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i know that the prisoners were killed in the gas chambers. then they were kept in the oven please explain me the process in a good way.pleaseeeeeeeeeee

2007-02-24 08:05:22 · 7 answers · asked by hash_011 1 in Arts & Humanities History

7 answers

You want me to describe the murder of innocents in a "good way"?

Like....you want me to SING it or something?

2007-02-24 08:16:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Not all prisoners were killed in the gas chambers. At first, the germans used trucks to carry the concentration camp inmates around for miles with a hose that led from the trucks exhaust to the rear of the truck to asphixiate them. It was too costly in manpower, time, and fuel to do this, and they decided to use poison gas, which is where the gas chambers finally came in. Actually, they were told they were going to get to take showers, so the prisoners would go in without a problem, and once the doors were shut and locked, instead of water, it was gas.

Others were worked to death literally in labor camps, and not fed, when they fell from weakness or got sick, they were shot. And others were just shot at the end of the war when the concentration camps were full and the luftwaffe an vermacht had nowhere else to put the prisoners.

Also at the end of the war, to conserve bullets, the germans would tie a husband and wife, and brother and sister togather, take them to a bridge, and shoot one, letting the one who was shot drag the living one to the bottom of a river or lake, drowning them.

Others, who were mentally or physically challenged, were murdered almost instantly because they could not perform slave labor. Others like twins, pregnant women, ect, for instance, were used for experiments that were the equivalant of torture.

The furnaces were used along with mass graves to get rid of the bodies. These furnaces ran 24 hours a day.

Very few Jews, especially ones with skill, were spared due to there usefullness. Watch the movie Schindlers List.

Jews that were freed at the end of the war were so emaciated and mal nourished, Americans and British soldiers would unknowingly give them food from c rations, and it would send them into shock, and actually killed a few, cause there bodies had starved for so long.

You can find more at the history channels website, pbs, or just look up holocaust on a search engine.

2007-02-24 09:25:20 · answer #2 · answered by pyledriver 3 · 1 0

There is no good way to explain it. It was pure evil at work.
What you have is one of the many ways innocent people were killed. The Nazis gassed some, incinerated the bodies. They used many more ways to kill.
Buy or check out the book "Night" by Elie Wiesenthal.

****You cannot revise history, it was not for humanitarian reasons. That is why it is NOT in any history books. The Nazis wanted to eliminate all Jewish people and anyone who sympathized with them!

2007-02-24 08:34:30 · answer #3 · answered by mike h 4 · 1 0

Prisoners, selected for gassing straight from the trains on the railway line, and others selected in the camp were driven to the crematoria on foot, those who were unable to walk were taken in motor trucks.

In the middle of the road lorries were continually fetching the weak, old, sick, and children, from the railway. In the ditches at the road-sides lay SS-me with machine guns ready to fire. An SS-men adressed the crowd huddled in the yard telling them that they were going to the baths for disinfection as they were dirty with lice, and in such a state they could not be admitted into the camp.

The gassing was carried on under the personal supervision of the doctor SS-Hauptsturmführer Mengele (at the Auswitx-Berkinau complex).

In the dressing-room there were clothing pegs with numbers. The SS- men advised the victims huddled in the cloak-room each of them to remember the number of the peg on which he had hung his clothes so that he might find them again easily afterwards. Many were forced to write postcards addressed to relative back home, telling of the new life they were about to embark.

After undressing they were driven through a corridor to the actual gas chamber. By beating them with rods and setting dogs on them about 2000 victims were packed into a space of 210 sq. metres.

From the ceiling of this chamber, the better to deceive the victims, hung imitation shower-baths, from which water never poured. After the gas-tight doors had been losed the air was pumped out and through four special openings in the ceiling the contents of cans of Zyclon-B were poured in.

With sufficient concentration of hydrogen cyanide in the air, death comes almost immediately. The SS-men employed at the crematoria at Auschwitz did not give themselves the trouble to calculate the proper quantity for each gas-chamber, which by a quick death would save the victims from agony. They poured into the chambers the contents of the cans of cyclon and to make sure kept their victims under the gas for about 25 minutes. During period of greatest gassing activity in the summer of 1944 they shortened this period to 10 minutes, at the same time for reasons of economy reducing the amount of cyclon from 12 to 6 cans. According to the evidence of the stokers it appears that after the doors of the gas chamber, in which there was an observation window, had been closed the gassed victims ran towards the door, broke the observation pane, and damaged the electric installations and the air-exhaustion pumps.

When the doors of the gas chamber were opened the gassed were found in a half-sitting position. The corpses were pink; in some spots more pink, in others covered with green spots. Some had foam on their lips, others were bleeding at the nose. Many corpses had open eyes, many were looked together. The
majority were packed near the doors; fewer were under the gas inlets. From their position it could be seen that the victims had tried to get away from the openings and get to the door.

Women's hair was cut after they had been gassed and finally in the metallic objects hairpins and clasps, an gold teeth were extracted.

Prisoners were used to transport the corpses to the nearby crematoria. The peak volume of this process was reached in the summer of 1944 with the death camp topping out at 26,000 deaths per day. How can this process be described in a "good way".

2007-02-24 10:47:46 · answer #4 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 2 0

Follow this link for information on the selection process :

After the selection, those singled out to be gassed were led to the gas chambers:

The dead bodies were transported out by jewish prisoners
(Sonderkommando) to be cremated :

2007-02-24 09:06:04 · answer #5 · answered by eelliko 6 · 0 0

They had prisons, overflowing prisons, so much so that they built encampments to house them all (texas??). In the war, production was destroyed, farms, fields, factories, all burned down by Allied incediary bombs. Berlin was on fire and you couldn't put it out. Many people began to starve to death, soldiers, citizens and prisoners (of which 1/6th were jews). What about the other 5/6ths? Not jews.

So the choice was made to either let them starve in thier cells or put them out of thier misery. The later was chosen for humanitarian reasons (see that in any history books? didn't think so,) They were given a bar of soap and told they would go in for a shower. When the shower heads turned on they released nerve gas and victims ripped thier fingernails out clawing on the walls. The ovens were used as crematoriums, to dispose of the bodies. Gold teeth and any other metals were reclaimed before final disposal of the remains.

more than being "evil" and horrible it was more cold and calculated.

2007-02-24 08:19:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

Here there is a URL where there are many real videos that they clarify very well as the things happened.


2007-02-24 16:54:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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