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Whos the enemy of leo, and who are we supposed to be with and who do we get along with best, and other info about leos will be good too thanx?

2007-02-24 12:35:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

6 answers





Leo! About Your Sign...
The Leo type is the most dominant, spontaneously creative and extrovert of all the zodiacal characters. In grandeur of manner, splendor of bearing and magnanimity of personality, they are the monarch's among humans as the lion is king of beasts. They are ambitious, courageous, dominant, strong willed, positive, independent, self-confident there is no such a word as doubt in their vocabularies, and they are self-controlled. Born leaders, either in support of, or in revolt against, the status quo. They are at their most effective when in a position of command, their personal magnetism and innate courtesy of mind bringing out the best of loyalty from subordinates. They are uncomplicated, knowing exactly what they want and using all their energies, creativeness and resolution to get it, as well as being certain that they will get whatever they are after. Their followers know where they are with Leonians. Leonians think and act bigger than others would normally dare; the ambitiousness of their schemes and idealism sometimes daunt their followers, their practical hardheadedness and ability to go straight to the heart of any problem reassures those who depend on them. If Leonians meet with setbacks they thrive on the adversity.

On the whole they are powers for good, for they are strongly idealistic, humane, and beneficent. They have powerful intelligence and are of a broad philosophical, sometimes religious, turn of mind. Those who are devout may become very obstinate in upholding traditional beliefs and will cling tenaciously, but with complete sincerity, to practices and doctrines which liberal thinkers regard as absurdly out-of-date. These will be found as the 'lions' of industries, and in the forefront of the cutting edge of technologies.

Their faults can be as large in scale as their virtues, and an excessively negative Leonian can be one of the most unpleasant human beings imaginable, displaying extreme arrogance, autocratic pride, haughtiness, and excessive hastiness of temper. If jealously suspicious of rivals, they will not hesitate to use cunning, lies and trickery to discredit them. Self-centeredness, greed for flattery, boastfulness, and bombast, pomposity, snobbish superiority, and overbearing, and intolerant disdain of underlings; to whom they will nevertheless delegate the carrying out of minor details in their grandiose schemes, and from whom they are not above borrowing immoderately if an occasion necessitates it. Any of these can be characteristic of Leo.
Add to them a passion for luxury, a lust for power, unlimited sexual lust, and emotional indulgence, and a character emerges that no one would want to know either in public life or private. But their pride may go before a fall, as uncontrolled impetuosity is likely to bring them low. Fortunately it is rare that a Leo is so undisciplined as to give way thoroughly to this list of vices, and their tendencies to them are usually balanced by an innate wisdom. Those who are afflicted with them also have the intelligence it takes to consciously and actively overcome them.

In professional life they do well at any vocation at which there is room at the top. As politicians they are content with nothing less than a powerful position in government. In business they may be the chairman of their company's board, or at least directors or managers. They are excellent organizers and overseers, often laying the groundwork for new projects. If from the artisan ranks of society they will aspire to become the boss, partly because they are ambitious by nature, partly because they dislike manual labor, preferring to take charge of others doing it. If artistic, Leos can become stars of stage or screen (their bent is serious rather than light drama), maestros as musicians where they will gravitate toward the grand instruments or activities, such as the organ or conducting of orchestras and as painters; anything grand in conception and scale appeals to them. Leo women make exceptionally good welfare workers.

In his or her relations with others the Leo type is open, sincere, genuine and trusting. Outgoing, spontaneously warm hearted and plain spoken, though never lacking in kindliness, Leos are more disillusioned than the average if let down by those they trust. They are not good judges of character and are inclined to favoritism and an exaggerated faith in their followers which too often ends in disappointment. They have a strong sex drive and are so attracted to the opposite sex that they find it hard to be constant; they can be so intensely sexual as to become dissolute. They may have numerous love affairs for their love of pleasure and beauty is liable to drive them from one attractive partner to another. They are very much inclined to deceive. Their marriages may fail for the same reason, yet they are sincere and generous to their lovers while love lasts, and will remain attached to their homes so long as it is run for their benefit. They demand service but are incapable of giving it.

Possible Health Concerns...

Physiologically, Leo governs the upper back, forearms, wrist, spine and heart. Its natives are subject to a number of ailments: pain in the back and lungs, spinal complaints, diseases of the heart and blood, sickness in ribs and sides, convulsions, pleasantries, violent burning fevers including, in former days, when they were prevalent, plague, pestilence, jaundice, and some afflictions of the eyes.

Speculative ventures
Lavish Living
Pageantry and Grandeur
Doing things safely
Ordinary,Day to day living
Small minded people
Penny pinching
Mean spiritedness


As with all sun signs, we all have unique traits to our personalities. When these traits are suppressed, or unrealized, problems will arise. However, with astrology we can examine the problem and assess the proper solution based on the sun sign characteristics. As a Leo you may see things below that really strike home. Try the solution, you most likely will be amazed at the results. If you find yourself on the receiving end of the negatives below, it is because you are failing to express the positive.

Problem: Getting all upset and angry with others when things do not go the way you fully expected them too. This kind of reaction to a problem is what causes a lot of marital discord and unhappiness.
Solution: You should never base all of your expectations on what you should get, but rather base them on what you can give to, or do, for those who are in your sphere of influence. You will find you have a more peaceful and happy home if you do this.

Problem: You are sometimes your own worst enemy, especially so when you are striving for attention in such obvious ways that you turn off the very people you sought to impress.
Solution: The first place to start is to stop trying to gain attention; give people the chance to notice the real you. Decide what it is that impresses you and you will then know what to do to impress others.

Problem: Egotism, to the extent that you may be the Leo who thinks no one is quite as good at things as you are and the people around you are made to feel small through your habit of comparison.
Solution: What the higher minded Leo has is a sense of self worth and of greatness, this is corrupted when you let the ego get out of hand so you should learn to walk tall by looking up to those that are 'taller' than you are.

Problem: Losses in income from unwisely speculating which leads to financial ruin, as well as possible personal losses of family and friends due to a lack of concern for their financial welfare.
Solution: You should always investigate all investments well before they are made, then talk it over with your spouse as to how hard the budget can be hit, before you spend the first dime.

Your ruling planet is the SUN

The Sun is our nearest star and the source of energy for life on Earth. It is about 150 million km away (93 million miles), a distance which sunlight covers in 8 minutes, whereas the distance to the moon is only 1.3 light-seconds. The Sun is about 300,000 times heavier than Earth and rotates around its axis (as viewed from the orbiting Earth) in about 27 days.

Some more interesting facts about your sign:

The male lions are not particularly good hunters, the main work is done by the females when the male drives the prey in the direction where they are hiding, although the males insist on eating their share before the females. Hunting occurs at night or cooler times of day, the hotter hours are spent resting in the shade. Only males grow a mane, which can take up to 5 years to fully develop.

The color of choice for Leo is GOLD

Your starstone is the rich red RUBY
Known as a stone of nobility. It can improve success in controversies and disputes, encouraging gentleness and discouraging violence. Excellent shielding stone to protect you from bodily harm. Encourages one to follow bliss.

House: Fifth
Gemstone: Ruby
New age stone: Topaz, sardonyx
Color: Gold, scarlett
Opposite sign: Aquarius
Least Compatible with: Pisces,Capricorn
Ruling Planet : The Sun
Element: Fire
Anatomy ruled: Heart, upper back
Flower: Marigold
Most compatible with: Aries, Sagittarius and Leo
Your tarot card: VIII Strength
Usually:Generous, assertive, faithful and responsible.
Can be: Smug, pompous, stubborn and arrogant



Both of you are independent, self-motivated individuals, very much concerned with your own creative work and interests, and you prefer not to feel like you "own" each other. ARIES, however, often acts in a manner that is socially inappropriate while LEO is more aware of appearances and is more concerned with the response of others. ARIES is somewhat indifferent to other people's opinions, while LEO craves approval and affirmation from others.

You are both immensely proud and neither of you wants to take the back seat in this relationship. There is a great deal of harmony between you, but being two spirited and somewhat volatile people, when you clash your fights are likely to be dramatic and boisterous.


Both of you are strong-willed and stubborn, and once you dedicate yourselves (to a person or a project), you will stay with it in good times and bad. Longevity, stability, and loyalty characterize your relationship.

Both of you can be infuriatingly obstinate and inflexible at times, and your personal styles and tastes often conflict. For instance, LEO is a more social creature, wants to go out more often, and is more daring and colorful than TAURUS is. LEO will spend or gamble more freely than TAURUS.

But even though you thoroughly disagree sometimes, your commitment is always strong and rarely questioned. You KNOW you can depend on one another. Both of you are so resistant to change that even if you hated each other, it would be hard to disengage yourselves and move on!

Also, you need to guard against becoming so self-satisfied and comfortable in your relationship that you take one another for granted.


You both have a very childlike, playful, fun-loving side that is brought out when you are together. You both love drama and color, and you find one another to be delightful and interesting. GEMINI is more intellectual than LEO, however, and needs a variety of people, activities, and interests in order to be happy. LEO wants to be the most important person in GEMINI's life, and may not appreciate all of GEMINI's other interests and friendships. LEO makes commitments and keeps them better than GEMINI does because LEO is less restless. Once having found something good, LEO sticks with it, and doesn't completely understand GEMINI's desire for novelty. Also, LEO is very proud and has a sensitive ego, while GEMINI can be a merciless teaser and doesn't always take LEO seriously. For the most part, however, you are great friends and can be very compatible lovers.


Both of you take life very personally, probably more personally than you realize. Your feelings and your pride are easily wounded by criticism or lack of appreciation from the people you care about. There can be an unusually warm loving bond between you, though your temperaments are quite different. LEO is very proud and wants recognition, appreciation, respect, and love from a partner. CANCER wants to be needed and desires sympathy, tenderness, and emotional support from a partner. LEO has difficulty accepting and expressing needs, sadness, or weakness, and is uncomfortable when CANCER expresses doubts, insecurities, weaknesses, or moodiness.

LEO is the more dominant of the two of you and is likely to take the lead in your relationship - which is fine with CANCER, who has no need to be on top.


You are both proud, vibrant, warm, but rather self-centered individuals. You both want to be the center of attention, and you may not want to share the starring role with your partner. Neither of you can dominate in this relationship - you must cooperate, which isn't something that comes naturally to either of you.

Although it may not be obvious to others, both of you are very self-conscious individuals, and you are very concerned with your own personal creativity, personal recognition, and personal performance. Both of you are best suited to work that is very personal and creative - being one inconspicuous part of a large corporation is not for you.

Your relationship is likely to be either extraordinarily happy and fulfilling or else disastrous - with no middle ground. You tend to either adore each other or despise each other. You are both very loyal, but you must respect and believe in your partner. If you ever feel that your partner lacks integrity or honesty, or is competing with you, or does not appreciate or understand your creative work and motivations, then the love and admiration that you have for each other turns sour quickly.


You two are very different! VIRGO is more modest, self-effacing, shy, and unobtrusive than LEO, who craves social approval, recognition, love, and applause. LEO tends to step into the limelight and outshine or overpower VIRGO. VIRGO is more emotionally self-sufficient than LEO is, and may not give LEO all of the "strokes" and appreciation LEO wants.

VIRGO also has a tendency to become fussy and particular, and these fits of perfectionism can have disastrous consequences when the target of VIRGO's critical eye is LEO. LEO is particularly sensitive to criticism and tends to interpret VIRGO's "constructive criticism" as a personal attack. VIRGO is more analytical and psychologically astute than LEO, who may not appreciate being "picked apart" or psychologically analyzed by VIRGO! Another problem in this relationship is that LEO may take for granted much of the work and assistance that VIRGO provides.


This can be a very warm and mutually fulfilling relationship. Both of you are romantics at heart and tend to be "in love with love". You both need and love romantic gestures, the giving and receiving of gifts, etc. Personal appearances and attractiveness is important to both of you as well, and you both are somewhat vain.

LEO is more decisive and very clear about personal preferences and desires, while LIBRA is more flexible and will compromise graciously in order to please LEO. LEO is more self-absorbed or self-centered than LIBRA. Of the two of you, LEO is the stronger individual, and the balance of power in your relationship may be somewhat lopsided. However, LIBRA has a highly developed sense of fairness and equality, and will protest sooner or later if LEO begins to expect obeisance all of the time.


Both of you are very proud, stubborn, strong-willed individuals and you are attracted to the strength of character that you sense in each other. There is a feeling of conquest between you that may serve to intensify the excitement of your attraction to each other. However, your strong wills may also prove to be a problem in a long-term relationship. You face the possibility that your combined inflexibility will make it difficult for the two of you to reach mutually satisfying decisions and both of you tend to stubbornly resist compromising when your preferences are different. A battle of wills is likely to ensue!

Another potential problem is jealousy or lop-sided bonding. SCORPIO bonds very intensely in romantic relationships and is inclined towards monogamy. LEO is also very loyal, but not nearly as intense, emotional, or obsessive as SCORPIO is.


Warmth, enthusiasm, vitality, and joy are kindled when the two of you are together, and there is great magnetism between you. SAGITTARIUS draws LEO out, evoking the more light-hearted, fun-loving side of LEO. SAGITTARIUS also keeps LEO from getting stuck in a rut, introducing new ideas and experiences that LEO enjoys. This is a mutually beneficial relationship which promises lots of good times and a very active life together.

SAGITTARIUS's frequent indifference or obliviousness to others' personal feelings can result in blunt comments that wound LEO's easily hurt pride. LEO is also more loyal than SAGITTARIUS is, who tends to wander (in actuality and fantasy) more than LEO does.


CAPRICORN's more emotionally detached, reserved, down-to-earth and somewhat cynical or skeptical attitude contrasts with LEO's warm enthusiasm and basically cheerful temperament. In your personal style and tastes, also, this difference is very apparent: CAPRICORN prefers the classics, simple elegance, and either a very conservative, traditional style or an austere less-is-more, keep-it-simple style. LEO has a generous, lavish hand and loves rich color, warmth, and brilliance that borders on gaudiness. Sometimes, this translates into emotional terms also. CAPRICORN is more careful, cooler, less inclined to gamble, wants a sure thing. LEO is more open and expressive and warm, and needs an abundance of appreciation and affection - more than CAPRICORN is inclined to give sometimes. One thing you do have in common: you both take your commitments to heart, and you prize fidelity and loyalty.


AQUARIUS is drawn to LEO's warmth and vitality, and LEO is drawn to AQUARIUS's uniqueness, intelligence, and savvy. There are significant differences between you though. AQUARIUS's colleagues, associates, and large social circle of friends and acquaintances are a very important part of AQUARIUS's life, while AQUARIUS's need for close, personal relationships is not as great as LEO's. This characteristic is also reflected in your relationship! AQUARIUS may seem cool and aloof to LEO. From AQUARIUS's perspective, LEO takes life too personally and seems to dramatize events, idolize individuals, and, in general, be too self-absorbed. You are truly opposites in many ways and can certainly benefit from one another's attitudes and insights.


A major difference between you is that PISCES lacks LEO's natural egocentricity, personal pride and ambition, and the need to feel important and special. PISCES will not compete with LEO, and is perfectly comfortable not being the one in the limelight. In fact, PISCES has a passive streak and tends to recede into the background, avoiding intensely competitive situations where decisiveness and aggressiveness are required. Personal recognition is not that important to PISCES. LEO, on the other hand, loves to be noticed and appreciated, to be the center of attention, and tends to have an inflated sense of self-importance.

PISCES is gentle, receptive, compassionate, and very sensitive to the emotional tone in any relationship. PISCES is attuned to the subtle signals, unspoken feelings and needs of a partner, while LEO is a bit vague when it comes to such things. If you want or need something from LEO, you must clearly say so.

PISCES's changeability, fluidity, elusiveness, sensitivity and awareness of subtlety fascinates or frustrates LEO, who is a much more straightforward, uncomplicated creature.

Also, LEO can easily dominate or trample over PISCES's feelings, and this can be the source of considerable unhappiness.


The natural king of the zodiac, Leo loves to be the center of attention and to be in love - which is not difficult since you are ruled by the sun and have a warm-hearted nature. As a fire sign, you are exceedingly passionate and sexually demanding. You are a confident and self-assured lover. People do tend to notice you. You are dramatic and full of vitality and bounce, like a boisterous lion cub. But, unlike a cub, you radiate an irresistible sexual power that draws everyone into fascinated orbit around you.



2007-02-24 13:56:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I am a Leo. Anyone can be an enemy of a Leo. I have found I am the most compatable with an Aquarias. It is a Leo's exact opposite. They compliment each other well The least sompatable is with a cancer. Leos are very cocky and have queen or king complexes. They are very confident. They are great lovers and friends, but horrible enemies. The Leo is ruled by the sun, and their heart. There phrase is I will. I could go on for a while. There are books you can get that will give you a lot of info. If you want the titles message me your e-mail and I will give titles and authors. I don't have them at my desk right now.

2007-02-24 13:42:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

leos are loyal, honest, and full of pride. they expect to be told the truth and are hurt when lied to. they boast often about their accomplishments. leos should avoid an acquarius. leos go great with ares, sagittarius, virgos, cancers, libras, and geminis.

im a leo too! good luck!

by the way, the person above me looked like it was copied from a website and is way too long. sorry.

2007-02-24 15:48:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I'm a Leo...I think we get along with all signs because we are peace keepers. Your exact opposite, as they say opposites attract, would be an Aquarian. Libra's are very fun though! :)

PS...Stay away from Geminis, they are one way one minute, and another way the next minute!

2007-02-24 12:44:48 · answer #4 · answered by oracle1 3 · 1 0

never, ever, ever date a pisces. they are ok as friends, but make lousy sweethearts for leos. too sensitive and dreamy, and lower sex drive than leo.

2007-02-24 13:34:18 · answer #5 · answered by bad guppy 5 · 1 0

imea leo but if u want info about ur sign go to yahoo astrolgy sorry if i spelled it wrong but there it will tell you

2007-02-24 12:39:23 · answer #6 · answered by Kneisha G 3 · 0 0

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