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The issues of coastal communities is beginning to change to "save your money for efforts other than saving coastal, low lying areas"...it's startling to seen Britian make a decision to abandon expensive dikes due to the futility of maintaining them...if you are anti-manmade-global warming, is your present position on it going to look short-sighted and self serving 10 or 20 years from now?

2007-02-24 18:44:27 · 16 answers · asked by Ford Prefect 7 in Politics & Government Politics

those who answered with claims that "scientists" agree that global warming is not caused by man need to listen to the news about the Global Climate Change Conference recently held by the world scientific community...this conference was in agreement that the temp could be as much as 11 deg warmer in 90 years...that is enough to melt all glaciers on earth and raise the oceans 50 feet or so...are you so callous to your children's children that you really don't care if they survive....NAME SOME REPUTABLE SCIENTISTS NOT SUPPORTED BY OIL COMPANIES THAT SAY GLOBAL WARMING IS NOT CAUSED BY MAN. you guys never come up with facts or a reputable site backing up your position. your position is pure opinion and not based on what is being said everyday in the news by many scientists

2007-02-24 21:04:24 · update #1

fot Celtic Warrior...isn't listening to a few select "scientists" and mostly talk radio and deciding that 95% of scientists are wrong...simply "stupid" using your term? You shouldn't rely on Rush or Pat Robertson to inform you about the science community, do a real search for the truth...and stay away from junk science sites

2007-02-24 21:45:24 · update #2

I don't think many of you got my point that countries are already having to deal with the rising oceans and rising oceans means cities destroyed....the future looks expensive

2007-02-24 21:48:22 · update #3

16 answers

This is a stupid debate, and I am sick of it. The fact of the matter is that whether humankind is causing global warming or not, or whether it is even real or not, no one can dispute that we are polluting this planet to a very serious extreme, and we need to clean up our act. The air is filthy, the water is filthy, and the top soil is severely eroded, and the rain forests are seriously diminished. Anyone who disputes these things is either a total idiot, or is only concerned with the bottom line of the Global Elite.!!!!!!

2007-02-24 23:05:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

After a cooling period began in 1945, and continued for two decades Global Cooling was a grave concern for the Liberal set.

In 1966 Cesare Emiliani predicted that "a new glaciation will begin within a few thousand years."

By 1972 a large majority of a group of leading glacial-epoch experts at a conference agreed that "the natural end of our warm epoch is undoubtedly near"

An April 28, 1975 Newsweek article titled "The Cooling World," decried "the evidence in support of these predictions [of global cooling] has now begun to accumulate so massively that meteorologists are hard-pressed to keep up with it." The Newsweek article incouraged "simple measures of stockpiling food". The article ended by claiming that "The longer the planners (politicians) delay, the more difficult will they find it to cope with climatic change once the results become grim reality."

I think I'm having deja vu...So am I going to freeze or fry? And in 10 or 20 years from now are you going to look as stupid as these people?

2007-02-24 18:55:10 · answer #2 · answered by Nationalist 4 · 1 2

Extensive world wide studies have proven time and again that man made global warming is indeed very real.Fossil fuel burning is the biggest culprit to date and a good reson to look into alternative energy with the utmost haste.The human race is the most dangerous animal on the face of the earth and has proven it over and over.Greed rules our governments in favor of big buisness every time.What we will end up leaving future generations will be a ruined environment which will take centuries to heal.Solar,wind and nuclear energy are now the only way to go,not more fuels made of corn or Rice Krispies.

2007-02-24 18:56:31 · answer #3 · answered by thomas c 2 · 1 2

I have always agreed with the natural phenomenon known as "Global Warming." And sure, I buy into the fact that humans have helped move this natural phenomenon along. My question is, why do humans think they can do anything about slowing it down. "Global Warming" is going to happen no matter what we do. If anything, we should be trying to either find a way for future generations to live with it, or find a way off of this planet.

2007-02-24 18:53:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

There are NO issues of "Global Warming"! It's a fake!
Back in the 70's, it was the very same people claiming that there was a "Global Ice Age" coming within 10 - 20 years! Well, guess what? No ice age and no global warming! It's all a scare tactic to mold people into a certain frame of mind for these "freaks" to begin their agenda of controlling the world's population. And, pretty soon, if repeated long enough, all you weak-minded people will be falling for it... then they got you, right where they want you!!! Then begins their control!

2007-02-24 18:54:09 · answer #5 · answered by love_2b_curious 6 · 3 2

(sigh) global warming was going to happen sooner or later, it has happened before, and will happen again. All we did was speed it up a little bit. Besides, here where I live it has been almost constantly freezing or below freezing for the last several weeks. The only reason why it is getting slightly warmer is because spring is coming.

2007-02-24 19:06:19 · answer #6 · answered by Chase 5 · 2 1

I agree that the Earth does warm and cool in cycles, but only an idiot would say that man is the cause. That would be in denial of the fact that the Earth has had several ice ages. Since we weren't around back then, what caused the Earth to warm up?

We are coming out of a mini ice age the happened a thousand years ago. That is real science. I don't believe in your touchy feely feel good science, sorry. I tend to look at the reality of things. Is our Earth warming? Sure. How much more will it warm up? Scientists don't really know. They put data into a computer to configure a model, but they manipulate data to get the desired results.

If you are going to talk about this, you need to do your homework first and don't rely on idiots at wikipedia, Al Gore, and biased scientists who have admitted that they want to see mankind reduced globally to 300 million.

By the way some scientists say the Earth is in a cooling period and that in the last 5 years it has cooled by .037 degree Cel.

Me personally, I would never live on the coast with or with out global warming.
No matter what man does, the Earth is going to have its warming and cooling cycles. That is a scientific fact.

For your information mr. ford perfect, I don't listen to the nut job Pat Robertson, or Rush Limbaugh. To give one example, the scientist from MIT. As far as the U.N. scientists, you need to pay closer attention to what the 11 scientists there said. By the way, the 300 was the number of people on a council panel, not the number of scientists. THey did not wholy blame mankind. So before you get insulting to me and calling me stupid, you need to check your self before you wreck your self.

I find it funny that you totally avoid answering what caused global warming and cooling before man was on Earth. You show your self to be part of the far left nut job wackos.

As far as other causes of global warming, you have over 3000 volcanoes on the surface of the Earth that are active and in a major eruption spew out more than enough particles to wreak havoc with the climate globally. And that is just from one. When you have several sparking off every 5 to 10 years, that tends to cause flucuations in global climate.

For your information, I do not rely on oil sponsered scientists. But I also don't rely on nut jobs that have an agenda to keep getting free Fed. funds that feed you your garbage.

Can you think for your self? If so, why don't you stop and think about the fact that Greenland over a thousand years ago was actually green and not covered by ice and snow before the last mini ice age. This is actual science and fact. During the last great ice age Kentucky was covered by a glacier. Without global warming no person would be living there now.

The scientist stationed down at the Antarctic say that the glaciers there are growing. The glaciers on Mt Renier and Mt Lassiter grow and recede according to the volcanoes' activity from decade to decade. Maybe you are not aware of what a volcano does so I will help you a little. The surface gets hot sometimes. HELLO, it is a volcano. HEAT melts ice. When the volcanoes quiet down the glaciers start to grow again.
The scientists that you favor, FAIL to tell you that little fact.
Your scientists lie and leave out info to further their agendas. Every fact they use can be scientifically debunked with true facts based on real events and true measurements.

I am not defending man's pollution of the Earth. I have seen a lot more than you have, believe me. I have been out in the oceans. I have been in oil fields, I have seen the garbage getting dumped out in the Atlantic that is from N.Y. City taken out by barge. I have seen the forests clear cut, mountains leveled for ore for mfg.

So what do you do for your part to stop global warming? Your computer is made from plastic. That comes from oil. Some of the components are made from the ores mined in the mountains. The electricity you use is either from coal, oil, nuclear, or natural gas powered plant unless you have gone off grid. How much trash do you recycle?
To make the clothes you wear makes pollution. Your car took pollution to make it. Your stereo and cds.
It is all just phony touchy feel good crap with this global warming if you want to get right down to it. What are you willing to give up?

Even if man wasn't here, the Earth would go through its cycles of warming and cooling. Can you stop a volcano?
When Kraketoa lit up in the 1800s it caused a global cooling. That was one volcano. A big one. Mt. Pinnetubo caused global climate change and that was not that long ago.
Your argument is worse than weak. It is lame, and makes you look like a person on drugs.

2007-02-24 19:00:17 · answer #7 · answered by celticwarrior7758 4 · 3 1

While I'm not 100% convinced that global warming isn't part of a bigger cycle, I don't see how we could possibly *hurt* anything by adapting our practices to the strong possibility that it's just going to get worse. Can it *hurt* us to reduce greenhouse gasses?

I mean... part of Australia has such a horrible drought they're killing livestock and looking at recycling sewer water.

2007-02-24 18:50:14 · answer #8 · answered by Vaughn 6 · 1 2

after all the crap i been though in life global warming doesn't faze me. it's like getting god
to shun me and make me more miserable
and poorer than i already am. you just cant do

2007-02-24 18:48:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

A agreed to this years ago.

2007-02-24 18:58:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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