A Tsunami is a series of waves created when a body of water, such as an ocean, is rapidly displaced on a massive scale. Earthquakes, mass movements above or below water, volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions, landslides, large meteorite impacts and testing with nuclear weapons at sea all have the potential to generate a tsunami.
2007-02-24 03:58:18
answer #1
answered by scareyd 3
A tsunami is not merely a wave. A wave comes along at the coast, will crest, then fall apart quickly. A tsunami is a volume of water that has been displaced by some other earthly mater, causing that water to surge with great energy,and travel great distances, with frightening speeds. There have been unimaginable volumes of water measuring hundreds of feet tall, as well as hundreds of miles, even thousands of miles long.
Leaving in its wake death and destruction, at a moments notice.
2007-02-24 07:45:00
answer #2
answered by dewhatulike 5
A tsunami is a large wave created naturally by a number of causes.
- Earthquakes formed on Destructive plate boundries, this sudden movement displaces the water in the sea and creates a large surging wave moving in the dirction of the sudden movement at speeds of upto 500mph.
- Volcanic rock falling in the sea once agin displacing the water and moving in the direction that the rock fell in to the water
There are only two ways that i know of
2007-02-24 04:10:19
answer #3
answered by ziggyemovon 1
Tsunami are massive waves generated in sea, due to forces generated from earthquakes,volcanic activities,metor impacts,even explosion of high magnitude.In simpler terms they are akin to the shockwaves generated on land.When any of these events takes place,the shockwaves generated displace large body of water which travel great distances causing tsunamis.
2007-02-24 04:03:58
answer #4
answered by MrKnow_All 4
There are a lot of different causes but I know 4 of them.
1)Earthquake (eg. 2004 Tsunami)
2)Lanslide (The worst Tsunami you can get
3)Wind Driven
4)Comet/Meteorite (This could be severe)
2007-02-24 04:14:08
answer #5
answered by Joseph W 2
tsunami is derived from a japanese word.tsu means harbour and nami means wave so its a harbour wave.they can travel at enormus speed and can reach a height of 15 m devastating coastal communities.they are caused due ti earth quakes under water land slides and under water volcanic activities etc.
2007-02-24 04:35:27
answer #6
answered by einstein 2