am weary - so, enough for now...
Thanks for submitting this question ~o~

2007-02-25 04:48:51 · answer #7 · answered by Ro40rd 3 · 0 2

Pee-Wee Herman.

American politics is a joke anyway. So why not have someone up there who will make us laugh a lot. Furthermore, whenever somebody says the special word, yell real loud!

Syriously, though, I'm not going to vote. I am disgusted with all judicial activism -- whether it is from the left-wing judges or the right-wing ones. Roe v. Wade still needs to be overturned as an invalid interpretation of the Constitution and Bush v. Gore was a complete travesty. If the Supreme Court Justice won't allow our votes to BE counted, why should we vote?

2007-02-25 03:40:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

Not Hilliary throw the ashtray Clinton. SHe is out for herself even more than Bill Was.
Not Obama the Lama He talks well but has no experience.
Not Kerry the ketchup man. He waffles on his answers
not Joe I got me some new hair Biden. Too liberal.
Not John Mccain. He is truly a war hero but do not agree with his politics. Too liberal
Rudy is the best of the lot right now. He handled himself so well during the Terrorists attack and afterwards. Had he run against Hilliary she would not be in the Senate right now!

2007-02-25 03:36:42 · answer #9 · answered by dottygoatbeagle 3 · 3 4

I would go with Obama. Mainly because he has a good record of being honest. And I think honesty is something that is severely lacking in US politics these days. Who knows, maybe I'm just gullible, but I think hes the best guy for the job, out of the current options anyway. I also like Kucinich, but there aint a snowballs chance in hell that he'll ever get elected.

2007-02-25 03:23:50 · answer #10 · answered by Jesus W. 6 · 4 3

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