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* The top 5% of Americans own just under 70% of all financial wealth.
* The top 1% of Americans now claim more income per year than the bottom 100 million Americans taken together.
* The top 2/10th of 1% makes more on the sale of stocks and bonds in one year than everyone else combined.

Is it in the interests of the elite to see the middle class and the poor pitted against each-other for the smallest piece of the financial pie...rather than them?

Aren't the middle-class and the poor fighting over the crumbs?

2007-02-24 08:41:41 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Yes, wealth is constantly being created. For the very small number that comprise the rich. Not for you. You get a token, if you get anything.

2007-02-24 08:52:05 · update #1

I dunno, what I can imagine... is pretty bad.

2007-02-24 09:22:08 · update #2

22 answers

The picture is much worse internationally. Not only does the problem scale to a larger population, but the gap between classes widens to an unbelievable degree.

For example, I'm in the upper middle income class here in Canada. According to United Nations statistics though, I'm in the top 99.9 income percentile internationally. This means I make more money than 99.9 percent of our world's population.

It's devastating. I am doing something about it though. I hope you're too.

2007-02-24 08:50:46 · answer #1 · answered by Broken is beautiful 2 · 2 1

Of course, it serves the interests of the elite to see the middle (?) and poor classes in this country doing ANYTHING other than going after ther people who keep us in these positions.

...shades of my 60s visions of "revolution"...

(And 2% of the people in the world own 95% of the wealth.)

What do we do? They have all the wealth and power! Is this why some liberals wish to retain the right to "keep and bear arms"? Is this why the Founding Fathers wrote that we should have a revolution every so often?

No one ever foresaw what the world would be like today, and how impossible it would be to "succeed" or "revolt". We are squashed like bugs! Does "working through the system" give us ANY chance?

I have to laugh at those who keep saying we should work harder--if I worked any harder I'd have an instant heart attack!! (Did you EVER see the rich work hard?? Come on, really?) I have degrees plus, and work a manual labor job, for less than $15,000. per year. And, at the age of 60, I don't see this improving in any big way in the next 5-10 years. Where is my piece of the pie? Did I blink and miss it? What about my children and their progeny? What will happen to them?

My view of the future is so bleak; I see US citizens side by side with the workers in China, Taiwan, Mexico, etc., making $1.00 a day...Who is going to buy those $200.00 gym shoes then? Or, are they just going to kill most of us off in bogus "wars"??

2007-02-24 14:39:45 · answer #2 · answered by Joey's Back 6 · 1 0

Their plan is to do away with the middle class and distribute the wealth to other countries. If they remove our ability to produce things, then the people can not fight back against them, it is a move to the one world Government or as G.H.W. Bush said: "The New World Order" If we are all poor, them t6here is no means to fight back, they want the population of the world at their mercy, and that is exactly what they are getting.

The U.S. WAS the last hope for the world, but our Government has been bought off and is run by big business.

America went into the throes of death with the 9-11 false flag terrorist campaign run by the neo-cons. Loss of liberties, destruction of our Constitution, selling off of our jobs for middle class americans ect......

And all to the credit of the "ELITE"

We are now PAST PEAK OIL and the world economy is now on a downhill slide.

Hope all of the Cowardly Americans that still buy this TERRORISM crap are happy being the cowards they are when we had a better chance of dying in a car accident than from an act of terrorism.

If people would wake up and put a stop to this B.S. and claim our country back, we could stop this. But i doubt they will before it is too late, just like Hitler , Rome, France ect....

2007-02-24 08:54:53 · answer #3 · answered by JIM A 1 · 3 1

Ok, I'm going to go out on a limb here. It really is meaningless that the top 5% have all that wealth.

Here's why.

Bill Gates was once quoted as saying (paraphrased), "I could go into the finest restaurant in the country, order the most expensive item on the menu and have the most expensive bottle of wine with the meal. It won't matter if I"m worth $100M or $100Bn, because that much more money won't make the food taste any better.

So does it really matter? If money makes you happy, find a way to make more of it. I make decent money and I'm probably not even in the top 20%. But I care more about my family's well being than whether someone makes 10 times or even 100 times what I do.

2007-02-24 09:28:41 · answer #4 · answered by MoltarRocks 7 · 1 1

I suppose it is possible that the Rich Republicans support the outsourcing of millions of American jobs in order to keep US Wages depressed.

2007-02-24 09:07:43 · answer #5 · answered by fatsausage 7 · 1 0

The answer to your question is: "Is your best intrest on the minds of the American elite?" By answering a question with another question, I am saying my friend ask the real question, and honestly answer it yourself, because YOU know the real answer. The Question then becomes are you willing to accept the sad reality and what are YOU (personally) are going to do about it. When push comes to shove, the only person you can really depend on is YOURSELF. So What are you willing to do?

2007-02-24 09:10:29 · answer #6 · answered by will w 1 · 0 1

Class warfare has always been a tool of the decadent, Republican elite, it serves their purpose of keeping us fighting among our selves while taking our eyes off them and what they are doing to our country.
Two full time jobs at minimum wage amounts to a little over $22,000 a year. Do you know how difficult it is to find a minimum wage job with reliable full time hours and medical benefits? Medical benefits cost more than the hourly wage. The $18000 a year for two wage earners seems a pretty realistic figure for many unskilled workers. Yet I hear people complaining about multiple families living together: "How can they live like that?" with a tone of disdain. People do amazing things when they have no choice.

2007-02-24 08:47:09 · answer #7 · answered by dstr 6 · 5 3

Yeah, all we get from the wealthy elite are jobs, paychecks, and a livelihood. Where's my mansion? Why can't I have a Ferrari? Why does Bill Gates get to have billions of dollars when I have to scrounge under my sofa cushions for enough change to buy a bag of weed?

Something is not right here.

2007-02-24 08:57:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

You've nailed it on the head.
The policy is called divide and rule. It works every time.
All you have to do is look at the posters slinging mud at each other on these forums, the evidence is right there.

2007-02-24 09:02:13 · answer #9 · answered by Panama Jack 2 · 1 0

absolutely, and all over here you read about libs being the cause of this war or that somehow they are benefiting from it.
It is the poor that is in Iraq fighting. who are the majority of Demo's. Most oil companys are owned by Republicans.
They are definitely benefiting from this war.
The poor soldier is duped into thinking it is all about protecting the USA. While in reality it is protecting the oil interests of the richest Americans who are not the ones fighting.

2007-02-24 08:48:39 · answer #10 · answered by Steven 6 · 3 2

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