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Where people say spay or neuter your pets because so many are unwanted, Wouldn't that be like telling someone not to have kids because so many are in orphanges and foster homes?? Should people get fixed so less kids will be unwanted???

2007-02-24 02:59:48 · 13 answers · asked by Fallin4FallOutBoy 2 in Pets Other - Pets

13 answers

You do make a good point. The big difference is that usually humans just have 1 baby at a time where animals have sometimes 6 or more at a time.

I agree that some people should get fixed when they are already on welfare and are having their 6th kid. Or those that are on drugs etc.

If all the animals in the world were spayed and neutered, they would finally be extinct. I spay and neuter most of my animals, but once in awhile, I want some babies. I've been known to let my cats have one litter and then spay them. I realize some people think that I am terrible for that.

But, you are right. There are many unwanted children in this world. If you told someone to go get fixed and not have any kids, I'm sure they would be very offended.

2007-02-24 18:49:03 · answer #1 · answered by Karen H 5 · 0 0

Hmmm... This is definitely a touchy subject.

One key difference between pets and people has to do with the brain - because ours is more advanced, we have the power to overcome primal instincts and say that we don't want kids. However, with animals, it's just natural and (as far as we know) is not a question of whether they want offspring or not - it's just what happens.
Another thing is that once a person has paid for a pet, that animal is technically that person's property. Despite the fact that it sounds so horrible, it's nonetheless true, and therefore the person has a right to do with it what he pleases (within the confines of the law and morality, of course).
Three, often times it's better to have the animal spayed/neutered. With animals, offspring are usually either sold off because they were bred for that purpose, or they are put up for adoption. However, in some instances, for whatever reason not all the offspring are given away, and occasionally they will be left to roam the streets. Had we lived in the old days when there was more nature than concrete and asphalt, this wouldn't be such a big deal; but because the world is a dangerous place for strays, it's better to spay/neuter your pet if you have no purpose for the offspring, for their sake.

Now on the issue of orphanages, many of those children either don't have parents or have been found wandering the streets with no home. We have the same thing for animals - they're called animal shelters. And yes, people get "fixed" all the time, both males and females. It's a matter of whether or not they want kids (which can also be remedied by using protection - animals don't have that option).

I hope this helped! (I don't really have a strong opinion on the matter, but I do lean more toward having pets spayed/neutered if offspring are unwanted.)

2007-02-24 03:27:32 · answer #2 · answered by luogo_capriccio 2 · 0 0

There are some people out there that should be fixed! But on a serious note. It does help control the pet population.The animal has less health issues. Females can have more issues than males.I have two Chihuahuas,a Berm Mountain Dog,6 cats,4 bunnies,2 pigs,3 goats,2 horses,a pony,and 18 chickens.I am not even kidding,all but the Paso I have are rescues.We would have far less animals that were unwanted if more would get fixed.Especially the mix breed,"mutts" because then we just have all these unwanted dogs running around.Do you know anyone that doesn't own a cat?And the bunnies...don't even get me started,Easter is coming. Go to s shelter and look at those little faces.I love animals and think they are great,but some people out there( you have read some of these questions) are too dumb to own animals,these are the people that breed them.
Yes I think 80% should be spayed and neutered

2007-02-24 04:02:50 · answer #3 · answered by ~ mama goose~ 2 · 0 0

I see the point you are trying to make. It's an interesting premise, worth debating. However, there are some differences between the situations you're trying to compare.


Pets - procreate/mate purely on instinct. They can't make the conscious choice to conceive or not. Only their human caretakers can ensure they don't have unwanted litters.

Humans - instinct/hormones plays a part. But they can choose to have sex and procreate...sadly, even if they turn-out to be horrible parents.


Pets - euthanasia/death

Humans - foster home, orphanage

I wish we could prevent unwanted children as well as unwanted pets. If it wasn't for that darn Constitution, I'd love to see poor excuses for parents get spayed/neutered! But the reality is - humans have free agency. Animals do not. That's the hole in your argument.

So, I stand by my position to encourage people to spay and neuter their pets.

2007-02-24 03:16:19 · answer #4 · answered by Beni 3 · 0 0

Unwanted kids are definitely a sad situation. Volunteer at a shelter and after you have seen hundred of sweet, lovable, but unwanted pets euthanized (killed), you will understand why spaying/neutering is SOOO important. And why nobody should breed their pets until all the homeless animals get homes. Every intentionally created puppy or kitten creates one less home for a pet who may likely be euthanized. Make sense?

2007-02-24 03:26:18 · answer #5 · answered by MyVetTeam2 2 · 0 0

Absolutely! Why not? I had a vasectomy after two children because I knew I could not give any more the quality of life they deserve and used financial responsibility as my formal reasoning!
Why should we all be paying for these children born to people on welfare? If you're asking for welfare because you need assistance surviving, why would you have more children? I think it should be a felony to have a child while collecting public assistance! It's bad enough people have to bear that expense alone without you (the welfare recipient) adding to the problem! I think the system has failed the people of this country by not insisting on counseling and regulating those issues when considering people on public assistance!
I think there are many reasons people should consider infertility!
People with major genetic defects, retardation, birth defects that are genetic in nature, epilepsy, dwarfism, and the list goes on! I consider it responsibility!
However, the problem gets much more involved. We came up with the idea to offer sex education in schools at an early childhood age in hopes of educating our future generations. In my opinion, that failed too! They started to young, and put so much knowledge in their heads they now start having sex at 10-12 years old! Where I live, it is not uncommon in the summertime seeing 14 year old girls toting babies around. They kind of think it's an "in thing" to do now. And who bears the expense- not the ignorant or incompentant parents, but rather all of us as a society! Definitely was a MAJOR failure!!!!!!

2007-02-24 03:14:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That is what separates humans from animals.

1) People have a choice to have children, whereas animals just do it because of instinct.

2) Domestic animals, whether adults or juveniles, do not have the ability to be self-sufficient, whereas adult humans do. People have the responsibility to care for animals, and part of proper care and responsibility is not allowing your pets to reproduce if you cannot personally care for all of their offspring.

3) Human children are not euthanized when a home is not available for them.

4) There are far more childless human couples wanting to adopt infants than there are infants available (in the US). Most couples wishing to adopt have to wait 2 years before a child is available for them. Pets, on the other hand, are so over-running the shelters that millions are euthanized every year, and there are STILL enough of them around that 70% of American homes have at least one pet.

2007-02-24 03:57:19 · answer #7 · answered by wabbitqueen 4 · 0 0

Many pets wander off & mate with other pets. The owners find themselves burdened with unplanned,unwanted and expensive additional mouths to feed & house & clean up after, resulting in the termination of the days-old babies that can't find suitable,willing new owners.
Another fact: Like some animals, humans do have vasectomies or "have their tubes tied" if they no longer wish for more children.

2007-02-24 03:14:24 · answer #8 · answered by jcha 3 · 0 0

The shortage of foster parents/homes is on the rise, as is humane societies, but you can't infringe on someones right to bare children. There are differences between children and animals...children usually aren't euthanized after sitting in a cage for a week (in most country's they aren't anyways!)! I can name many women who don't deserve a uterus, but that doesn't give anyone the right to invade their body and take that from them, we just need to be happy that we can step in an take the child(ren). That's my opinion anyways, I'm sure others may care to differ! Great question though! :)

2007-02-24 03:17:00 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

YES,there are alot of people who have children and either don't want them or don't give them proper care.Alot of times after they have either had the child taken away or given it away they go ahead and give birth to more babies who are unwanted or neglected.I think people like that should be forced to get fixed.

2007-02-24 03:11:31 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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