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How does everbody about the government is treating the free american people. Im writing this comment to see what kind of response I get. You stop and think about how the people of this country used to live. We were able to get our car without a seatbelt.We were aload to go have a beer without having to worry about the man ready to haul you off to jail.We were able to afford a car,insuranceand GASOLINE without staving,that was before our Pres and Vice Pres decided to control the price of gasoline. It's getting to the point that your a prisoner in your own home. This country at one time was run by the people for the people THATS A JOKE ! in todays standerds. Today your not allowed to protect your own home without the whole world knowing. What ever happen to the good old UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THE HOME OF THE FREEEEEEEE! Im just one frustrated and DISCUSSTED AMERICAN CITIZEN that was born ,raised and educated to love thy country. I DO BELONG HERE.

2007-02-24 02:10:50 · 5 answers · asked by scerge59 1 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

5 answers

You sound exactly like me... I've been called an old school Funk and Wagner democrat.

The myth is that Republicans are for small government... I say to this... what small govt? Show me one Republican president that didn't put us into a deficit with record spending....

The Republicans are the ones promoting government control over our lives. Us old school Democrats believe in the day when we had freedom of passage,.... you could drive your car without having to stop at a license check and show your PAPERS as though you were in Nazi Germany.

I was outraged at the FBI's invasion at Waco and Ruby Ridge. If those ppl broke the law then why invade their house and not just have them served with an arrest warrant? Why kill them?

I believe I should have the right to live off my land if I so choose... much like Thoreau, author of Civil Disobedience, that left society to live on Waldens Pond.

Now, everything we do is taxed... we are forced to work to pay for taxes on property we ALREADY own or else the state takes it form us. IS THAT FREEDOM? NO

If I want to drive my car without a seatbelt then why can't I... I am a grown adult woman.... Why can't I make the choice for myself... what is next, mandatory helmets to even ride in a car?...

If I want to protest something, I have to get a permit and approval.. how is that FREE?

Too shay my friend. Good question. American freedom does not exist. We are all prisoners to the new Big Brother parenthood.

2007-02-24 07:35:36 · answer #1 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 0 1

I don't think we can lay all the blame off on the government.
Back in the 50's and 60's people were different. Life was simpler and neighbourhoods were communities.

Yes, gas was 25 cents a gallon but $2.00 and hour was a terrific wage. We had less but we were all in the same boat and we relied on one another to help us through tough times. We were more self-sufficient. If your car broke down, someone in the neighbourhood knew how to fix it and did for the cost of the parts. That was because you had helped him put a new roof on his house last year.
Television offered 3 stations which didn't always broadcast so you did a lot more interacting with friends.

Today with the availability of vast amounts of information and the depiction of uncommon lifestyles as being the norm, we try to emulate these scenarios as if they were reality. Families no longer have dinner at the table and discuss each others day, they sit and eat in front of the TV barely saying a word to each other throughout the whole meal.

Over the past 50 years values have changed but the average American still is a pretty good guy. Don't give up on your country, change it. Develop a circle of friends and get back to basics. Take some time and travel the country. You will still find the old America alive......... and doing well.

2007-02-24 02:33:33 · answer #2 · answered by Jack 6 · 0 0

This is the home of the free, how may illegals do we have pouring into this Country on a daily basis? If you want to get upset about something, get mad about the free health care and Government hand outs the illegals are getting.

Yes, the Government has changed some rules, mostly for safety. Seat belts save lives. If you choose not to wear a seat belt you take the risk of getting a citation. If you wreck and die, why does your family get to sue someone because you did not wear your belt? Gasoline, that has been a hot issue. The President cannot control gas prices, we have checks and balances in our Government to prevent that. If you are mad at gas prices, blame Congress for not putting a stop to the price gouging by the oil companies. Smoking, I don't agree with recent smoking laws, but most were put to the voters. You smoke, you get cancer, you die your family is part of a multi billion dollar law suite against tobacco companies because you failed to care about the Government warnings printed on each pack of cigarettes.

It's not our Government, it's us as people. We have become anti-social and afraid of everything. We don't even pull over to help out a stand ed motorist, help someone out, give a few dollars, let someone make a call ets...we as people need to improve ourselves and stop blaming the Government for our own problems. I call this taking responsibility.

2007-02-24 02:50:41 · answer #3 · answered by Colonel 6 · 0 0

I am not totally certain that is a question. There are so many issues there. I assume that, since you don't like seatbelts, that you are somewhat libertarian by nature. That's cool. I own my body. As long as I am not hurting someone else, the state(in a generic sense) has no business whether I wear a belt.

On the other hand, your gasoline rant has a populist slant to it. What proof do you have that the President controls gasoline? If someone could control prices AND they profited by it, wouldn't prices remain high? Also, I don't remember anything about prices in the Constitution.

2007-02-24 02:18:38 · answer #4 · answered by desotobrave 6 · 0 0

America is still free but because of terrorism the government was hopeless in solving it, Thus, the government encroached on the rights of the people to locate terrorists.

2007-02-24 02:21:06 · answer #5 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 0 0

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