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i am doing an indepenant research project on teenage pregnancy and society's views. i am just curious to know what people think of teenage pregnancy and parenting, both positve and negative. also why do you think this?

2007-02-24 14:57:28 · 33 answers · asked by hexkitti 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

33 answers

I think teenage parents are misguided and fairly selfish. Where are their parents?

I was a mother at 21. I was about to be married, just graduated college ( a year early and with a 3.8 GPA), had a steady job, a household, a car, etc.

After going through childbirth AND raising a child, I can honestly say that teenage parents are dillusional if they think they can offer a child the best life possible. As a parent it is not our responsibility to give the child the best WE can provide; it's to give the child the best life possible.

If that's not with the parent, then adopt. Adopt. Adopt. Adopt. If a teenager has never even paid bills, what's going to happen? What about school? What about LIFE?

2007-02-24 15:03:08 · answer #1 · answered by FaZizzle 7 · 0 3

I was a teenager when I had my first child. I didn't receive criticism like I thought I would though; I expected to be spat on by society. If they had negative opinions, they must have kept them to themselves.
I find that there are some people that are suited to parenting at such a young age - My two best friends also fell pregnant around the same time, which is just a coincidence, because we were always the well-behaved smart kids during school - and we are all managing fine with the responsibility. But in my hometown I also see a lot of other young parents that really shouldn't have kids in their care at all; they are too busy still partying and enjoying life like they don't have children to go home drunk to, etc.
From a personal perspective, though, it is not something I recommend. We all had plans to go to University and get good careers, but that is something that is not likely to happen ever now. Our social lives were cut short and most of our old friends fell away. We had to move out of home whether we were ready to or not, and find a source of income and a place to live. It is a lot to be thrown into when you are clueless about a lot of the workings of the world.
And being so young presented problems in getting a job that payed enough money and wasn't on $7 an hour, or convincing landlords that we needed that unit and we weren't going to play loud music all night and keep the neighbours awake.
In hindsight, I wouldn't trade my daughter for the world, but I could have been more successful in my personal life should I have waited until I was in my twenties to have a child.
And for statistical purposes, 2 years down the track, both me and my two friends are either pregnant again or have already had a second child, and we are all with the same partners that we fell pregnant to in the first place.

2007-02-24 15:14:59 · answer #2 · answered by tinania-elfireb 2 · 2 0

Although a teen pregnancy is almost never planned, it's not always a completely bad thing. I know teens when faced with an unplanned pregnancy think their parents will be so disappointed and unsupporting. Granted they probably will be disappointed because that is the natural reaction. Once the baby is born, it will be a whole other ball game. -- IF they're lucky enough to have supportive parents.

I say this because I have supportive parents. My brother at the age of 17 got his 15 year old gf pregnant. She had the baby at 16. Sadly her parents weren't quite as supportive and eventually they allowed her to marry my brother. BUT getting married wasn't the right solution for the 2 of them. It just didn't work out. My parents now have custody of her - 8 years old.. Lillie. And sadly her mother was in a fatal car accident 2 years ago.. She was 8 1/2 months pregnant with her 3rd child at the age of 22. Neither made it. But Lillie has a very supportive household - my parents, so she made it through. As an 8 year old, she's been through harder times than most 30 year olds. But she's here... and she's not one bit of a regret. She's strong and sassy these days... so what i'm saying is it doesn't always have a negative ending.. teen pregnancy i mean. I wouldn't trade my little niece for anything!

2007-02-24 15:15:23 · answer #3 · answered by Holly 3 · 0 0

Many moons ago it was expected that women get married and start a family in their teens. In many other countries teens are expected to start a family. However as times have changed in America this is no longer the case. And God bless us for being able to live in a country where women are considered "almost equal" and have just as much of a chance to be vice president of a major corporation as the next man.
With all that being said I guess what I'm trying to say is... Speaking from experience (17 when I had my first) teenagers can be just as good of a mom as a women in her 20's who planned the pregnancy/Sure you grow up a lot faster than you would have. My daughter was a blessing in disquise. I wouldn't change history for the world. I look at it this way, yeah, I'll probably be her dorky mom as teen but being that there's no huge generation gap over all I think and hope it will let us have a closer bond. Now don't get me wrong, I do agree with a few of the previous posts, that some teenager's parents may end up taking care of the child.But, look how many older women's children who end up in foster care because the can't or won't take care of their child. I do think having a loving family support and acceptance of the teen's blessing in disquise will help her cope and be a better mother. You can read every parenting book out there but not one of them can tell you how to love! Sorry for the long post. It's a touchy subject!

2007-02-24 17:59:16 · answer #4 · answered by nscstyles 2 · 0 0

Honestly, I think it is awful that some 12, 13, 14 and 15 year olds get pregnant. But I think that once past the age 16 they CAN handle it. Do I think they should wait. Yes, but God has a plan. Everything happens for a reason. And No they shouldn't be having sex, but most of you had sex before you were married. I know I am jumping all over the place, but let me put it this way:

I was 17 when I married. A senior in high school. We lived on our own. My husband was 21, everyone kept saying "they are only getting married because she's pregnant." And this and that, we only got married because we wanted too. Now at 18, we had been married 13 months when I got pregnant in July of 04. I had my daughter in April of 05. I was 19 when I had her. Has it been tough, heck yeah. Would I go back and make the same choices I had made prior to this, I have to say, yeah.. I would. No second thoughts. But I couldn't imagine not being married when we had her. I do know a girl who got pregnant when she was 14 and had her daughter when she was 15, with one of my best friends. A judge allowed them to get married. That was almost 4 years ago. They are still married. They've had a rough time, but they are still togther. But I have to say, their daughter had NO respect for anyone. I think that children who come from younger parents have more behavioral issues.

2007-02-24 17:52:26 · answer #5 · answered by Rileigh's MOMMY! 3 · 0 0

Teenage parenthood is tough. Some teens aren't mature enough to handle children of their own. Sadly enough, I can say the same about some "adults."

One thing is for sure... it makes you grow up QUICK. Your life is never what it would have been... you have less money, you have a lower level of education (or you have to fight ten times as hard to go back to school, juggling babysitters and jobs that your friends don't have to juggle), and if your relationship with the other parent goes south, it's harder to find another life partner who is willing to put up with an ex and a kid.

That's just life. But teenage pregnancy happens because kids don't understand the results of their actions. It sure is fun doing what you need to do to make those babies, but raising them is a different story. I feel very fortunate for those who are able to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and have a good support system when an unplanned pregnancy occurs. I feel very sorry for those who have no one, or whose families turn their backs on them the instant they learn they've made an irreversible mistake. But it happens.

2007-02-24 15:04:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I think that teenagers being pregnant and parents is stupid and wrong. They're still children, and they still think like it. If they think that they are mature enough to take on sex, then they should be mature enough to understand the risks, of not just sti's and pregnancy, but what it means to be pregnant and being a parent. It's a lifetime commitment, and teenagers seem to be about the here and now and not the consequences of their actions are. What are they going to do if their child has serious problems like a disease, disorder or disabilities.

2007-02-27 15:21:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think teenagers are too young to become parents...they are still doing growing up themselves. However, this being said...I do have a neice who had a baby when she was 18. She's had to grow up fast but she did finish school and has a job and is supporting the child herself...which is good on her part. I do help out when I can...not because she asks..but because I want to help. My neice is now 20 and my 2 year old great-neice is a little doll...and her mom is teaching her manners and other good things every child should learn.

2007-02-24 15:17:08 · answer #8 · answered by Dorth 6 · 0 0

I think it depends on the person. Some girls that are out there sleeping with everyone they see and end up getting pregnant don't need to be parents because they're not responsible enough. But if the parents are in a good relationship, love each other, and come up with some way to make it work then it's fine. They knew the consequences of having sex and they'll be responsible enough to deal with it.

2007-02-24 15:09:43 · answer #9 · answered by coldasyou213 2 · 0 0

I am 19 and i am 32 weeks pregnant with my first child.

If you are financially stable and have a healthy relationship, then you get pregnant, it is alright. If you feel you are emotionaly, and mentaly stable to have a baby, go ahead. You will end up paying for it in the end.

Dont get me wrong. I know i am only 19 and pregnant. But i made the choice to have sex and get pregnant. i am also engaged to the baby's father. I am not going to say its MY fault that i got pregnant. Both me and the father took part in the sexual act, without using protection.

I think that if you are not ready to have a baby, use a form of birth control. Such as condoms or birth control pills. But, if you think you are old enough to have sex, which many teens think, then you are old enough to pay the consquences.

2007-02-24 15:04:54 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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