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2007-02-24 08:36:28 · 5 answers · asked by Tori 5 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

ok so then how to become a wicca then gosh

2007-02-24 17:13:23 · update #1

5 answers

you CAN'T just go off and start casting spells!!! You have understand what you're doing and you have to be able to cast a circle and understand spell work. Then you must also consider the fact that you could harm some one there are repercussions for casting spells whether they are positive or negative.

To those who come here asking for assistance with Spells:

Please read this entire post very carefully. Do not just skip through it. It took someone several hours to choose the exact words that are written here because they are all important for what you want to do.

And if you want to do magic, then you must understand every aspect of what you are doing or else it will not work, or, worse yet, it may work in a way that could hurt you.


The first thing you must understand in your magic is what it is and where it comes from. Many books do not explain this completely or clearly enough.

All "magic" that you use is your own Life Energy, and this means that it is really YOU! The power of your Thoughts, Desires, and Feelings... This is what you are. And this is also what you are sending out to do the thing that you intend to happen.

Now - about Your Self and this Energy:

All magical practices and procedures depend upon the intimate relationship between your Self, and what we call Nature and Divinity. It does not matter what Names we give to the faces of Divinity or what religion we are: Wiccan, Witch, Buddhist, Hindu, or even Christian. If we are doing Magic, we are recognizing some portion of this principle that is called Pantheism. ("Pan" means "All" or "all of Nature" ... "Theos" is "Divinity").

There is a Power that some call God or that others call by various god and/or goddess names. This power radiates through all of Nature. It Creates all of Nature. It IS all of Nature. And the Energy that is your own Life (and your "magic") comes from the Heart of this Universal Divinity.

Many different symbols have been used to show different aspects of this same principle. Here is a simple sketch of the idea:

You can look at it this way: The Divine Source is like the Sun. And your own Spiritual Soul is like a ray of light radiating from the heart of the Divine. In fact, some people call the One Divine Source the Central (Spiritual) Sun of the Universe.

This means that you're own Inner Spirit is actually a little piece of Divinity.

And it also means another very important thing: Everyone else's Inner Spirit is also a little piece of this same Divinity.

The LAW of REACTION: (or Cause & Effect)

This is another concept that many books do not describe very clearly.
So read this carefully.

Almost everyone has heard of the word "karma." What many people do not realize is its meaning. It is not like some force that goes around the universe making things happen back to people when they do something. And it is not some sort of "punishment" given out by "God" or "the gods." It simply refers to the Natural activity of Life. Just exactly like the idea of Pantheism described above, karma simply means that everything happens according to the Laws of Nature, and that Natural Law is what we call Divinity. It is an old Hindu / Buddhist word. But it refers to a Universal Principle.

Some people believe that the actions of Life are balanced one-for-one and action-for-action and person-for-person, even sometimes waiting for the next lifetime. Some people believe that actions are multiplied by the Universe and sent back times three (or some other number). Some people do not believe things happen quite this way. Either belief is all right. Probably nobody knows for sure anyway. But these are not the important part.

The Important part is this:

There is a Threefold Action in our Life and our Magic that we can see and understand very easily if we know those things described above about Divinity, our Self, and the Energy of our Life.

First -- You become what you create:

When you perform magic, you must create an intent -- a purpose to which you are going to send the energy. You create it within your own Mind and Desires -- within your own Soul. And when you create a thing like that, to the extent that you concentrate on it, within your own Soul you become that thing -- that desire or thought and the thing which it represents.

For example, if you wish to send Peace, then within your own Self, you create the thought of Peace & the desire for Peace, and to the extent that you do that, a part of you becomes That Peace.

Your thought creates the form.
Your desire and feeling give it energy.
Together, they are the Power of your Will.
The same thing happens if you wish to send a curse or if you wish to hurt someone or something. Within your own soul, as you create the intent and purpose for the curse, to the extent that you do that activity, you become that curse or that hurt-ness.

Second -- As the energy flows through your Self:

As you send your Magic [ the Energy of your Own Life] to its purpose, the next thing it does is flow though you! And when it does that, the first effect it has is upon your own being and your own personal world.

If you send Love, then you flow Love out through your being and world.

If you send anger and hate or any kind of hurtful intent, then the first thing affected by the destructive impulse of that energy is your own Soul and your world: your own Mental and Emotional bodies first, and then your physical body, and then the world around you.

One proof of this is a thing which medical doctors have known for many years about the physical body:

If you maintain anger and hate in your feelings, then you almost certainly create high blood pressure, and potentially even make your body more vulnerable to diseases like cancer.
On the other hand, creating Peace and Harmony in your feelings can help to cure diseases.
If your physical body is so easilly affected by things that you concentrate on, then they have even more of an impact on your inner bodies -- your soul, which is the combination of your mental and emotional bodies.

Third - the World around you does reflect the energy back.

It may not come back to you exactly...or multiplied by three. But the magical (Spiritual and mental and emotional) energy that you send out into the world, does get reflected back to you by Life around you. This is simply how Life works.

Imagine a simple, mundane experiment: (Note: It might be best if you don't actually try this at home) Go up to your best friend and just start yelling hatred at him or her. What happens? The person either yells back or runs away or punches you in the face, depending upon the exact circumstances.

Magic works no differently because it is simply the Energy of Life. Whatever we send out into the world, goes there and reacts with other parts of Life. It becomes part of the general atmosphere of thoughts and feelings in the world around us. And it affects our life as it eventually comes back around to us with the same quality with which we sent it out.

Finally -- and this is the most important part that most books don't even mention:

Remember the connection with Divinity and Nature that is the basis for everything else? Remember that You, in your own Self are a manifestation of a piece of the Universal Divine Spirit? Well, in everything we do, whether we call it "magical" or not, this is the thing to remember:

Every other part of Life is, within its (or his or her) own Inner Self, a manifestation of that same Universal Divine Spirit. Ultimately, you are not completely separate from any other part of Life. That is actually how and why all "magic" works. Before you do something to affect another part of Life, remember: Ultimately, in a Spiritual sense, you are not separate from that other part of Life. You, yourself, are a part of that Same Life.

So, if you bless other parts of Life, then in that very same action you bless your own Self.
If you curse other parts of Life, you curse your own Self.
It's as simple as that.


Now, here are some examples of a certain kind of very powerful magic. These can be used in those situations for which people have been asking for "spells." You may call them "spells" if you like. More specifically, these kinds of things are called "affirmations" because they declare or affirm the manifestation of That for which you call directly from the Power of your own connection with Divinity.

For Protection against psychic or magical disturbances, say:

I AM the Power of Divinity within my own Self which prevents anything else coming in!.
The Divinity of God/Goddess is within me and it does not accept anything else into my world!
I AM the only Presence acting here in my world!
Often when we are feeling some sort of psychic disturbance, it is not a personal attack. It could be just the accumulation of general irritation and anger in the atmosphere or people around us. It depends on the situation. But in either case, the thing that is required is to re-affirm our connection with Divinity within our own Self.

And if the danger is physical, these things can help us keep our guard up. But then we must also make sure we take physical steps to get and stay out of the way of danger.

A very important thing to remeber is: If protection from someone else is required, do not hold the feeling or take the attitude that you are projecting your own magical energy at that other person. For one thing, if you hold your attention on that person then you actually strengthen your connection with that thing which you do not want. And then also, remember, your own energy will eventually come back to you.

Simply go into a short meditation and declare to Life:

My own Peace protects me! This other person's energy reflects back to him or her and takes care of itself there! And I have nothing further to do with this situation.
For Love and Friendship:

I AM the Divine Love, Peace and Harmony within me which makes me THAT which attracts to me people who will respect who I AM.
Since I AM Divine Love, I do not allow irritation in my feelings towards others.
And I see the God / Goddess in my friends and others around me (even if they sometimes do not see it in me or in themselves).

You see -- any magic that you can possibly do starts with and comes from your own Self. Do you see how sending this kind of energy out from your own Being to Life around you can help you attract what you want into your world? Sometimes it works better than other times. Sometimes there just doesn't seem to be the right kind of people around. But if you do this sincerely and mold your feelings around these principles, it will always be of some help your relationship with others.

And then sometimes you ought to balance it out with:

I AM Divine Love and Harmony towards others, but by the Power of the Divine Spirit within me, I do not allow others to take unfair advantage of me.
Remember that you are your own Self. And even though in your desire for friendship there may be some who wish to take advantage of you, you do not need to allow this to happen.

For Self-Confidence and other things which you may require:

I AM a child of God / Goddess.
I have the Power of Concentration within me which enables me to do this thing I need to do.
I AM the Power of Life opening the way to the things I require.

And if you wish to curse someone:

Well, think about it. What is going to happen if you "curse" someone? You will be creating that curse within your own Self and hurting your Self first. And besides that, no matter what the other person did, they are still part of Life, and Life is part of Divinity. That is the main reason we do not "curse." It's not just because of some "rule" that someone wrote in a book someplace.

If there is real danger, then use protection, either magical and/or physical.

If there is hatred, then only Love will actually oppose it and cure it. And that Love must eventually come from within the other person. Just do not allow yourself to be sucked into creating more hate and anger in the world.

Trading SPELLS on this discussion board:

Magic "spells" are not like recipes in a cook book. And they are not just little poetic rhymes like you see on TV that just work when you say the words in a particular way or because you use some formula. They deal with the Energy of your own Life and with how you use it and direct it. They do not work just because you say a particular set of words or do a certain ritual.

We can discuss as much as anyone wants to about the principles of Magic and Spirituality and the theory of how things work. That is what this discussion board is for. But it is not possible to just "give out" a spell and have it do some particular thing just because someones says it or follows a written set of directions.

Its not spells,but it is something you should know.

2007-02-24 09:48:37 · answer #1 · answered by Gray 1 · 2 0

Look you don't just do spells for the sake of doing them, or because you think it's fun. You need to start with the basics, read a lot and learn a lot, and then you will see that in certain situations, you feel a need to cast a certain spell. THEN you find a spell which might help you in your situation.
And NOT the other way around. you don't just find an "easy" spell and do it for fun.

Besides that, there's no easy or hard spells. It all depends on your state of mind. If you're in tune with yourself and the universal energy, no spell is too hard.
But if you're just meddling and trying to be cool and trying to be a witch because you saw it on TV, then you're going to mess up the easiest of spells.

So start humbly, go get some literature and do it carefully, step-by-step. These things aren't to be meddled with.

Gray: very good. Did you write that yourself?

2007-02-24 16:57:14 · answer #2 · answered by Ymmo the Heathen 7 · 1 0

Most Wiccans start out with divination. Here's a video where I show a simple Divination spell. Good luck

I'm assuming you've studied already,. If you haven't, then you have no business meddling with power you don't understand.

If you need to, I can recommend some books, but you should really already have some if you are talking about spells. Don't get ahead of yourself. Learning to use your magickal power is a hard thing. Just the fact that you must ask other people for spells, makes me wonder how much you've actually studied. It's a really important thing to study.


2007-02-25 01:02:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm with the rest of the folks--walk before you run.

My suggestion would be to read up on the basics of Wicca first. http://www.witchvox.com and http://www.twpt.com are good starting places, as is http://www.davensjournal.com I also have a decent collection of links at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/links.html

Books are good resources, too. My book review blog is at http://lupabitch.wordpress.com and Daven's Journal (above) also has reviews. http://www.facingnorth.net is another good one. And check out the customer reviews for individual books at http://www.amazon.com

Finally, talk to other Wiccans and pagans in general. http://www.witchvox.com has a Witches of the World feature (look for the drop boxes on the left margin that take you to specific states/countries). Also, http://groups.yahoo.com and http://www.meetup.com are good places to network.

2007-02-26 18:32:24 · answer #4 · answered by Lupa 4 · 0 0

Before you do any spells you need to make sure you can cast a circle and know the basics for spellwork.

2007-02-24 16:40:32 · answer #5 · answered by ccourtne_99 2 · 3 0

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