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Ok, so I am going into high school next year for grade 10.
I have been homeschooling since the last half of 4th grade, I am now in 10th grade (Going to re-do 10th grade in a public school - better for my education)
Anyway, so I have only been in a school up to the beginning half of grade 4.

I am so scared about going into high school, I will know NOBODY there, and I am scared I won't get good grades. And make no friends.

I have a few questions about high school, some may be stupid, but I am scared as h*ll about going to school :S

So my first question is...... are there really showers at school? And do I have to use one where the other girls can see me?
Is it hard to remember what level of the school your classes are on?
What was your first day of high school like for you?
Tell me your high school experience please.

Thanks so much!!

2007-02-24 15:06:23 · 13 answers · asked by Danny 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

Also I am a very shy person, so it would be hard for me to just walk up to another person and just start talking.

2007-02-24 15:16:38 · update #1

I know it will be very different, as I do have a few friends that go to high school (not the one I'm going to though unfortunetly =( ) and I know what other kids in high school are like, but it's still going to be scary as h*ell.

2007-02-24 15:21:39 · update #2

I wouldn't care to be friends with the popular people, and if it does turn out they popular kids are nice, then hey I might get some new friends, but I don't think I would even act a little bit like them. I would just be my self really.

Thanks for all the great answers so far, keep them coming please ^_^

2007-02-24 15:35:27 · update #3

13 answers

Well, there aren't showers at my school...LOL. Will you be taking a PE or sports class where you would have to shower? If so, there will be privacy so don't worry. My first day of HS I was SO nervous but it turned out great. A rule of thumb: class numbers in the 100's are on the first floor, 200's on the second floor and so forth. Good luck! =)

2007-02-24 15:11:28 · answer #1 · answered by ღღღ 7 · 1 0

as a 17 year old girl i had to go through that recently i moved to a new town and started high school there knowing no one

1 yes there are showers but if u don't want to u don't have to shower they also Have privet showers

2 it might be hard the first few days but A) your teachers will know u are new and give u leniency B) u have a printed schedule that they will give you after a few days you will know were u r going and the fastest way to get there

3 my first day of high school was FUN you just have to be confident that you will be fine because you will be

also you said you worry about your grades don't there are so many people to help you most high schools have a tutoring program for people that are struggling with classes (i know i was in them) also you will probably have one super cool teacher that you connect with they can help you out even the teaches that aren't super cool will help you that's why they are teachers believe me its not for the money also your school councilor really is there to help you.

friends isn't something i would worry about you will have 6-7 classes a day depending on were you live plus there are clubs you can join you will meet some on you can be friends with i hope this helped you

P.S. i used my moms account because i know what you are going through

2007-02-25 00:02:17 · answer #2 · answered by debrasearch 6 · 1 0

At some schools there are showers. At some schools there are not showers. If your school has showers then yes, you have to take a shower with the rest of the girls. I always make a sheet that I can take with me. On it, I put the period of the day, the actual time of day, the subject, the first and last name of the teacher, the room number, the floor number and anything else I can think of at the time. And then I put all of my classes on that sheet. I know it sounds exesive, but trust me it's a lot better than showing up late for class. As far as being nervous, there are two things to look for one the popular girl and two the normal girl. If the popular girl acts wierd, she probably is, so don't act like that. But if you like the popular girl, act a LITTLE like her. You look for the normal girl only if you don't like the popular one. I am now a Sophomore in high school, but the first day of high school I was also changing to a totally differant school. I was nervous as heck. The first thing I looked for was the popular guy (I'm a dude by the way). It didn't take me long to find him, because he found me. He was VERY kind to me and asked me if I would like to sit with him and his gang at lunch. So now he has moved to a differant school and I have taken his place. I try to be nice to every newcomer. If I find the newcomer is a jerk. The group ignores him/her for the rest of the time he/she goes to the school.
If the kid is nice and I like his/her character he/she immediatly becomes a member of the group. One thing that I can tell you, I know this will be HARD, but on the first day, be as quiet as you can, watch the other kids, and learn where you are supposed to go for your classes. The last one will take about two weeks to finally get to your right class, unless you are really observant. I hope that helps.

2007-02-24 23:29:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Dont worry. High school is so much fun! And there are showers at highschool, but there are special locker rooms for boys and girls so no girls will be able to see you. And if your worried about finding your classes, then go the day before and plan out the fastest way to get to your classes. But dont worry about making friends, just dont be too shy. There are always some nice people in highschool. But i will warn you, since you have been homeschooled for so long, going to highschool will be a big change. The crowds there are really different. There is more freedom and kids do basically what ever they want. So be prepared to see a lot of different behavior. But dont worry, have fun, and make friends. You will be fine!

2007-02-24 23:18:47 · answer #4 · answered by xxRedRobinxx 3 · 1 0

yes there are showers in school. the high school i go to has them but you don't use then during gym, you might if you stay after and play sports im not sure. in some schools they have curtains but not all. its not hard to remember what level my classes are on. my school have 4 floors. floor a, b, c, and d. all the classes that start with a 1 are on a, all the classes that start with 2 are on b, all the classes that start with 3 are on c, and all the classes that start with a 4 are on d. simple as that. my first day was sorta scary since i haven't really been on all the floors before and i got lost a few times. but i made a new friend on the first day, making friends wasn't that hard i just went into the lunch room and looked for a girl who was siting alone and asked if i could sit with her. since all my friends didn't have the same lunch time as me. it wasn't as horrible as i thought. i was expecting it to be much worse since the school is huge. 2500 kids.

2007-02-25 10:49:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I was home schooled up until 7th grade and then I went to a boarding school for a semester then I started public school in 8th grade. Then I moved and went into high school without knowing anyone. But I didn't have trouble getting to know a lot of people and made many friends. I played sports, football and now wrestling, so that helped me get to know people. Then you always get to meet people in classes or by clubs or doing other activities. It's really not that hard to meet people as long as you're willing.

In a lot of ways you have it made the way you're starting high school cause you aren't going in as a freshman, plus you don't have to worry about a bad rep and you have a fresh beginning. Just have fun and don't stress about it.

There are showers, but you don't have to use them. People can see you in your underware when you're in the locker room, but it's no big deal.

After going to your classes for a couple days you remember how to get there. It's like autopilot, half the time you don't even think about which direction to go, you just go.

My first day of high school was somewhat akward because I just moved, but after the first couple days things just got better and better. Lunch time can be hard when you're new because you don't know anyone and don't want to go up to people, but that's why you should join a sport, club or some other organization to get to know people. It'd be kinda hard eitherwise.

I'm in the 10th now and I was able to get to know so many people, in all grade levels, with being home schooled for a long time, but like I said I participated in activites, so naturally you get to meet people. So deffinatley try to do some extra cirricular activity.

2007-02-25 01:51:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

We had to shower after PE so if you're taking that (it's a requred course) you MAY have to shower after a good work out. Half the time they didn't make us do anything to work up a sweat, they made us shower after swimming which wasn't a big deal because we all wore our swim suits.
People are nice, try to talk to other people as much as possible and let them know you don't know where you're going, you'd be surprised at how many nice people you'll find and within a week you'll have a "group" you sit with at lunch and have people to talk to.
It's not hard to remember what level your classes are on after a few days but I had trouble with remembering which stairway was closest to my classes and always got lost once I ended up on the wrong side. Try to remember which stairway you're in and which ones are closer to where you need to be.
I had moved away for junior high and so when I got to 9th grade at my high school I didn't hardly know anyone but I got to know people and made friends within a few days and more friends within a few weeks.

2007-02-24 23:29:27 · answer #7 · answered by momofthreemiracles 5 · 1 0

I know how you feel, I was never home schooled but I moved to a new state my 10th grade year, I didn't know anybody it was horrible at first i hated it i cried EVERYDAY!! But soon, I started meeting people bcuz they realized i was new and alone but i still didnt talk to people which was mostlikely a mistake, like i didn't go up to people and greet them, so just be bold and try it okay? I met my boyfriend in the first month i was there, he recognized me from seeing me in my yard over the summer, we've been together now 2 1/2 years. It will be really hard at first but it will be SO much easier for you if you talk to people even if that seems impossible just try it. if you get confused about where your classes are ask a teacher they will always help you okay. After i met my boyfriend i met even more people bcuz he was a year older and really popular so it got better.
Good Luck, i'll pray for you!! You'll do great : )

2007-02-24 23:14:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Can you join some organization which will give you an opportunity to meet some kids before school starts? You meet one new friend who has another friend and soon you will have familiar faces at school. We had to shower in gym class but we were all having the same fear you are. First day can be tough but I went to the school ahead of time and walked from class to class just to familarize myself with the schedule. Teachers were helpful also. It will all be ok. Enjoy high school. You will only get out of it what you put into it. ENJOY

2007-02-24 23:13:59 · answer #9 · answered by mimegamy 6 · 1 0

Alright... I'm 16 and a sophomore (10th grade) and I was homeschooled from Kindergarten-8th grade then 9th grade (freshmen year) I went to high school and still there which is pretty sweet. First off, with the shower issue you have the option of taking one when you get to high school its not mandorty and you usasly don teven have time given you have 5-10 minutes to change second you only do after P.E. so Just have pe as your last class rememebr your classes isn't hard after a wek you have it just keep your class schedular with you in your binder 3rd. grades are important but if you obess to much you will be labeled a geek or nerd not to say you have to blow it off ofcourse dont do that! I'm sayiong grades aren't everything meaning Aim for A's but B's are fine. The first day you want to make friends by when u sit by someone in classes talk to them make yourself talk to them. this is important so you can have someone to sit with at lunch if it is only until you find friends you are relaly friends with usasly by the first day is over you have one friend who you'll be friends with you just have to figur eit out.. take your lunch in a brown bag only and then money to that way you can figure out whats "cool" don't be late to classes the first day but dont ferak out if you are late be nice to teachers and do homwoek trust me having teachers like you is a good thing if you ever had a promblem. 3rd if u for some reason have to take a shower its fine noone cares. a

2007-02-25 02:09:09 · answer #10 · answered by Hannah S 1 · 1 0

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