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do you agree that Iran should have nuclear power if they want to, lots of other countries have it, so why can't they, why doe's america have to keep poking their noses into other countries affairs.

2007-02-24 17:20:36 · 18 answers · asked by truebrit 2 in News & Events Current Events

18 answers

As long as Israel has nuclear power, courtesy of the Yanks supplying it, then the Yanks have no case. The fact is that the Yanks have poked their noses into too many countries affairs. I expect that the UK would be invaded if we returned a government that Washington did not approve of, however the ability to throw a couple of nuclear bombs at Washing ton from a submarine off their coast would probably slow them down.

I hope that everyone will agree that we should withdraw from all the Yank invaded countries if they go into Iran.

2007-02-24 17:31:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

it is a dificult question
of course anyone who wants to have nuclear power should be able to get it
it takes years though
10/15 years apparently [source john h war ard in austria]
so they should have been working for at least ten years or so on it
it wasnt a problem before ,it seems that now the money is spent it is ,also with the other 25 nations it was no problems but with iran and n korea it seems to be
despite solving the n korea one the bloggers are still beating up on it [see two posts up]
america isnt really caring about it one way or the other
but usa boss is worried about it
and what the boss wants the boss gets ,and it has the neo funds to get the lobby to get it
its not about nukes its about fear ,fear that armogeddon wont just happen but must be talked up
because it can never really happen because it is a fable
and it all ready happened over a thousand years ago on the plains of arnogeddon
but the neo cons know this yet they only have the same plan
they will loby to have the world be destroyed even if it kills all of us this time
some live delusions son ,iran nuclear power is just a bad dream [a bad seed ] planted by satan into the minds of children to keep them frightened
to keep the children from thinking about other real problems such as global warming or the mass exticytions of gods little creatures or pulling out all the trees to make the world look like satans home [mars] ,but the silly old fool has a plan man and we soon will be the desert ,just as evil allways planned
we just forgot who wrote the book on destruction
we dare not stand up to evil
most diont even know god id the good guy and satan is the evil dude
who refused to bow before adam even when god orderd it ,thus satan hates all men ,
will satan win
depends if we stop believing fables
all the best bro
may we all have the power to bring peace
not pieces.

2007-02-24 18:26:28 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your first paragraph led me to think of you have been going to think incorrectly yet your 2d paragraph Iran has spent NO funds modernizing or holding its oil pumping infrastructure, considering that nationalizing the marketplace interior the previous due 50s. Oil marketplace professionals anticipate Iran can at the instant export (being allowed to export) according to danger 40% of what its means must be and then, interior 15-2 an prolonged time, with out huge infusions of capital and intense artwork began NOW, Iran ought to end to have the skill to pump oil in any respect. it is completely a threat the management in Iran realizes that this source, being finite, should not depend upon to finance the country interior the long term, as different countries interior the midsection East have completed. Frankly, they're going to prefer those nuke vegetation to run their cities. And in basic terms because of the fact they have a source, does that recommend they could use that source? whilst oil is going for $500 a barrel and that they have got an endless ocean of it under their ft, who would be giggling then? it is what infuriates the west lots: All that oil, and that they DONT prefer to sell IT. ok, we can in basic terms invade and TAKE it from them! I could consider ZardoZ. If anybody is frightened of nuke vegetation interior the U. S. going China Syndrome, then build the damn issues underground. All those underground nuclear tests interior the 50s stopped ninety 9% of the radiation and stale aim, there replace into NO fallout, fallout being the main reason human beings get radiation sickness (the fallout is irradiated debris from the blast, touchdown now and returned hundreds of miles from the unique blast in an above-floor detonation) interior the 1st place. yet nuclear skill vegetation are actually not the desirable answer. you are able to not outfit each and every automobile on the line with a mini nuke for an engine. we've way too many intense automobile injuries in this u . s . a . on a each and on a daily basis foundation already to danger bringing the nuclear ingredient into the equation.

2016-10-16 10:45:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Maybe it has something to do with Iran's President threatening to wipe out Israel?. Statements like that doesn't make him very trustworthy with nuclear power. And what's with this old tired arguement "Everyone has nuclear energy, why can't Iran have it too"?. OK, would you give an axe to a psycho just because a bunch of lumberjacks have one too for the sake of fairness??.

2007-02-24 22:14:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I believe existing nuclear powers, such as US, Russia, France, England, and China, should down size their nuclear arsenals and non-nuclear powers should not be allowed to join the nuclear club. We want a Nuke Free world, don't we ? Iran and N Korea are nothing but trouble makers and don't forget Israel and Taiwan. These little places are turning the picture up side down. Remember the late 80's ? When communism died around the world, the picture was pretty exciting, Now, the small guys are making big noises. The US wants to calm them down or kick them. It's OK to me.

2007-02-24 17:29:32 · answer #5 · answered by Gone 4 · 3 0

Any none western country should not have nuclear power. We can not trust them. I dont think invading Iran is the answer, we should bomb them into the dark ages if they start producing nuclear material.

2007-02-24 18:53:29 · answer #6 · answered by lister_larger 3 · 1 0

Iran's leaders seem a bit nutty to me and nuts may not be good custodians of nuclear weapons, so I agree at this point we need to sqeeze them very hard to try to get them to change course. If all they want is nuclear powew then they should be happy to let UN inspect what they want.

2007-02-24 17:40:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

If they could be kept in check,yes.BTW,invading a country is a crime (last I knew) ,so I wonder If Bush will held accountable for war crimes,like the Nazis.Never in American history has a president overseeing a war campaign been ousted from office.Ever wonder why his cohorts either quit of refuse to run for office in 2008? Iran's president is only a puppet,he talks $h1t because it's his job.The allotollah(spelling?) is actually in control,and wants no conflict.

2007-02-24 17:38:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Yes, Iran should be able to use Nuclear power, as long as they don't make weapons out of it. Why does bush administration keep poking? because they don't trust them & never will.

2007-02-24 17:27:43 · answer #9 · answered by D 2 · 3 1

its not nuclear power we are complaining about nobody here really cares as longs as its generated for peace full purposes, what we are concerned about if they want to make weapons out of it and there president has already stated that Israel should be wiped off the map, we aren't poking our nose in anyplace they threatened our ally that's what we are worried about we have full right to protect Israel as a allied nation.

2007-02-24 17:33:24 · answer #10 · answered by firetdriver_99 5 · 5 0

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