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surely this a huge contradiction- seeing as we do not need to eat flesh to live. it is a luxury- fun- some might say, a bit like fox hunting. Also why do some idiots say "im a vegetarian, but i eat fish/ chicken?

before scathing comments come back, i neither eat meat nor like fox hunting!

2007-02-24 06:58:24 · 12 answers · asked by Aled H 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

12 answers

For the lady above me,your friends aren't vegans if they are wearing leather,vegans don't eat or use any animal products.To blissman,we don't need meat to live,you're the typical omnivore who thinks we need meat to live but we don't.And no,you cannot believe in animal rights if you eat meat.There is a difference betwwen animal rights and aimal welfare,animal rights believe animals are not ours to eat,test on,use for entertainment,or exploit,just leave them be pretty much.You can eat meat and believe in animal welfare though,animal welfare people are concerned with the well being of the animal,they believe the animal shouldn't suffer or be mistreated but they will still use them if they are treated humanely.oh yeah,I agree with you,I hate when people say they are vegetarians but then they eat fish.I don't see why that is so popular nowadays.

2007-02-24 09:50:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Life eats life - even vegetables are life forms. The animals we eat are for the most part raised for that purpose and wouldn't even have a life otherwise. The important thing is not to be cruel to them during whatever life they have been granted to fulfill that purpose.

Scientists are attempting to grow meat separately from growing animals first and killing them for that meat. No doubt there will be those that object to this as well, still calling it killing. But it would be no different a form of killing than that of other non-sentient life, such as vegetables - and, as mentioned earlier, all life survives by eating life except for the organisms at the very bottom of the food chain, who absorb minerals and other non-living compounds to start the chain. Humans cannot do that, and there's no prospect of our learning to do that in the future without some sort of mutation involved.

2007-02-24 15:13:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes. I don't believe in deliberate cruelty, that is, causing pain to animals or making them lead lives that are unnatural (cramped cages, overcrowding, nutritional deficiencies or force-feeding, etc). But I do eat meat. Sometimes I wish I didn't. I've raised calves, for instance, and I know they're not all that different from puppies. But I believe it is natural and necessary to have some meat in one's diet. So I believe that food animals should be humanely treated while alive and slaughtered quickly and painlessly. As for the use of animals in experimentation, cosmetics testing, fashion? I believe this is hardly ever justified. Nor do I believe in hunting for pleasure- I have never understood how anyone could derive pleasure from taking another creature's life.

2007-02-24 15:12:08 · answer #3 · answered by Amalthea 6 · 1 0

Yes I can and do believe in animal rights but still eat meat, I have a beautiful dog, love all animals but I do agree with fox hunting, I eat to survive, I have two friends who are vegan and two who are vegetarian, funnily enough though they are both animal rights mad and don't and never would eat meat, they both own leather coats, shoes and bags, rather hypercritical wouldn't you say, I might eat the flesh of an animal but those vegans and vegetarians are the ones who wear their skin.

2007-02-24 17:31:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Of course you can. There is a world of difference between eating for sustenance and testing cosmetics on animals.

The thing is, I believe in animal rights--right AFTER human rights. For example, while I enjoy eating, for example, chicken--I would rather eat chicken that has been treated humanely during its life and was killed quickly and as painlessly as possible.

I disapprove of frivilous wasting of lives, and intentional cruelty to animals. But I don't think that using animals as food--since we are omnivores--is in any way contradictory to caring about animals.

I do disapprove of hunting for sport---it seems to me that there are better ways to have fun than to track down innocent animals and kill them for fun.

I disapprove of using animals for testing cosmetics, however, using them for testing medicines is alright with me. It seems that an animal that is bred for testing (which they are---they don't just pick up rats in alleys to test on--they are bred especially for that use) is making a contribution greater than it could ever know. In other words, if it's a choice between a rats life and a cure for a deadly or debilitating disease, then the rat will lose every time, IMHO.

So, I think animals should be treated well during their lives, but I do think there are circumstances, such as the ones I mentioned, that are perfectly okay.

2007-02-24 15:12:53 · answer #5 · answered by Daisy 4 · 0 0

Meat is a part of life it keeps you healthy I do believe in animal rights though because you could eat them and kill them quickly or cut them up a little and let them suffer. just like would you rather die quick or starve to death with that aggnizing pain in your stomach but people say they are vegetarian but still eat fish/chicken because they don't think they have feelings which is stupid. I mean vegetarians are weird because i mean look at the human races teeth what are those carnivor (meat) teeth for ....ripping apart celrey sticks ... they are used for eating meat.

2007-02-24 20:02:30 · answer #6 · answered by john 1 · 0 1

Man is basically a predator so I have no problem about eating meat from a humanely killed animal. I prefer fish to all other meat and our Creator had no problem with that either. He gave us dominion over all creatures. We have a duty to care for them though especially in the way they are killed. I don't believe we have the right to conduct experiments on any creatures for any type of research.

2007-02-24 15:06:42 · answer #7 · answered by Birdman 7 · 2 1

Animals have rights because we human beings have given them rights. As human beings we are the highest developed animal, and on top of the food chain, but we too are animals as part of the animal world.

While we have the right to eat animals (as I said, we are on top of the food chain), we have the duty to see that no animal is abused or mistreated because we, meaning the majority of the human population , make the rules and the majority have said that animal cruelty is wrong. I am with the majority on this.

I eat meat but I will not tolerate any cruelty or unkindness to any animal..

2007-02-24 15:14:13 · answer #8 · answered by JohnRG 2 · 3 0

hope this isn't scathing but people can eat meat and believein animal rights...provided that they are not eating the animal that they are protecting......personnally i think that animal rights are just a little miss leading considering the state of the earth...where are the earth's rights?

2007-02-24 15:19:58 · answer #9 · answered by tuxedo cat 6 · 0 0

Man has always eaten meat and will always eat meat...it's called the food chain people.
Meat is good..meat taste nice.
I know many vegetarians and all of them look ill...
Eat meat people...your body needs it.

2007-02-24 16:08:11 · answer #10 · answered by blissman 5 · 0 0

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