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Tell me how Bush lied and show actual proof. Here are several lies you CAN NOT prove.

"This war is over oil"---Saudi Arabia has the worlds largest oil supply, allies or not we should be there fighting since Bush is as greedy as everyone says he is.

"Bush lied about WMD in Iraq"-- There were WMD found in Iraq. Besides every one else thought so too.

"This is Bush's war"-- Congress voted to go to war with a 100% vote

"Bush was behind 9/11"--I have photoshop too. Those little websites are so fake. It's disturbing that people actually take the time to look at them.

So please tell me how Bush lied and people died.

2007-02-24 03:22:43 · 21 answers · asked by TRUE PATRIOT 6 in Politics & Government Politics

Here are your WMD

2007-02-24 03:47:57 · update #1

21 answers

With the exception of

"Congress voted to go to war with a 100% vote"

I tend to agree with you. Congress did not have a unilateral war in mind when they voted.

Of course, that isn't a Bush lie either way.

The problem isn't Bush lying - he didn't. The problem is the Strategic mistakes we made after invading Iraq and toppling Sadam. That is why people are dying. It has nothing to do with false statement by Bush. All slogans are Crap. They sound good, but they do not mean a thing.


2007-02-24 03:35:18 · answer #1 · answered by diogenese19348 6 · 1 0

The war being over oil is something that will be either proven or discredited over time. All we have are opinions on that.

I find it funny how the guy who was undercover (forgive that I forget his name) found no WMD, was told to go back and search more and found no WMD again. And when he was ready to tell the world there was a conspiracy discovered against him. There were no WMD found.

Bush invaded Iraq before congress voted on it.

I don't think that Bush is alone smart enough to pull off such a great feat as 9-11. Though I do believe that the entire US government turning their backs many times over many years and several presidents is enough to show that the US govt is partially responsible.

So it wasn't just Bush's lies that forced people into Iraq, it was the Government and all the officials who denied and lied. ALL OF THEM!


Fox news as a reliable news source? Hahahahah!! That's like using CNN as a reliable news source.

2007-02-24 03:29:55 · answer #2 · answered by FaerieWhings 7 · 1 1

I don't understand what people mean when they say Bush lied. As I recall most of the people were behind him when the war on Iraq was declared. Now the same ones say he lied, we shouldn't' be there. Most of the Democrats have done a 180 degree turn around as they believed in the same lies that now is Bush's fault, only now they won't admit it. Why is it now Bush's fault and not the Democrats as they were for this at that time also. Now should we still be there, well that is another subject

2007-02-24 03:39:00 · answer #3 · answered by Really ? 7 · 1 0

The whole war was based on lies.
That is obvious to anyone with a brain.

Saddam's Iraq had NO WMDs, NO ties to Al Qaeda, NOTHING to do with 9/11. Why did so many war supporters think these things were true? Because the GOP spread these lies.

As for your lie about Congress voting 100% for the war, the facts are these:

126 Democrats in the House and 21 Democrats in the Senate voted against the lie-based Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002:

Only SIX REPUBLICANS in the House and ONE Republican in the Senate voted against the LIE-BASED QUAGMIRE.

The majority of Democrats in Congress voted AGAINST the authorization for use of force.

So, the notion peddled by rightwingers that Democrats SHARE RESPONSIBILITY because a MINORITY OF DEMOCRATS BELIEVED THE LIES ABOUT WMD, is patently RIDICULOUS.



2007-02-24 03:30:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It's funny, I remember right after 911 some Democratic strategist on one of those political forum talkshows on MSNBC talking about how going into Afghanistan was a mistake, because the real threat lay with Saddam Hussein - I can't remember her name, and I don't think it was Nancy Pelosi, but this woman was on some intelligence committee I remember, because I remember her saying something like, "you aren't privy to the information we have, but you should be" to the host. I remember it made me think, wait, the Democrats are pushing for us to enter Iraq? And, oh, btw, we were bombing Iraq on a weekly basis under Clinton, but I didn't hear the Democrats whining then. Anyway, if anyone has this quote or sound bite or video and knows what I am talking about, please post it. This lady was hell bent on us getting into Iraq, and soon. It is very easy to say, Bush lied, when they feel they are involved in an unpopular (supposedly) war, and instead of showing solidarity, they want to play the blame game, which endangers troops lives. Everytime they sow dissent in the ranks and encourage our enemies, these jerks are making it harder for our troops to do their job and come home. If anyone is prolonging this war, it is the Democrats, yes, I just said that, deal with it. You want us to win this war? Then shut up and let us win it, and stop feeding the leftist media machine its fire and coal. I can't imagine what it would have been like to fight WW II under this scrutiny, where Chesty Puller bayonetted a unit of Japanese soldiers to save bullets as he didn't have time to take prisoners. Where each and every decision down to the smallest of unit leaders is on the damned 6 o clock news, bah, the 24/7 news network.

2016-05-24 05:52:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You're one of those people who believes that politicians are basically nice people doing a difficult job eh? Let me enlighten you - they go into it for the power and the glory not because they want to make the world a better place. All the nice people are somewhere in your neighbourhood trying to avoid being crushed by the ruthless.

Ask yourself this. Why would anyone in their right mind invade Iraq if they weren't after the oil? What else is there? WMDs? Don't make me laugh the only ones they had are the ones we gave them and Saddam used that on the Kurds when he was a US ally.

2007-02-24 10:15:12 · answer #6 · answered by airmonkey1001 4 · 1 1

Yellowcake from Niger,
Aluminum tubes,
Muhammad Atta in Prague with Saddam's intelligence agency
Actually Cheney lied more than Bush, but Bush put the 16 words into the State of teh Union address knowing they were wrong.
The recent tape with a conversation between Armitage and Woodward shows that the CIA had the line about yellowcake from Niger removed from a speech in Cincinnatti prior to the State of the Union address, but were overruled when it was added to the SotU.

2007-02-24 03:27:49 · answer #7 · answered by I'll Take That One! 4 · 0 1

"There were WMD found in Iraq."

Oh really? Where is your evidence? Here is the link to the Duelfer Report (the formal report of the Iraq Study Group) that concluded the exact opposite!


"Congress voted to go to war with a 100% vote."

They did? Actually, 133 congressmen and 23 senators voted against it.

Oh but those lies roll off your keyboard with such confidence and ease! YOU HAVE ZERO CREDIBILITY!

2007-02-24 03:33:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It's liberal propaganda.
The liberals would like nothing more than to lose the war in Iraq for political reasons.
They couldn't care less about American casualties or Americas standing in the world as long as they get to say "told you so".
They are desperate to gain control of the country to impose their sick, cowardly values on all, and will do anything, no matter how vile to achieve this goal

2007-02-24 03:29:32 · answer #9 · answered by Thozz 3 · 1 0

Bush lied about the reason for going to war. You can tell this is true because he has changed the reason, after the fact, several times.

He lied about a connection to 9/11

He lied about yellow cake uranium

He lied about mobile biological weapon labs

He lied about stockpiles of nerve gas just waiting to be launched at Israel.

Is that enough lies?

and BTW, the saying is "When Clinton lied, nobody died."

2007-02-24 03:34:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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