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I am almost 36 weeks pregnant, I have a doctors appointment on Monday morning, am just writing to see if anyone has had experience with this... within the past week or so I've been having really bad dizziness and have been hyperventilating, my eyes have been blurry, etc. I had a trace of protein in my last urine sample ( about 2 weeks ago), but nothing was thought of it. Last time they checked my blood pressure it was normal, but I assume it could have changed since then ( 1 1/2 weeks ago). Does this sound like it could be preeclampsia to you?

2007-02-24 08:49:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

8 answers

I've had pre-e with two pregnancies (my first and my third) It's normal to have trace protein. Generally pre-e rears it's ugly head in the end of pregnancy. Dizziness is a sign of pre-e but you also have to remember your balance is completely off and that throws the equalibrium in your brain wacky. But the blurry vision unless you're staring at a tv or a computer screen or reading for long periods you shouldn't have. I kinda describe my vision while I had pre-e as little silver spots darting around in front of me. Some people call that "silver fish" If your appointment is on Monday maybe you could have someone drive you to a pharmacy and take your BP on one of their machines there (that's how I kept track until I got my own cuff) If it's high then go into the ER. If it's not just speak with your dr. on Monday about all of your symptoms and ASK how much protein was in your urine.

2007-02-24 08:58:37 · answer #1 · answered by momofthreemiracles 5 · 1 0

Preeclampsia in many moms can be managed by diet. If it doesn't have the chance to go further, you can save yourself a lot of trouble. I had it with my first pregnancy, and never got it again. Every time I started to swell (which is the main thing that doctors worry about) I'd do the high protein fill. Start off with eating as much low fat high protein foods as you can manage, do not eat any refined foods, anything with sugar or white flour. Check your legs, push into the skin with your thumb for ten seconds. Remove your thumb and see if the skin stays indented? Are you retaining a lot of water?

Cucumbers can also help, as well as distilled water, although you need about 80 ounces of water a day, no sodas or sweet tea. Make sure you're eating frequent meals, as your tummy is so compacted by baby at this point that you'll have trouble digesting.

Only a medical professional can tell you if you are, but preeclampsia usually starts developing at 20 weeks, and continues to worsen if unmanaged. How's your blood sugar? Eat some meat, drink some water, take it easy. The end of pregnancy is hard anyway,

2007-02-24 21:47:28 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

It could be. I had it with my last 2 pregnancies and am already showing signs with this one. Are you swollen? Usually with Preeclampsia you will have severe swelling of the hands and face (though not always). Headaches are also very common. The blurred vision is a sign. Normally preeclampsia will start making your blood pressure go up before it gets REALLY bad... but that doesn't mean it can't just get bad FAST. I would suggest a call to the doctor. They will know what is best for you to do. If you are worried about preeclampsia then tell them. They will be able to tell you more signs. Good luck

2007-02-24 17:07:17 · answer #3 · answered by Mrs. Always Right 5 · 1 0

First let me start by saying that if you are at ALL concerned with ANY symptoms you're having, PLEASE talk to your doctor about it! Preeclampsia is very serious.

It sounds like it COULD be, but I am NOT a doctor. I had severe preeclampsia which started at around 20 weeks, but I ignored my crazy symptoms because I thought it was just "normal pregnancy stuff" since it was my first pregnancy and I didn't really know. At 25 weeks they realized I had it, put me on bedrest, and then at 27 weeks it was SO bad, I had an emergency c-section to save my daughter's and my own life. But that's a SEVERE case of preeclampsia. When cases aren't so severe, they can be treated with bedrest, medications, and constant medical supervision and women CAN go on to have healthy full-term babies.

My symptoms included INSANE swelling (first of my feet/ankles/legs and hands...then it was just EVERYTHING), sudden "weight" gain due to the insane swelling, large amounts of protein in my urine, extremely high blood pressure, difficulty breathing, blurry vision...but strangely I didn't have the headaches at all, which are a common symptom.

But please tell your doctor that you are concerned and don't hesitate to make an appointment immediately if you really just don't feel right. I hope you have a healthy pregnancy and delivery!

2007-02-24 20:04:08 · answer #4 · answered by Megan V 4 · 0 0

There is a possibility you could have preeclampsia. There are several symptoms including headache and vision problems. It can be very serious so get your blood pressure checked(not just once but a few times because it can fluctuate and show normal if you only have it checked on one occasion). Check here for more symptoms:
Hope everything is alright. If you are diagnosed you may be put on bed rest or induced earlier than you due date. It all depends on the severity. Since your dr. appointment isn't until Monday you could go to a pharmacy or somewhere that has free blood pressure machines just so you're not worried all weekend!

2007-02-24 16:58:05 · answer #5 · answered by abc 2 · 1 0

Yes for gods sake go to the er. I went to my Dr. appointment and PASSED OUT IN THE ELEVATOR the Dr said i just walked to fast. sent me home, didn't have my daughter for another 2 weeks and i had it bad. I had seizes for 7 hours at the end of labor. It was HORRIBLE. I now have permanent kidney damage.

I am pregnant with my 3rd child SOOOO not planned, and Dr advised me to abort, I just cant, I'm 18 weeks . dont wait on the damn Dr. It can change your life forever i know first hand.

I was swollen, weezing when i would breethe, could lay down, legs hurt so bad they were so tight, face and hands too. Blood pressure was high and mine runs low. My daughter was not moving hardly at all.

2007-02-24 17:06:23 · answer #6 · answered by tammer 5 · 1 0

Don't jump to conclusions. You may just be stressed. Try to increase your water intake. When sitting elevate your feet to heart level. Decrease salt intake as much as possible. Try not to get to stressed about anything, take it easy.

God Bless.

2007-02-24 17:14:55 · answer #7 · answered by NURSING FOR LIFE!! 4 · 1 0

Yes, go to the ER if you are having vision changes with your dizziness and don't drive.

2007-02-24 16:55:51 · answer #8 · answered by kittenbrower 5 · 1 0

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