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for slavery. why are african-americans doing this when slavery has been over with for 100+ years. i had nothing to do with it and i don't treat these people any different then anyone else.

also, where is jesse jackson and al sharpton when there is a black on white crime?

why is it that black people can have an all black tv channel, music channel etc, same as other specific groups, but if white people do it, we are considered racist?

i know this question will probably bring out some stupidity in people, but i am sincere in what i am asking. i'm trying to understand when previous apologies and reparations for something that has been over with for over 100 years will be enough. not all white people hate black people and vice versa.

thanks for your time.

2007-02-24 06:16:39 · 9 answers · asked by cheshiregirl0472 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

9 answers

Maybe they are jealous that the Jews are getting money from Swiss banks and various companies for the Holocaust.

If they get an apology, they can start suing and asking for reparations.

2007-02-24 06:56:15 · answer #1 · answered by J C 2 · 0 1

I could not agree with you more !!!! It is time to move on !!!!! How many times do we have to apologize ? What if we had a WE ( white entertainig Channel) We would be called a racist isn't that kind of ironic ? I tell you honesty I'am german and my grandparent were Jewish. Do you think in all these years I have heard people at home tell me I need to apologize for what happend to all the Jews ? NEVER !!!!! It is bad enough what happened same with the slavery , absolutley terrible I can not even imagine it. However how long do we have to feel bad and keep apologizing? And god forbidd you say that !you are being called a racist. True ?I think it is almost the other way around !!! We are a new generation it is TIME !! to move on . Let's put this energie in something else like feeding hungry children .Children are dying as I write this Email. There parents did not ask us to apologize to them did they? Seriosly it is time to move on !!!! Blessings , Nicole

2007-02-24 06:32:52 · answer #2 · answered by Nicole C 2 · 1 0

I figure it's the same way that Jews want restitution for what happened to them in Nazi Germany. Even to this day if a former nazi officer is found still living, Jewish people request a trial, for that officer's injustices, regardless of his age, mental or physical condition. He's still held accountable for his actions.

For African-Americans it is the same thing. The hailing of the confederate flag is like the hailing of the Nazi flag. A reminder of very brutal times in their history. The fact that slavery was officially abolished in 1865, but yet social conditions, were the way they were throughout the 50's, 60's and 70's shows us how prevalent racism still lingered on in this country.

The US was able to rise as a superpower quickly since its inception largely due to the free labor resource of African slaves. Imagine how free labor would greatly affect the bottom line of any company, much less an entire nation. Imagine if that labor was free for hundreds and hundreds of years. Not all white people hate black people but slavery and racism is still the pink elephant in the room that our country consistently won't acknowledge.

2007-02-24 06:43:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anthony S 1 · 0 0

I'm black & dont agree with the reparation thing. I think if there was an amount that could be put on it; it would be more than what has been spent on the Iraq war. And i dont think the gov. planned for this sort of "double whammy". Also corporate america would run from it & merge with overseas companies to try & get away from it. So it simply wont work. But yeah an apology would be nice from one of ya'll spokesmen like Uncle Kracker or somebody. Thanks a bunch!

2007-02-24 06:26:45 · answer #4 · answered by Willis C 3 · 0 0

I'm not Af-Am, but apprarently they feel there is unfinished business.

While it is true slavery ended 140 years ago, the Jim Crow legacy added another 100 years onto the pile of historical wrongs. The 1890s, 1920s, 1930s, 1950s and 1980s also saw backlashes against Af-Am advancement, and these never get addressed.

In contrast, the dominant US culture at large seems to have a very short-term memory, to gloss over everything and move on to the next indulgence/fad/trend.

2007-02-24 06:24:07 · answer #5 · answered by kent_shakespear 7 · 0 1

I feel where your coming from. The real question should be, how have these people that are asking for apologies and reparations been affected by slavery? I don't recall having any kind of slavery in my lifetime, nor in my parents lifetime. So, why should they be getting anything from us, when it is not our fault and they have not been slaves? It all boils down to getting something for nothing. I say, you want money, get off your *** and work for it. Stop trying to take mine. I've earned mine.

2007-02-24 06:26:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i do no longer think of 'apology' is the excellent suited be conscious. i think of the government could publicly announce that slavery became incorrect, yet i think of it rather is already happened. yet you're spectacular with regard to the lingering racial effects. And that's the government's job to do all it may to relieve that. this implies no longer basically passing Civil Rights regulations yet in addition enforcement. Racism nevertheless exists and that is between the biggest issues we've throughout this u . s . a .. whether it fee us some thing to get rid of it, we'd be extra ideal off. the 1st president Bush vetoed an replace of the Civil Rights bill via fact he stated it gave blacks an unfair benefit. What it did became to permit blacks who felt they have been the sufferers of discrimination to seek for criminal action. Conservatives took the attitude that via fact that racism became unlawful, as a result it did no longer exist. So there became no evaluate imposing it! They stated that any regulation that quite banned discrimination might inevitably deliver approximately 'quotas', even nonetheless the bill itself definitely banned quotas. of direction with out enforcement, the regulation is ineffective. If there is no longer something to maintain human beings from discriminating, discrimination will ensue! Senator Danforth, a Republican from Missouri, tried to reword the bill to make it extra ideal to Bush. He put in the coolest same wording as became got here upon interior the individuals with Disabilities Act. Bush nevertheless vetoed it. for sure, he did no longer choose blacks to have a similar rights as disabled human beings! i think of affirmative action is the only way. It must be finished ideal--no longer with strict quotas or hiring blacks who won't be able to do the job yet preserving them on only via fact they are black. yet we should not be rid of the topic of racism till blacks assume their honest place in society. we've made some progression yet we nevertheless have an prolonged thank you to flow.

2016-11-25 21:03:10 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Lets be honest There is racisim on both sides of the fence

2007-02-24 06:24:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

make sure you do NOT give them the apology they "demand" as their own bretheren sold them out all those many years ago. ask them if they are not beter off here, rather than africa.

2007-02-24 06:34:43 · answer #9 · answered by patriot07 5 · 0 0

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