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im 35 weeks pregnant.. of course i havent been gettin any sleep, i have such a bad cold, always sick, and throughout my whole pregnancy i have been beyond stressed out cause the father left me when i was 6 weeks for his ex and i havent talked to him in 20 weeks and yeah ive missed him. I would cry every night but i got okay, well lately...

I have been feeling even more stressed out. Everything is getting to me that people are doing and i jsut wanna break down and cry! i just feel i cant take it anymore. I feel like i did in the beginning of my pregnancy, stressed and never happy. Its happening all over again.

Can anyone help me out here.. Is it okay to feel like this this late in my pregnancy... ???

2007-02-24 14:41:07 · 14 answers · asked by Jessica D 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

14 answers

i have several friends whom have been in your position and being the friend trying to be supportive i also felt that they were so stupid to be so depressed over a guy whom clearly isnt worth a second thought if he is just gonna walk out on a woman and his child that she is carrying but i do understand now after many converstations with them , just remember that the baby that seems to be making you so sick all the time and may make you so uncomfortable right now , will give you non stop unconditional love and will never leave you for someone else this child deserves your excitement for him/her i am a mom now i have a 2 year old and even without the father around i am just so happy with my little girl she is the best thing that has ever happened to and for me just hang in there and you will see that your baby will be the reason for you living everyday and breathing everyday so forget the hurt from him and just look forward to the love and joy you will receive from your baby. and here is my email address ( amyevargas@yahoo.com) if you ever need some one to talk to or vent to , i am here willing to read it and share advise and or just someone to let you get everything out without an opinion or judgement . remember to smile you are almost there in the pregnancy .ps (i am not one of those overly religious people or even a very nice person i just understand and know that things can get much better.

2007-02-24 15:00:13 · answer #1 · answered by jennyleeflame 2 · 0 0

There is good news and some bad news. The bad news is that you are super hormonal right now and everything feels so much worse because of it. The hormones will be an issue for you for a few more months to come, unfortunately. The good news is that you have the power to change your perspective and you CAN feel much better.

First- you must accept what's going on in your life. I know it's a hard pill to swallow but you have to. Accept that your child's father is no longer with you- and look at the whole picture: yes you miss him, but he's obviously not the right man for you or else he wouldn't be treating you this way. It's better that he's gone now rather than three years from now when it would break your child's heart to see daddy leave mommy. There is ALWAYS good in bad situations, you just have to find it.

Secondly: you control what's in your life. If you focus on negative things, then that's all you see and all you are bringing into your life. You need to have an attitude of gratitude. When I would see famous people really upset because they broke up with their boyfriend I would think: they are so lucky to have tons of money and have so many luxuries- who are they to complain? Then I realized that eventhough I'm not a millionaire, I have soooooo much to be grateful for.

Once you start thinking of all the good things in your life, you start to feel better. You also start finding ways to bring more good into your life.

Thirdly: you need to focus on being the best mom you can be. Now is the time where you decide what kind of mom you are going to be- one who is always emotional and freaking out or a strong woman who makes your child feel safe and secure. If you want to be a strong woman- be one! You need to find all the things that are making you freak out so much and discover WHY they are making you feel this way. Are you afraid that you aren't going to be able to afford this child?- then make a budget and make things work. Are you worried that you can't take care of a baby by yourself?- millions of women do it. Whatever it is, you need to find a solution.

As crappy as this may sound: you have two choices, cry about how unhappy you are or do something about it.

Getting into action is the only thing that's going to make you feel better. Change your outlook on life and find out what's really bothering you and fix it.

One good motivator for you may be that stress is bad for your baby. She's not even born yet and you aren't taking good care of her by not taking care of yourself.

Have yourself a good cry and get it overwith.

2007-02-24 15:02:39 · answer #2 · answered by Erin H 3 · 0 0

~Pregnancy is a stressful time for many women. You may be feeling happy, sad and scared—all at the same time. It’s okay to feel like you do. Very high levels of stress may contribute to preterm birth or low birth weight in full-term babies, however, so you should try to learn how to cope with it.~ from a site
but i also know it can make you have an early pregnancy, cause brain damage(minor) make the baby sick and most of all in danger your life while pregnant the body is very hormonal and causes more stress while in stress and more stress thats 3 x the stress so calm down rest no over working at ALL....

2007-02-24 14:49:55 · answer #3 · answered by Amanda 2 · 0 0

I think it is compleatly normal. I have felt that way at times during my pregnancy. I am only 17 weeks and my husband is here for me, but whenever I start getting a crapy sleep I get stressed. Our cat wakes me up every morning around 5 to play and I just dont want to play, so I throw him outside, and some nites just sit and cry. It seems silly but I think it is the hormones and lack of sleep. If you feel the need to cry then cry, there is no better stress reliever than crying I think, not even sex. hehe. Because you are feeling this way right now, i would talk to your doctor about post partum depresion just in case, so that you know what to look for. Dont be affraid to ask for help. It will get better.

2007-02-24 14:47:31 · answer #4 · answered by krickee 3 · 0 0

Pregnancy is a time of extreme emotions. You have been through some bad experiences, so it's no surprise you are panicking. Stress alone can make you ill. It's in your best interest to try and focus on something positive, something you are looking forward to, and get a grip because you are about to become a mother. If you don't have a friend to rely on who can help you focus on the positive, please try Planned Parenthood and see if there is a counselor you can speak with. Forget the ex. Move forward and don't look back.

2007-02-24 14:50:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

that awful !!! sorry but you probably are just worried about giving birth and being a new mommy and how to deal with the x you seem to be handling it well considering. You may want to get a referral from your gyno for a therapist they could help with your emotions and keep an eye on you. They also may have some great programs for you as a single mother! Good luck this will only make you stronger hang in there that little baby needs you

2007-02-24 14:47:38 · answer #6 · answered by Katie 3 · 0 0

It is completely normal to feel down during pregnancy. Especially when you are so close to being due! It's like you finally realize what's happening and it's scary. Also, you feel like your back is gonna snap or you feel fat or ugly. It's so hard. But try not to stress too much. It affects your baby. Remember that you are almost there! 5 more weeks! That's nothing. It'll fly by.

2007-02-24 15:35:21 · answer #7 · answered by Angela 3 · 0 0

Of course! I'm 9 months pregant and i'm stressing just as much as you. You're not the only one. It's just pregancy hormones, its okay to cry. Just let it out and cry, its a normal thing especially if you're pregant. Dont worry about your ex, you will enjoy being single for some time and when you're ready, go out and have some fun with the girls and meet some single men! Good luck to us pregant women uh?

2007-02-24 14:46:05 · answer #8 · answered by Where's the sunset? 1 · 0 0

It's your hormones. Just lean on your family and friends and think about the new bundle of joy that you will have pretty soon. It will all be worth it in the end. Your hormones can make you cry and make you feel like you are going crazy...I've been there. Just hang in there and find some support around you. God bless the two of you.

2007-02-24 14:55:31 · answer #9 · answered by Terrie 2 · 0 0

You are probably going through post partum depression. Do not be stressed out. It could hurt the baby.

If you are stressed about buying things like diapers/wipe for your baby, stock up on them now. Breastfeed your baby so that you wont have to buy formula or milk (which can save you lots of money) Make sure you have plenty of clothes for your baby, in different sizes. so you wont have to go out and buy a new outfit for him/her every month or 2. Save as much money as you can right now, so you can go out and buy emergency diapers or something when you need to.

Please don't be worried. and Congradulations

Do not worry about your babies daddy, just get child support from him. If he doesn't want to take responsability for his child, then forget him.

2007-02-24 14:48:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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