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Are my 12 grandchildren next to lay their lives down for Bush and his Regime?

2007-02-24 02:38:13 · 27 answers · asked by Mary W 2 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

27 answers

It was YOUR SON's noble cause. He is the one who enlisted. While I can sympathize with your grief in the loss of a son, you have no right to blame anyone.

Did he (or you) think that joining the military was like getting a government job at the post office where you sit on your lazy fat bottom and collect tax payer money for doing mostly nothing all day?

It is the MILITARY -- that means guns, bombs, deadly things!! But before you get so "high and mighty" with blaming Bush for the number of soldiers killed in Iraq, what has your Democratic congress, state legislature, etc. done to prevent the KILLING of innocent children by their parents? More children and spouses are killed EACH YEAR by their parents and/or spouse than the number of U.S. military personnel killed in 5 years in Iraq.

GET YOUR PRIORITY in order if you are going to whine!!

2007-02-24 02:53:09 · answer #1 · answered by idiot detector 6 · 0 1

I am terribly sorry for your loss. I know the situation should have been handled differently. If one reads about the fall of theTurkish Empire and about the "Grand Race" of the British to keep the Russians from gaining a warm-water port; the infighting between the French and British for domination of the region; the fighting amongst the Arabs to gain control, the fighting of the Shi'ite, Sunni and Kurds; and the subsequent cynical creation of Iraq by Sir Winston Churchill, one must conclude that the Iraqi Nation as we know it is an artificial creation intended to keep all the forces in the region in a perpetual stalemate.

The current U.S. stragegy, therefore, was doomed from the start as the fighting is not really a war, nor a civil war so much as it is a three-way war of sectarianism, with Iraq-Iran another major issue.

However, I feel that your son did what he wanted to do, to try to foster freedom in the world. It's too bad that we as a people cast our pearls before swine.

Time to rethink the strategy used in entire region. However, I wish I could say that American blood will not be spilled again - because if we have to fight Iran it will only get worse, unless the commander-in-chief at the time uses the Navy as an alternate approach - but God help us, I think this all is going to lead to Armageddon.

Wish I had a better answer (to the situation, not to your quesiton). BTW I do not think your grandchildren will ever be called to fight as their heroic father paid that price already.

2007-02-24 02:56:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I want to first express my sorrow for your loss and a hope that no more of your children/grandchildren are taken in the horror that is war. The "noble cause" is the same cause that we humans have been battling over throughout history. There is, unfortunately a lasting belief that peace will somehow come only through war. It really is not just Bush's war. The war belongs to all of us that live in the U.S. There will always be rationales for going to war. 9/11 is often brought up and the 300 lives lost that day to terrorism. After five years however, the vengence is turning somewhat sour, as vengence always does. War only begets more war. Sadly, our young people pay with their lives and limbs.

2007-02-24 02:47:45 · answer #3 · answered by fangtaiyang 7 · 0 0

Your son volunteered to be an American soldier. He did his duty and made the ultimate sacrifice. It is part of soldiering. It is not personal. America sent its army to Iraq. About 1% of them have been killed in action. We share your grief. We are proud of your son.
The 'cause' is simple. America (that's you and me) consumes way more oil than it produces. Iraq produces way more oil than it consumes. Americans (all of us) depend on cheap gas for our SUVs, heat for our homes, energy for our factories. America wants to control the supply of oil from the Middle East. It is in our best interest as a country to do so.
Whether this is 'noble' or not is a moral judgement. It is absolutely vital to the quality of life of those 12 grandchildren that America has the oil it needs to survive.
If you disagree with the way America is going, vote the current government out and elect the people who think the way you do. It will take several years to elect enough people to make the difference, but your grandchildren will reap the benefits.
Iraqis didn't like the way their dictator was running things, but they couldn't vote him out of office. Now they can. It will take several years to elect a functioning government where a dictatorship ruled for so many years. Give the Iraqui people a chance. Their grandchildren deserve a better life, too.

2007-02-24 03:23:22 · answer #4 · answered by WESS LB 2 · 0 0

I'm sorry for your loss but very proud of your son. My own son has been to Iraq 3 times and he will probably be sent back in the next few months but as he reminds me routinely he chose to do this job and it is for me, his wife and his children, nieces and nephews that he is able to awaken each day and do his duty. Although I disagree with the president and think he made an error in judgment I will not be responsible for making my son or the other soldiers feel belittled or condemned as were the brave solders from Vietnam. I support the military not the Commander in Chief. Pray for inner peace remember the love of your son and don't allow your grandchildren to grow up with hatred because of your grief.

2007-02-24 17:36:31 · answer #5 · answered by glinda p 1 · 0 0

Bush's "noble cause" in Iraq has been a mistake from day one. We never should have gone but don't EVER let that interfere with the reasons your son was there. He was doing his job and gave the ultimate price for doing so. Always be proud of what your son was involved in but do your best to make sure we never send our sons & daughters into a conflict that we have no business being in.

2007-02-24 02:49:39 · answer #6 · answered by carpediem 5 · 1 0

I am sorry for your loss.

And I am also sorry to say that Bush had no noble cause in Iraq - that was all Republican propaganda to attempt to appease the masses as to why our troops are dying in vain there!

No - Have your grandchildren refuse to fight in an Illegal and Immoral war - and if they are court martialed for this have them demand the exact penalty that George W. Bush got for deserting!

An Honorable Discharge that was purchased by his Daddy!

Lo Siento!

2007-02-24 02:44:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well, your grandchildren don't have to worry about being drafted, so only if they choose to go need they worry!
BTW...that noble cause is the elimination of Islamic Jihadism from the world. The hope being that your grandchildren don't wind up in a world where everyone is forced to love Allah or get beheaded in the town square for being an "infidel".

2007-02-24 02:42:43 · answer #8 · answered by bradxschuman 6 · 0 1

My condolences to you and your family. Bush had no cause but to make war against a nation that had no ties to Al Quaeda or 9/11. Your son however is still a hero and has paid the ultimate price for his bravery. Our Commander In Chief is a moron, but Our Troops are Heroes!

2007-02-24 02:48:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am so sorry your son died in Iraq. War is hell and people get
killed, and always have in every single war there has ever been.
The noble cause is so that the citizens (that Saddam harrassed
and killed their relatives), can lead lives in freedom like we do
here in the U.S. They have never been able to go about and have
vacations and fun like we do. They were afraid of Saddam as he
would just as soon kill you as look at you. We want those citizens to have some freedoms and fun in their lives also. I'm
sure your son felt sorry for them and fought for their cause,
since he enlisted in the military service. You can be proud of
him for fighting for freedom of those poor abused citizens of

2007-02-24 02:48:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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