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I am having my first baby in 8wks. Since I have never delivered before I am just wondering what other women out there think is best. An epidural or natural childbirth. I am a little scared about the pain because I don't know what to expect.
I have heard that if you get an epidural you are more likely to have to get a cut... Advice please......

2007-02-24 09:17:58 · 21 answers · asked by Loves2Snuggle 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

21 answers

Generally your doctors/midwives will have pointed out all the pros and cons of this, and they know your situation better than we do. If you have no strong preference, I suggest you listen to whatever the medical staff in charge of your pregnancy and delivery recommends.

I gave birth 6 months ago. The plan was an epidural. Not that anyone took me seriously and believed I was in active labour until it was too late to get it. But oh well. Point being, an epidural sounded very appealing to me. The risk of needing an episiotomy is bigger with an epidural, but only because of the inability to feel your body do its thing and tell you when to push so you can push more effectively. This means forceps are usually needed, and that's what causes the likelihood of tearing and makes it a good idea to have a snip. Like any other painkiller, there's a lot of other possible risks and side effects (although in my opinion it's the safest seeing as it's the only labour drug that doesn't actually reach your baby. Affects your baby through you, your bloodpressure etc, but the chemical itself doesn't go near your baby), if you'd like to read up on it a bit more, here's a pretty comprehensive list:

Honestly, don't sweat it too much. All the horror stories about childbirth, it's not always all that bad. Mine was 100% all natural and really quite bearable.

Congratulations on your little one, and good luck, I'm sure you'll do great whatever you decide!

P.S. All these people telling you to just "try all this other stuff and use the epidural as a last resort", sorry. You really need to know if you want one beforehand, because it takes an anesthesiologist to administer it - that means a specialised technician who may not be on site at short notice, and also the drug itself takes a while to kick in. Once the labour is advanced, it's too late to get it. And really, it's not a great idea to just try shedloads of drugs. This is your body, but it's also the last moments you'll be sharing it with your baby. The more drugs the higher the risk. Try and minimize that.

2007-02-24 09:27:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'd say go drug free or at least try to. I delivered 2 babies without medications and wouldn't want it any other way. An epidural might help relieve pain but theres some things you need to know. There are drawbacks and risks to epidural such as the medication affecting the baby or not helping you at all, a longer drawn out labor, needing delivery assistance such as an episiotomy or forceps, increased risk of tearing, spinal headache and an increased risk of needing a c-section which isn't fun at all(i've had one too) With an epidural you'll be restricted to bed, need a catheter, IV, be restricted to what positions you can lay in and push in and will have constant monitoring. the monitor straps are uncomfortable sometimes. An epidural can be beneficial for really long drawn out labors and can help you rest but I wouldn't sign up for one ahead of time.
with natural labor the thing to focus on is taking it one contraction at a time and focus on it taking you one step closer to your baby being born as opposed to how much it hurts. If natural labor was so horrible the human species would have become extinct 1,000 years ago. What ever you decide, keep an open mind and remember it's normal to be nervous but you'll be just fine. Good luck!

2007-02-24 16:25:53 · answer #2 · answered by Panda 7 · 0 0

I have three kids, and each one was born a different way. #1 was all natural vaginal. It hurt like heck, but I handled it and all was well. #2 was an emergency c-section with an epidural. I was totally awake and could feel them doing stuff in my belly, but no pain. Baby #3 I was undecided. I wasn't looking forward to the pain again, but didn't want to put unnecessary medication in my body that might affect him. At about 5 cm I decided that was enough of that, and I asked for the epidural. This time the epidural did not totally get rid of all pain. I still felt pain in my back with contractions, and that is what told me to push.

If I had to have another baby, I would probably get another epidural. It's nice to not be in agony and be able to focus on what is going on around you instead of having to tune out. My husband was also MUCH more comfortable since we were able to talk more and be happy together. I did not have an epesiotomy for either vaginal birth. #1 I tore a little with her shoulders and had to have a couple stitches (which hurt!), #3 I had "abrasions" which were uncomfortable but not as bad as tearing and stitches.
Talk to your doc ahead of time and have a tentative plan in place. Let them know that you want to have the right to change your mind though too. Good luck!

2007-02-24 09:37:54 · answer #3 · answered by Paula from Maple Street 4 · 0 0

I've had 3 children all natural, but I was lucky enough to have VERY fast labors. With an epidural Ive been told that if you don't give it enough time to wear off when it comes time to push you can't as effectively. And there are some risks to the baby. But the pain of having a baby is something that can't be described very well, and its different for every woman.
My suggestion, go until you can't take it anymore. An epidural will give you a chance to rest.
Good luck whichever way you decide.

2007-02-24 09:24:04 · answer #4 · answered by santobugito 7 · 1 0

With my first child I decided I would try and do it naturally, but I couldn't handle the pain. Some women can and some can't. One thing that has been said to me that I have found comforting about having an epidural, because you may get alot of flak for it, is why put yourself through all that pain and discomfort, you will need your energy in the time ahead so don't feel bad for taking the 'easy' way out.

2007-02-24 11:07:00 · answer #5 · answered by mskittyrose 2 · 0 0

im with you and wondering the same thing. and i think i've actually found a solution. i had heard that if you get an epidural, that you cant feel when to push. well i found a different option online. its called a "walking epidural". its the same thing as an epidural, they just use different medicines, and its just to take some of the pain away. you still feel when to push, and the contractions and all that, but nothing like you would if you didnt have one at all... i think this is what im going with. im 35 weeks and plan on talking with my dr about this instead of an epidural... so good luck to you in choosing, and God bless!!!

2007-02-24 09:46:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have had two adorable boys. I had said with my first i would not rule out the epidural, but i wouldn't necessarily get one either. Well, I absolutely had an epidural on both and i would recommend it! My first birth was easier because of it. My second, the epidural never got a chance to work, because the nurse accidentally broke my water. I felt myself when dilating 7-10 and the whole delivery and let me tell you, i don't want a third kid (LOL)! All i am saying is leave the option open to yourself.

2007-02-24 09:23:20 · answer #7 · answered by 13CherryBlossoms 1 · 0 0

If I could've had a natural childbirth with each of my sons, I would have. Unfortunately it wasn't possible and an epidural was needed. I think truly that it comes down to your own comfort level.

You really know what the pain is like, no matter what anyone tells you, until you are there yourself. But if pain is traumatic for you, you may want to look into and research the options for pain control.

2007-02-24 09:22:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Epidural all the way. Just because you have an epidural doesn't mean you are going to get a cut. I didn't. It just depends on how your labor goes. Natural child bearth is unbearing. atleast it was for me. My last baby i was to late for any pain killers and i cried the whole time. It was horrible horrible pain. ofcourse every women is different. but still.. my first son i had an epidural and didn't feel anything at all.... no pain no nothing.. it was great. so it is up to you if you can take pain... go for it girl. goodluck

2007-02-24 09:22:50 · answer #9 · answered by sleepyincarolina 4 · 0 0

Epidural. I had one with my son and it was great. After I got the epidural I went from 4cm to 10cm in a hour. I had to push for 30 minutes. If I have a second child I will have the epidural.

2007-02-24 09:53:00 · answer #10 · answered by guest 3 · 0 0

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