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Let me know your stories. How has the law of attraction helped you in your life? How have you explained quantum physics to all the ignorant people out there? How is God involved in all of this? I have many questions...please try to answer some of them and if you are an expert, give me your email so i can ask you more. I am a young guy thats hungry for more information about this phenomonen!

2007-02-24 12:16:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

9 answers

Well I can't claim to be an expert in quantum physics by any stretch, however I can tell you how the law of attraction has affected my life.

I tend to be a negative person. I was born that way. My first word was no! Throughout my life I would expect the worst and it would often happen. My negativity was a self-fulfilling prophecy. I would expect to be unhappy, expect boyfriends to leave me, etc & this would be the case. Now did that mean I was right or did it mean that I was attracting the negative because it's what I focused on?

Then a couple of years ago, something happened. I experimented with being positive. I thought about buying a house. It seemed an impossible prospect for a single gal like me. But I went to the bank to see if I could get approved for a mortgage. When I was pre-approved, it was very empowering. I experienced a mindshift. Suddenly the impossible was possible. I can do it! I thought. I can buy a house by myself! I don't need a man (before I always figured I'd leave home when I got married, then after wasting 9 years with a deadbeat I realized that this may not happen.) It's like my thoughts had an energy. They gathered momentum. I was planning to buy a townhouse. I couldn't find anything affordable in the town I had lived in. Then I made a new friend on a different shift at work. She lived in a small town about 45 minutes away. She said there were more affordable homes there. So I looked. I was able to purchase a new beautiful fully detached house! I was so excited. It was the scariest & most rewarding thing I've ever done. Moving here has changed my life. I got a new job making more money. It's a very artsy town & I've shown my paintings in art galleries & shows. I'm also a singer-songwriter & guitarist & play weekly at a local bar. It was there that I met my boyfriend, a fellow singer-songwriter. He's also a Taurus like me, very passionate. It was love at first sight. Now I've been on the radio, I'm working on a CD, I was on the front of my local paper. Wonderful things are happening but it's because I believed in myself. I expected good things to happen & attracted them to me.

Thoughts are powerful. They have an energy that radiates out & affects your life. What you believe, what you feel & think & say to yourself is what you attract, whether you realize it or not. Why do some people with low self-esteem seem to have such unhealthy abusive relationships? Why do they have problems? Because that's what they draw to themselves.

That's why it's so important to think positively. To believe the best.

When you help yourself, the universe (and God) helps you along. If you don't help yourself, if you hurt yourself then the universe & God will seem to turn on you.

Anyway, that's my impression of the law of attraction. Hope this helps.

Peace out!

2007-02-24 12:51:23 · answer #1 · answered by amp 6 · 1 0

Sounds like you need to read "The Dancing Wu Li masters" by Zakov.

To be honest, I think there is some value to this idea in that we realize that our human perspective is not the whole story. I can imagine an alien race that views the universe from a totally different range on the electromagnetic spectrum, through chemicals (like ants) and the like. This makes us realize that our view is more limited than we might think.

However I think some of this is overblown and "relativity" on a quantum scal really has nothing at all to do with the idea that human interatcions with each other are relative.

2007-02-24 12:31:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

This is more easily understandable if one considers the actual scale of the components of an atom. If one takes into account the fact that the neutrons, protons and electrons of an atom actually have huge spaces between them it becomes clear that the atoms that make up seemingly solid objects are made up of 99+ percent empty space.

This alone does not seem too important till you add the idea that the atoms that make up seemingly solid objects are more of a loose conglomeration that share a similar attraction but never really touch each other.

At first glance this does not really seem relevant, but closer analysis reveals that this adds a tremendous amount of empty space to solid objects that are already made up of atoms that are 99 percent space. When so-called solid objects are seen in this light it becomes apparent that they can in no way be the seemingly solid objects they appear to be.

We ourselves are not exceptions to this phenomenon.

These seemingly solid objects are more like ghostly images that we interpret as solid objects based on our perceptual conclusions.

From this we must conclude that Perception is some sort of a trick that helps us to take these ghostly images and turn them into a world we can associate and interact with. This clever device seems to be a creation of our intellect that enables us to interact with each other in what appears to be a three dimensional reality.

I hope that helps to answered your question.

Love and blessings Don

2007-02-24 12:39:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Bran muffins are bosons (force carriers) known as branmuffons. They carry the strong and weak bran forces. You come into contact with these forces when you smell freshly baked bran muffins and have the urge to eat a few. The branmuffons interact with fast-decaying branions, branicons and mufons in general. I wouldn't say bran muffins are the key to to quantum physics, though. As of yet, super colliders have not produced any of these related particles.

2016-03-16 00:28:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

when i use things on microscopic levels, i see it full of movement. photons at various wavelengths flow across and through various materials. every structure resonates with the wind, electricity, heat, or whatever force acts on it. energy always tries to move from regions of higher energy to regions of lower energy. however, during that journey that energy moves through many things, causing movement of stars, planets, moons, wind, air particles, and such, all the way down to quarks.

scientists try to seperate different disciplines. they try to seperate cosmology, astronomy, physics, quantum physics, and all the other disciplines, but they are all interconnected. you cant fully know one field without knowing its inputs and outputs to other things. i don't attempt to explain these things to commoners. they see things in a 2 dimensional universe. they see things as a flat sheet of paper laid out. they have no clue what is beyond that sheet of paper. they dont take into account time or any complex relationships between things. they dont see things moving.
God made these things. He made them all function together in a complex machine billions of lightyears across that moves energy around.

2007-02-24 12:54:29 · answer #5 · answered by Stand-up Philosopher 5 · 0 0

Pick one principle that appeals to you, and apply it into your life so that it comes clear to you completely and that would be good start for you.

And as you keep applying more knowledge into your life, more celestial wisdom will automatically flow into your life.

Be patient. Universe always supplies us with enough knowledge, and information to create our own wisdom out of it. Just keep living it.

Take it easy though, you have enough time out here.

2007-02-24 13:34:48 · answer #6 · answered by Abhishek Joshi 5 · 0 0

You need to get your hands on The Secret ...It was on Oprah not too long ago. She had experts speaking about the laws of attraction on her show. It was excellent. There is a book and also a DVD.

2007-02-24 12:42:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The answer to life, the universe, and everything is.......42. Didn't you see the movie?

2007-02-25 03:06:26 · answer #8 · answered by earl justice 3 · 0 0

ignorance is not keeping an open mind......E=MC2 works for now.

2007-02-24 12:21:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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