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Okay. I have posted this before, but hardly anybody answered it (i posted it at an obscure time).

I have a theory. I am all for homosexuality. I am a straight guy. When the Church says homosexuality is a sin, they are wrong. Yet the Church is supposed to be married to Jesus, like the Wedding ceremony in Revelation. Since Jesus is obviously a guy, doesn't that make the church female? If the church was male, it would be what they fear: HOMOSEXUAL! Women should be allowed to be priests. This would strengthen the bonds between Jesus and the world.

When these male priests are 'married to God', wouldn't that make them gay? That would mean God is gay, too. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. Otherwise, it would mean that God is wrong. NOT TRUE.

Just a bit of logic. What do you think?

2007-02-24 07:00:31 · 19 answers · asked by Busta 5 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I know. It does not LITERALLY mean 'married to God'.

2007-02-24 07:12:48 · update #1

Just to clarify--I am a Roman Catholic.

2007-02-24 07:14:08 · update #2

19 answers

further, christians are meant to be followers of Christ, correct? Christ never once condemns homosexuality in any way... those are all other people (Paul) writing their interpretations.... he's also the one that spells out which parts of the Old Testament are still valid and which are not. He lived long after Christ was dead... How does he have the authority?

2007-03-03 01:57:28 · answer #1 · answered by tomi27410 4 · 1 0

I am glad you support homosexuality as not being sinful. Though, I want to clarify....the roman catholic church feels homosexual acts as being sinful. Not being homosexual. (Though that seems funny doesn't it?) As far as marriage, the church still only supports marriage between a man and a woman. Any other outlook is otherwise rejected or ignored by the church.

2007-03-03 16:34:50 · answer #2 · answered by earthcaress 3 · 0 0

I am 100% for gay rights, but I don't see the logic in that, lol. I've never heard a priest say he's married to God. If he did say he was married to God, he just means the work/doings/beliefs of God... he isn't saying he wants to lie beside Him and treat Him as a husband would treat a wife.

2007-02-24 15:07:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

With all that logic you should learn how to read between lines. God is not your father neither mine he is an entity and the name of God means the beginning of life and even before life. The big bang... that you and I never heard because we were not there. The chance that you heard another one like this are very small... we will miss that one again probably. Homosexuality has nothing to do with God. God is inside of you and very very very close to me.

2007-03-02 23:52:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It's a different type of marriage. It means that people are supposed to be even closer to God than they are with their own spouses. God created humans male and female for many reasons, and anything outside of what he created them for would be a sin. God specifically states (in both the new testament AND old testament) that homosexual relations are a sin, along with other acts of sexual immorality.

2007-02-24 15:06:33 · answer #5 · answered by polevaulter1000 3 · 1 2

Sadly it's not an easy question to answer because it depends on the kind of response you are looking for. And since I am a firm believer that everyone has the right response for themselves the best I can do is give you several explanations from several different viewpoints including scientific and religious backgrounds and let you make up your mind for yourself.

The first and most obvious response that a lot of people give is that you are born that way and it stems from a hormonal balance that is different from the norm. Some scientists have claimed that homosexual men seem to have a smaller pituitary gland than heterosexual men and the same applies to homosexual women in reference to heterosexual ones. The size of the pituitary alone does not prove anything conclusive considering hormonal activity in the brain and studies surrounding this cannot be fully understood in living people.
There are some people and scientists whom believe this goes further than just hormonal but even physiological in that gay men have a tendency to be proportionately smaller like females and lesbian women have at times been larger in comparison to most heterosexual women possibly taking on the physical structure of heterosexual men.

Does this mean you are born gay? In my personal opinion I would say that this question can be answered with yes and no. I do believe that people are born with a sexual orientation be it gay, straight or asexual. However I also believe that our environment can also affect sexual orientation. Just as several heterosexuals have lived homosexual lifestyles due to suffering sexual abuse as children, the same can be said for those born homosexual who live heterosexual lifestyles because of the same reasons. The end result is that you have a vast mix of sexual orientations whose basis can either stem from birth, or emotional development.

Is either one considered bad?

I don't think it's a question of right and wrong, bad or good. Personally I feel that as long as a person is happy and doing what makes them feel right when it comes to comfort, love and respect that it shouldn't make a difference. Keeping in mind that it's important that no one should ever be made to feel uncomfortable for their lifestyle, regardless if others believe it's a choice or something you are born with. Which brings us to the second part of your question.

If you are looking for an answer from a religious perspective you can find many different opinions. Keeping in mind I am a firm believer that everyone has the right to their opinion I find that they are valid in their own ways. What this means is that if you believe being gay is wrong than that system of beliefs is true for yourself, not others. Several religious organizations have repeatedly claimed homosexuality to be a sin, and for the most part if that is what they believe than its true. Only because religion is a standard of beliefs you choose to live by. The only problem is that many do not realize, nor do they choose to respect the fact that not everyone has those same set of beliefs.

Now I could go on for pages and pages talking about what the bible does or does not say concerning homosexuality but the truth is that it's not my business to tell someone else what to believe when it comes to something they use for comfort or direction in their own life. So all I can tell you is that for every negative facet of homosexuality that many religions claim to find, I guarantee there are those out there that state exactly the opposite. Basically it is up to you, the individual, to make up your own mind especially since it's your life that you are living.

In the end, the only thing I try to preach to anyone is that everyone has free will, God or no God in your life. And the only thing I can express sternly is that no one, in my opinion should ever take that will from another person. We should all do our best to treat everyone with respect regardless of their differences from us because truth is there is no one in this entire world exactly like you.

2007-03-03 00:54:55 · answer #6 · answered by Gabriel/Dale F 1 · 0 1

First of all, all of the things you listed are not part of REALchirstianity. All of this stuff, "church being married to Jesus" and such was written by man and not God. So to answer your question-NO it doesn't justify gay and lesbianism.

2007-03-03 08:22:12 · answer #7 · answered by ~Beauty is Beautiful~ 3 · 0 1

god has no gender.i never herd the church being married to god but Catholic priest can not marry because they believe they are married to the church.

2007-02-24 15:14:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't think that because, yes, there are only male priests. I think that there ARE only maple priests because Jesus and God were men. Therefore, they would want male priests and they aren't married to God they just devoted their life to him.

2007-02-24 15:07:53 · answer #9 · answered by im4evursmart 1 · 0 1

Actually, in Aramaic, God has no gender.
The church has way more female members than it does male members, but as a whole, I'd say the church was a female, but metaphorically so. In the same way, men refer to cars as females, but obviously they have no gender.

2007-02-24 15:03:29 · answer #10 · answered by Shinigami 7 · 1 1

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