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I want to know (scientificaly) is astrology real? I am an Aquarius and a Goat and I do have most of the traits of Aquarius. But the thing is, i find it hard to get on with Aries & Sagittarius. which are supposed to be my best compatibilities. and I find that i get on most with SCORPIO and TAURUS. they are supposed to be the worst? Is there any explanation???!!!!

Thank you for answering

2007-02-24 03:02:29 · 6 answers · asked by Joseph W 2 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

6 answers

as for anything being proven scientifically i dont know as i dont read that side of it... mainly cos the scientists (who think they are very clever people) are still only learning themselves.

we are all very ignorant to what potential we have and how powerful the human brain is..... we still have so much to learn about things.

We all know what a powerful affect the moon has on our planet by the way it controls the tides of our oceans, so how does anyone know what effect the other planets have.

how can anyone prove anything right or wrong without ALL the information available.

Being an aquarius is just a general sign, to get a more specific character and compatibility reading you need your exact time, date and place of birth. It not only depends on your sun sign of aquarius but also on what your moon sign and rising sign is.

It will also make a great difference if you were born on the cusp, for example .......... Capricorn/Aquarius cusp, which is January 19 to January 23 or the Aquarius/Pisces cusp which is February 19 to February 23

in general though for an aquarius you are right, you are not normally compatible with scorpio and taurus.... but then you don't know exactly when they were born either, so the same rule applys


Aquarius THE WATER BEARER - the sign of Independence
Aquarians are visionary - they have the ability to combine ancient tradition with up to the minute thinking and ideas, they are happy with the concept of doing things very differently but also honouring the tried and trusted. Ultimately, Aquarians suspend judgment and are interested in the way the world works as an observer, an onlooker. It's no wonder that sometimes Aquarians can feel like aliens or step outside the tribe to create ideas and concepts that the rest of us will eventually catch up with, one day.

Get More from Life
Find like minded souls who share your global vision.

Ideal Careers
Psychologist, working with computers, communications and leading edge technology, broadcaster, inventor, political commentator, astrologer, astronomer, writer, sociologist.

Advice for Partners & Friends
A good idea - to give Aquarians some space; they are freedom loving folk and hate getting the third degree! In spite of their reputation, they are not commitment phobic and can be loyal partners, allowing you space to do your own thing too.

Not so useful - to expect an Aquarian to talk about emotions and feelings.

We love you at your Best ...
When you dare to be yourself, step outside of the norm and indulge you desire to go the opposite way to everyone else. You can challenge conventional thinking and refuse to get drawn into long discussions about your feelings, but nevertheless you are still extremely sensitive - you are simply very good at using the Saturnian ability to create a cool exterior. Underneath beats a passionate heart which can sometimes extend beyond the boundaries of nearest and dearest and embrace the planet.

Humanitarian, friendly, independent, quirky, willing, progressive, an original thinker, inventive, creative, loyal, idealistic yet rational.

.... Difficult to Live With!
Aquarians are very unpredictable, and will stubbornly choose to behave contrary to what is expected. It's all a game and the intention is to stay free from restriction. They neither like to be considered boring or conventional, and will delight in challenging your beliefs about who you are. If you don't share Aquarians' love of gizmos and gadgets then steer clear.

Sun Signs You are most Compatible with
Libra - as good as it gets.
Aquarius -so alike, both good & bad.
Gemini - best friends first, everything else follows.
Aries - attraction, lively.
Leo - entertaining, opposites attract.

Sun Signs You are not so Compatible with
Scorpio - conflict turns to war.
Taurus - the unstoppable force meets the immovable object CRUNCH.
Virgo - little harmony, too much constriction.
Cancer - hurt & pain.
Capricorn - sticky, unless you speak earth sign.

Your Opposite Sun Sign
is Leo

Aquarius is the unpredictable force of nature who wakens us to new possibilities. He is the brief inspiration of lightning, who surprises even himself with his sudden insights. The only sure thing about Aquarius is his independence and unpredictability. He is drawn to novelty like a magnet, and loves reaching out to touch every person or thing that fascinates with its newness. He is famous for his spontaneity.

Aquarius sees everyone as his friend, and views each with complete impartiality and equality. This is because he sees the intrinsic value in everything, and appreciates all aspects of man and nature. To the Aquarius, all serves earth and mankind, and all is worthy of respect and reverence. Those closest to him may find it hard to feel they are special in his heart. Rest assured - romance may seem cool, but devotion to those who truly matter is not, and the electricity is a lover’s dream.

The Aquarius is often seen as a kind of mad scientist - aloof, scatter-brained and non-conformist. He is merely preoccupied. There is always some new thought, discovery, idea, plan or person to pursue, study, assess and put to good use in the world. The Aquarius is in tune with electricity, communication, invention, mechanics, friends, social groups, humanitarianism and politics.

The Aquarius loves humanity above all. His devotion to friends can be greater than his own sense of self preservation, and he rarely hesitates in risky situations. If the Aquarius lives on the edge, it is because of a deep inner knowledge that his life is but a speck in the face of so much that is amazing and wonderful.

Aquarius and Scorpio
When Scorpio and Aquarius form a friendship, it mingles different needs and different philosophies. Scorpio has an emotional intensity with which they face life. Aquarius has an unusual, idealistic world view. While Scorpio may be more introverted and prefer to work alone, Aquarius enjoys socializing with others. They may appear to have few common interests, but these two are both possessed of strong willpower. When they set this force to a common goal, they are assured of success and fun.

Both Scorpio and Aquarius can be difficult and opinionated. They like things the way they like them, no questions asked. Scorpio is probing, delving deeply into the hidden meaning of things. Aquarius is modern and does not enjoy detail. Scorpio will find Aquarius exciting, yet may feel frustrated trying to penetrate this revolutionary's mind. Aquarius will not appreciate the possessiveness of a stinging Scorpion or the amount of attention they require, but they will find the intensity Scorpio provides to be a great support.

Scorpio is ruled by the Planets Mars and Pluto, and Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Mars is a radical, belligerent, aggressive and courageous masculine energy, and Pluto enlightens these impulses and adds a re birthing, cyclical quality. Saturn is a cool, contained energy, and Uranus is about all things different and unusual. Mars is emotional, reacting without thinking things through; such is the nature of Scorpio. For Aquarius, Saturn is about hard work and discipline to achieve goals while Uranus determines thinking ahead. Scorpio will teach Aquarius about life based on emotional impulses and what it means to peek beneath the surface. Aquarius can teach Scorpio to be more aloof, to detach themselves from uncontrollable situations and to re-evaluate their goals if they are off course.

Scorpio is a Water Sign, and Aquarius is an Air Sign. Aquarius moves through life with pure, inventive exploration, while Scorpio is more analytical. Scorpio looks for purpose, and Aquarius seeks the stimulating. These two may have a hard time figuring out where each other's thoughts come from. These two may have confrontations if Scorpio is too overbearing or if Aquarius seems too cool and flippant and denies Scorpio reassurance. Both friends need to learn that they view the world in different ways and they should celebrate and laugh at their differences.

Scorpio and Aquarius are both Fixed Signs. Both can be rigid, opinionated and unyielding. Both companions tend to persist when laboring toward a goal. If they have a plan, they'll stick to it until their efforts are rewarded. Once they have made up their minds that they can get things done together, they will never be discouraged from maintaining the friendship. If they have differing ideas, they may find that the Scorpion is the more tenacious, more dogmatic partner. If they each believe in the value of their close connection, they will be able to overcome any differences they come up against.

The best aspect of the Scorpio-Aquarius friendship is the capacity for victory and glory in their synergy. Both Signs have very powerful personalities, so neither will openly dominate the other. Once they can iron out their differences, come together and agree on their individuality, the fruits of this friendship can be sweet.

Aquarius and Taurus
When Taurus and Aquarius form a friendship, they can move mountains. Taurus has a practical, down-to-earth approach to life. Aquarius has an unconventional, out-of-this-world approach to just about everything! They may appear to have few common interests, but they share a very strong desire to succeed. Once these two combine forces, they can succeed at anything.

Both Taurus and Aquarius can be implacable and opinionated. They like to do things their way with as little fuss as possible. Taurus appreciates routine and is conservative. Aquarius is modern and finds routine dull and boring. Taurus will find Aquarius exciting, yet may feel frustrated trying to penetrate this inventor's mind. Aquarius will not appreciate the overbearing nature of a Bull, but will find the solid base Taurus provides to be a great support, although they will probably not admit to it.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, and Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Venus is a warm, feminine energy, and Saturn a cold, masculine energy. Uranus is about all things strange and unusual. Venus is about romance and physicality, both of which are important to Taurus. Saturn is about hard work and discipline to achieve goals, while Uranus symbolizes forward thinking. Taurus will show Aquarius that life is based on emotions and improved by beauty and comfort. Aquarius can teach Taurus to be more aloof, to keep reaching out for what it wants and to move away from something if it is not working.

Taurus is an Earth Sign, and Aquarius is an Air Sign. Aquarius operates through pure intellectual exploration, while Taurus is more practical. Taurus asks, 'how will this help me achieve my goals in life?' while Aquarians simply focus on what interests them, practical or not, and usually ask the question 'what else?' At times, these friends may have a hard time understanding where the other is coming from. Conflicts can arise in this friendship if Taurus seems too needy or Aquarius seems too cold and aloof. Both partners need to learn that they view the world in different ways.

Taurus and Aquarius are both Fixed Signs. Together they share a strong will and tremendous gumption when striving toward a goal. If they have a plan, they stay with it until they see results. Therefore, if each friend values their relationship, their connection will be rock solid. If they have differing ideas, though, they may find themselves in constant conflict. Taurus won't change their mind because they see it as a collapse of their control and natural character, and Aquarius may see Taurus as being too inflexible, dull and boring. If they realize that cooperating is more productive than butting heads, they will remain productive. Taurus is more quietly determined than Aquarius, though, and might -- to a degree -- give in to avoid all-out war when it seems practical to do so.

The best aspect of the Taurus-Aquarius friendship is that when they decide to come together they are an unstoppable pair. Both Signs have very powerful personalities, so neither will dominate the other -- no matter how hard they try! Once they can work through their differences, come together and agree on their individuality, the dynamics of this relationship can be wonderful!

2007-02-27 00:25:09 · answer #1 · answered by ♥gigi♥ 7 · 0 1

My Chinese Zodiac: Yang Metal Horse My Western: Cancer Sun, Virgo Moon, Gemini Mercury&Venus, Aries Mars

2016-03-28 22:19:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try doing some searches for testing of astrology. It can and has been tested.
Use keywords (like "astrology passes test" or "fails") and see what comes up.

2007-02-24 13:14:30 · answer #3 · answered by Chaine de lumière 7 · 0 0

No it's pseudoscience but it's quite intriguing.

2007-02-24 13:33:47 · answer #4 · answered by Etania 7 · 0 0


2007-02-24 04:49:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

chinese astrology is real, I really dunno bout the western thingy.

2007-02-24 04:48:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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