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1.It is about terrorism, Not oil like the media wants you to think!! 2.Why do they believe the hollywood media? They are traitors!

2007-02-24 15:00:50 · 24 answers · asked by mark k 3 in Politics & Government Politics

24 answers


2007-02-24 15:07:59 · answer #1 · answered by producer_vortex 6 · 1 3

Did 70% of the population suddenly all become liberals? Most of us are very concerned about terrorism. So concerned, in fact, that we wish it could be wholly addressed. But, as long as we're policing a civil war in Baghdad there's not much chance of that is there? Al Queda is taking advantage of our being bogged down in this civil war to occupy the Western Provinces of Iraq and terrorist cells are rapidly multiplying in Afghanistan and parts of Europe. We have troops in some of these areas, but not enough to make a difference. Until we settle the politics in Baghdad this chaos will continue, and we lose valuable time we should be using to hunt down Al Queda in force. I hope, at least, that you realize Al Queda was never in Iraq, and that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 (as admitted more than once by Bush) until we blew that country wide open. Now we have to deal with them there as well as other parts of the Middle East. There is nothing traitorous about reporting what is happening in Iraq and in the Middle East. I don't believe the media is playing "wag the dog" with us when they are reporting the deaths and the car bombs and the raids, and the riots and the helicopter crashes every day from Iraq. The lives lost on 9/11 mean a great deal to every American. But most Americans are now getting a better understanding that there is a huge difference between fighting terrorism and policing a political civil war. It is NOT the same thing.

2007-02-24 15:28:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Not all liberals believe hollywood media.
Some of us learn through reading actual documents as to not rely on the media at all.

Grow up. What happened was terrible, unforgivable.
But also, kinda like the stuff we ourselves did in, oh, say...
Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, El Salvador,
Tanzania, Mozambique, Vietnam, Afghanistan,
Hiroshima, Philippines, Kosovo, Bolivia,
Angola, Argentina,
Brazil, Chile, Dresden,
Dominican Republic,
Cuba, Haiti, Indonesia,
East Timor, Cambodia,
Iraq and,
and, and,
and, and…
And then we pretend we never saw it (or had it) coming.
It doesn't take a weatherman to look around and see the weather.

2007-02-24 18:48:43 · answer #3 · answered by Kristen D 2 · 1 0

Bush forgot 911 when he went after Iraq. He took the heat off of Al Qaida by going after a bogus target and now they have all the time in the world to sit back and rebuild their troops and build up weapons caches. He acts as if Bin Laden doesn't even exist anymore and touts the capture of Saddam EVEN THOUGH HE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 911. Granted Saddam is an evil man, but our objective has been lost in a bunch of bullcrap. If anyone is to blame about the complete loss of interest in 911 it is Bush himself. Most of the hijackers were Saudi, and he doesn't attack them because of his family ties to that country. He let Bin Laden's family go out of the country after 911 without even questioning them. The only traitor you speak of is President Bush himself. He has totally botched this so called "War on Terror".

2007-02-24 15:29:18 · answer #4 · answered by ajfrederick9867 4 · 3 1

I have not forgotten about 9/11. I will NEVER forget about 9/11. One of my wife's best friends from high school was a member of Rescue 3, and died at the WTC. He had a wife and three kids.

But NEVER confuse what's going on in Iraq with 9/11. The two are TOTALLY UNRELATED. No, it's not about oil, so I agree with you there. But it's not about the WTC/Pentagon bombers, either. The country we really need to invade is not Iraq, it's PAKISTAN. That's where Osama is hiding, masterminding new terrorist plots, planning new ways to re-take Afghanistan for his Taliban buddies. But we won't attack Pakistan because they have a Nuke.

That is the war we ought to be fighting. That is the war that we need to win. Bush was an idiot: he thought that the Iraqi people would be so glad to be rid of Saddam that they would kiss our feet and pave their streets with rose petals as we passed by. He thought Iraq would become this shining beacon of Democracy in the midst of a chaotic sea of radical Islam. He was wrong, dead wrong, and the count of the Americans who have died for his mistake far outstrips the number of Americans who died at the hands of the 9/11 bombers. George Bush is a bigger danger to America than radical Islam - more of us have died because of his bad decisions.

And that doesn't even count the number of Iraqi civilians who died, or the number of US troops permanently maimed.

Do their lives mean nothing to you?

2007-02-24 15:39:15 · answer #5 · answered by Chredon 5 · 4 0

Mark, what did I tell you about rhetorical questions? If you do need an answer though...

Actually, I do remember 9/11. I remember it so well, that I distinctly recall government reports--yes, REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT REPORTS--that confirmed that only one of the dozen or so terrorists was an Iraqi citizen.

The Hollywood media? You know what? You're right. Hollywood wants to destroy America and all of the people who pay to see their movies! For no reason! Because they are evil. How dare they video tape and report the truth? Those people hate freedom!

2007-02-24 15:18:18 · answer #6 · answered by Robbie 2 · 3 0

Well, Iraq is about terrorism now, after Bush turned it into a terrorist state.

However you cannot claim that was true on 9/11, or that Iraq was in any way involved with either the 9/11 attacks against the US or with any international terrorists or terrorist organizations.

According to the Republican Congress’ own reports on 9/11 and pre-war intelligence:

Iraq had NO CONNECTION (even indirectly) to 9/11;
there were NO terrorists in Iraq before Bush invaded;
There was NO CONNECTION between Iraq and Bin-Laden, Al-Qaeda, or any terrorist organization;
Hussein DID NOT provide training camps to terrorists;
Hussein hated AQ before we did;
Hussein DID NOT HIDE al-Zargawi he tried to have him arrested; and, of course
there were no weapons of mass destruction.

When are you people going to grow up and admit that Afghanistan, Iraq, and the war on terror are total disasters because of your own ignorance, arrogance, and racism? The truth is that you were uninformed, and worse, did not care what was true or false.

Colin Powell told Bush, “if you break it [Iraq], you own it”. Well, you morons broke it and are too stupid to know how to fix it. It seems that liberals are the last chance to save America from conservative treason.


please wait for the beep... ---

With all due respect, you do not know squat about America. EVERY American has a right to voice their political opinion. That is the very basis of our nation and if you do not support that, then you do not support America.

America’s Founding Fathers intentionally put the military under civilian authority because, along with organized religion, they did not believe the military should be actively involved in running the nation or in making any decisions for the nation.

In truth, it is the Bush administration that disrespects the military and America’s soldiers by misusing them and putting them unnecessarily in harms way. Bush and the Bush-bots do not give a damn about your husband, his life, or your family. They only care about themselves and what most benefits them, especially financially.

2007-02-24 15:25:30 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

I don't believe the media. I listen to what my husband tells me, because that is what is real. He is overseas fighting in this war. I support all of our troops! I just want them to come home safe.

My husband is coming home in two days!!!!!!!!!!

Just my opinion, but whoever has not put on those boots and risked their life for their country has no room to talk. It really ticks me off when people say our soldiers are over there dying for nothing. If the war was in your town, who would you want there to protect you? My husband has done home land security, hurricanes, and Iraq for a year. I am very proud of him and stand behind him 100% in whatever he is called upon to do!

2007-02-24 15:18:53 · answer #8 · answered by honeybear 5 · 1 0

I assume you are referring to Iraq And Afghanistan. If that is the case then I ask you have you forgotten that the terrorists were 15 Saudi Arabians, 3 Iranians and one Yemen? That they were trained in Saudi Arabia and funding for the 9/11 attack was through Saudi Arabia? Have you also forgotten that our president tried to turn control of several key US ports over to the Saudis?
No, the loss of 9/11 hasn't been forgotten, nor the identities of those that caused it and paid for it. We wonder when justice will befall those countries that assisted in that attack as opposed to us throwing good American soldiers into the Iraqi civil war meat grinder.

2007-02-24 15:12:31 · answer #9 · answered by Alan S 7 · 3 1

So go catch Osama then and stop using those people that died in 9/11 for political gain I think that is an insult to their memory and a disgusting way to start a war.

2007-02-24 15:24:53 · answer #10 · answered by molly 7 · 4 0

We should have invaded Saudi Arabia- that is the country that is funding the terrorists-- but Bush is in bed with them so he had to find somewhere else to "divert" the attention from the truth---lies, lies, that's all they do is lie and they dare say they are christians- they are pseudochristians and for the blood on his hands, he should be considered an atheist

2007-02-24 15:25:09 · answer #11 · answered by mac 6 · 3 0

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