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Hello, I was wondering if being induced is really that big of deal? I keep hearing people say it takes them forever and they end up in c-section. If you go in already dialated to a 3 and 80% effaced do you think it will still take forever? NO HORROR STORIES PLEASE I'M ALREADY NERVOUS

2007-02-24 02:16:26 · 14 answers · asked by kimberly 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

14 answers

I have never been induced but I hate to tell you, that all the women I know that were induced, delivered by C-section, because it took so long.

2007-02-24 03:08:19 · answer #1 · answered by kc 3 · 0 0

I was induced with my daughter. They say back labor is worse when they do that and it was tough. Labor is a definite experience let me tell you but regardless of how it happens as soon as you hold that little one and look him or her in the eyes, it won't matter what you had to go through to get there. And if you are due and they don't induce that is when the baby gains the most weight so it is worth thinking about. Sounds like you have had a good pregnancy and the little person is quite happy where they are. Give that eviction notice and hold that precious Little person! Good luck. It is the epidural that slows down labor and mine did not take. Go be a great mom!

2007-02-24 02:35:12 · answer #2 · answered by melkhel 3 · 0 0

Some people undergo inductions and *seem* fine. For some people it may truly be medically necessary (but that amount is much lower than what is accounted for in hospitals) However, for a majority of people, inductions increase the amount of intervention needed to deliver the baby. Three cm is not very far along, especially if you aren't even effaced all the way. It makes labor painful, so you are asking for a lot more pain reducing drugs (slowing down labor, the whole point of induction) and with such a strong drug, you are really restricted in your labor plan (no walking, no getting out of bed, no changing positions to ease labor pains, constant monitoring) because the staff knows how dangerous it is.

Induction is basically introducing a very strong chemical into your body, one for which you are not prepared (or else you would already be in labor). Any time an outside substance is introduced into the body, there are reactions. The main purpose of pitocin is to induce very strong contractions in the uterus. Without the body being primed for this perfectly, it can cause damage to the muscles, which are working out, so-to-speak, with early contractions. For a small percentage it causes uterine rupture, the actual tearing of the uterus, which can lead to hysterectomy, or basically drowning the baby in blood.

It can cause damage to the cervix, because instead of allowing it to open slowly and naturally with pressure from babies head and with body chemistry, it is being forced open by very severe pressure from the contractions. If your body doesn't react well, the doctors will tell you, this isn't proceeding fast enough, you need a c-section.

It can be difficult for the baby, who instead of getting small squeezy contractions that build up slowly, is suddenly being slammed with very hard to manage contractions. It increases stress for the baby, and can lead to the need for emergency c-section because heart rate drops under all that stress.

To be induced because you are tired of pregnancy is ridiculous in light of this. With a nonnecessary induction you are putting yourself and your baby at great risk for interventions that are not necessary. You risk having a c-section, which will put all of your future deliveries at risk for induction, difficulties with placental attachment, and decreases your chances of a natural delivery.

I was about where you were, on my first pregnancy, and I was three weeks overdue with blood pressure at 220/180. I was induced, it was 12 hours of torture (I won't go into details, but jeesh, if you're nervous wouldn't you want to know) which led to increasing interventions and finally a c-section. It's been hell ever since, every pregnancy I have to duke it out with doctors about natural delivery, we have to have multiple ultrasounds to make sure the scar is okay and that placenta is okay, proper nutrition and exercize is the key to healthy pregnancy and a healthy labor. MY whole pregnancy was so mismanaged (i was young and stupid) and in hindsight, should have never happened that way. If your strong and healthy, it'll be okay.

I wish you the best. If you can avoid it, don't do it. Your body was meant to have this baby, it will happen and it will be lovely. You can go weeks after your due date and be safe, every woman is different. You don't say why you're facing induction, but seriously, don't do it as a matter of course. Ask for alternatives. Give yourself time (My SIL is always a month over due, because her cycle is really long)

2007-02-24 02:35:10 · answer #3 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

I was induced with my 1st one and will be with this one as well. It was not all that bad at all. I went in the night before and they monitored me all night and then at 5 am I got an enema then walked for about 10 mins.. then got into the bed for the IV drip to start. I think that was about 6 am. Then the meds will make the labor start. I did well with no pain meds til about 10:30 am took a Demerol shot that really only lasted 30 mins. The nurse checked me I was only at 2 cm.. but she winked and said she would stretch me to 3cm and tell the anesthesiologist I was at 4cm so I could go ahead and get my epidural.. after that.. I was GREAT!! I was telling anyone who walked in the room I had an epidural.. lol.
The doctor came in at 4pm and asked if I had been pushing with contractions.. and I said what contractions.. the nurses had been coming in every 30 to 45 mins thru out the day making me push down. But I never felt any contractions. And at 4:31pm my son was born. So I do not have a horror story for you.. it was all good after that epidural!! Good luck.

2007-02-24 02:57:14 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dont worry about what others say. I was induced with my 2nd son, and it didnt hurt any worse than not being induced. It was the same. I had my son after 2 hours and that was it. It was a very easy birth. I know everyone is different, but dont just listen to the bad stories. Ihave gone through birth 3 times now and am going to do it again in March.....Being induced was my easiest one! :)

2007-02-24 02:27:21 · answer #5 · answered by Blondi 6 · 0 0

my friend was just induced this past week and was only in labor for 12 hours and pushed for 10 minutes and the baby was out. This was her second child so i dont know if that made a difference or not. ANyhow what everyone is going to tell you is "everyone is different" which is true, but im sure you will be fine. Best of luck.

2007-02-24 02:21:32 · answer #6 · answered by estkijedsco 4 · 0 0

Don't be nervous.... I know many people who have been induced and say it feels exactly the same. The people that have harder labors would have had them regardless of inducing or not. My mom was NOT induced with me, and after 24 hours of hard labor that wasn't going anywhere I was taken out via c-section. She WAS induced with my sister, and the whole labor lasted 2 and a half hours and she didn't even tear! It all depends on your body!

2007-02-24 02:21:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No if you are already dilated. Being induced just speeds up the natural birthing process. If you plan on getting and epidurial(which by the way is WONDERFUL). You wont feel the pain. So dont be nervous you will have so much to show after it is all done.

2007-02-24 02:33:44 · answer #8 · answered by hotmomma4 3 · 0 0

I have been induced twice (with my first and third) both labors and delivery were less then twelve hours and no, I did not need to have a c-section. Once they get your medication right (patocin sp? is what was used with me) to regulate your contractions (so that they are coming, but not to fast) things were good. I did not get an epidural (for any of mine) so I was able to walk around basically until I didn't feel comfortable doing it. I don't know, I guess mine were all pretty easy, and every one is different, best of luck to you.

2007-02-24 02:31:55 · answer #9 · answered by bluekitty8098 4 · 0 0

It was so wonderful for me. I was induced with pitocin because my husband travels and we planned for him to be at the birth. I went on at 6 in the morning. They gave me pitocin around 9am, and I delivered at 6pm. They had to do it slow because the hospital was really busy that day. It was so nice because my husband could be there and my family from out of town. I will do the same thing again at 39 weeks with this pregnancy if I don;t go into labor before then. Good luck sweetie. It's no big deal at all. Mine went super smoothe!!!

2007-02-24 02:45:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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