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I have been married for 5 years. We have 2 kids and a third due this MAY. I know there is a lot of liability at stake.

I work for a Drug company and I go into offices all day long...things at home are quite somber and sexually inactive(pregnancy).

A receptionist (who is married) has made severval strong passes at me and she got my email addy off my buisness card. She has been emailing me with very interesting propostitions, which at first I would reply inuendoes of my own. This seemed to progress to text messaging, more emails, and then random phone calls.

She calls me when she is drunk and telsl me that she wants me and I certainly have apprehensions. I am getting the feeling she would do anything I want or anything I could have fantisized. My wife however is very simple and a straight laced baptist.(one position type of girl)

I know my wife is going through a tough time, but I tried to spice things up with little luck.

At this point I really want this girl. HELP!

2007-02-24 02:05:30 · 35 answers · asked by scriptseeker 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

35 answers

Do it, but be careful.

2007-02-24 03:08:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It is so encouraging to see how some males never grow up. My father in law always said to his sons, "Never let the little head lead the big one." How many more people do you need to tell you that you are being a whiny self obsessed teenager.

A teenager who has not learned that he does not have to act on every chance at flirtation. You need to grow up, be a man, take you marriage vows seriously and think of the fact that a few moments of illicit sexual gratification can tear your family apart.

You should also think about the fact that not only is this morally wrong, you are taking the chance of contracting any number of STDS and even HIV/Aids. I could bet the last breathe I take on this earth that this "girl" who is flirting with you has also "flirted" with many others.

I have seen many families torn apart by this type of thing, you are going to make your wife and children so proud of you if you stray; (I hope that you are smart enough to know that I am being fecitious with that statement.)

How would you feel if your wife was "flirting" with someone else, let alone thinking about having a sexual relationship???? That would make you really feel like a man; wouldn't it???

You are having an emotional affair. These emotions should be emotions you are only sharing with your wife. If you can no longer be loyal to your wife, get divorced, walk away from your children and just remain a swinging single for the rest of your life. If you are feeling the need to spice up your sex life, that is something to talk about with your wife once the third baby has been born.

Don't come on an open forum whining about your household being somber and sexually inactive. If your wife is soon giving birth to a third child in a five year period, it is a miracle she has time to have a sex life with you at all.

If you do not smarten up you are going to end up on the Jerry Springer Show with a lot of other jerks. I can hear Dr. Phil saying; "So you went out and had an affair while your wife was pregnant with your third child in five years....How's that working for you!!!"

God bless your wife and kids, they are going to need all the help they can get.

2007-02-24 06:33:48 · answer #2 · answered by Sue F 7 · 0 1

Look temptation is sorrounding us all

the thing is do you really want to lose what you have

once you cheat or mess up there is no way to go back and change things

flirting and doing the actual deed are two very different things

If this woman is acting this way with you (the receptionist) think of how many other men she might be telling the samething

You do not really know her, at least you know what you have at home a family who loves you and your family is growing

Do you really want to lose everything over a fling

even if your wife and you work things out if you cheat, the trust would never be the same

Anyhow you are supposed to be the person your children look up to, what type of a role-model would you be if you do go thru with it.

I mean hey maybe your wife would be more sexually cooperative if you just let her know, talk to her every couple needs adventure in their bed

just don't push her away if she does not agree right away, she just might need a little time to think about it.

2007-02-24 02:29:59 · answer #3 · answered by Elka 2 · 1 1

You knew she was a "straight laced baptist girl" and a "one position woman" when you married her. So why did you marry a prude? Because you are a stupid idiot, that's why. She wasn't going to change after marriage and you knew that. Yet you married her anyway. Brilliant.

And you've knocked her up 3 times so it's not like you aren't getting any.

What i hear is a selfish bastard whining because his hugely pregnant busy mother of a wife can't give him all the sex his selfish little pecker wants right now.

You have got to be the biggest assh*le who's come on here in 6 months.

Sure- cheat. It will add more respect to the hypocritical religious lifestyle you lead now, right? And it will make your wife feel terrific. Plus you can show yourself as the kind of person who can be trusted. And no way do you give the ignorant slutty drunk receptionist ammunition to blackmail you with. Isn't that what cheating says about and does to a person? Jackass.

2007-02-24 02:38:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You can't predict what the other woman might do. She could become a stalker and tell on you. Or she might get a little drunk one night and want to start something. But most of all, it's WRONG! You took marriage vows to God. Don't let frustration cloud your judgment. It's not worth it. Your wife is pregnant. If she can't sleep with you right now, then be a man and use your hand. You can never take an affair back. She will never forget.

2007-02-24 03:13:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

All I can tell you is to think with the head that has a brain in it. lol. You are sexually frustrated at this time and could make a move that will destroy your life.After the baby is born you take control in the bedroom and do new things and positions. How do you know that she wouldn't welcome this? She may be just as bored with it as you are!,but too shy to tell you. I know that it is tempting but this drunk married woman has the key to destroy your future. And you know you can still have some good sex with your wife even though she is pregnant. You need to bring all your fantasy into your own bedroom and you may be surprised. I know that I was getting bored wondering why my husband never tried new things and I started to have wondering thoughts and then I started making the moves and he is very happy and said he was getting bored too but wasn't sure how I felt. Sometimes its just lack of communication. Good luck on your choice, but I would leave the married slobbering drunk for her husband to have as a problem.

2007-02-24 02:18:52 · answer #6 · answered by *queenfairy1*Antioch California 7 · 1 1

you are a very unfaithful husband, and so is that other women. have some respect for yourself that you are already married and for your wife of 5 years, and almost three kids. if not, and you really want this other women just for the sex then you are selfish, very selfish, cause at this point looks like there is no love (honesty, commitment) in your relationship anymore for you to think like that... if you can not help yourself anymore, then might as well break things off with your wife, cause you don't want the relationship anymore, but think is your wife at fault for this just becasue your sex life is not so great anymore and you are gonna cheat and not work things out. thats a lame excuse, get over it and try spicing your life back with your wife.

2007-02-24 03:54:57 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Cut off all contact with this woman. You really need to slow down. You have a pregnant wife at home with 2 lovely children. Imagine the pain she would feel....I would be a basket case.....you need to focus on your wife and your family. This receptionist thing isn't going any further than you not accepting any form of communication. If after marriage counseling and personal counseling you decide to end your marriage then at least you did it with honor and dignity. Good luck to you.

2007-02-24 02:11:54 · answer #8 · answered by Yogini 6 · 1 0

First of all, you know you shouldn't do it otherwise you wouldn't be asking about it anyways. Another thing you sound like you are trying to justify it. Second, it sounds to me like you are already having an affair maybe not a physical one but thinking constantly of a woman, talking to her, telling her that you want her, what you would like to do with her, that really sounds like an affair with me. And you should really think about the fact that if you're not getting any do to her pregnancy, that is your damn fault. She didn't get knocked up by herself. Next, you need to consider if your family means anything to you or if you're just really a selfish moron. But if you do decide the latter, then go and do what you want but sure as hell don't go back and even try to kiss your wife, cause if this girl is doing this with you, chances are she has done it before. God knows what she has. Don't get it wrong I don't care what you get, but i do care about the welfare of your poor wife and innocent unborn child (unlike you). Now, if you go through with it go directly from there, file divorce, then explain why to your wife. That way you are both free to screw who ever you want. After all a girl deserves her fun too. If you get sum on the side she should have the opp too. After all it is men like you who ruin women for all the nice guys out there. After you, every man she is with she will constantly think about whether he is cheating on her and what is wrong with her she attracts that type of man. Even if he is not cheating. But maybe she can find a man who is loyal, true, honest, and most important loves her for who she is and can't even think about other women, his thoughts so wrapped up in her. And with any luck, he will be the one can drive her so mad with desire, she tries every position in the Kama Sutra, and then makes up some of her own. Tell her Good Luck!!!

2007-02-24 17:14:04 · answer #9 · answered by BED 3 · 0 1

So you are willing to trade in your five year marriage and children for a one time affair?

Don't give in to biological whims. You may want to politely tell your receptionist friend that it was fun flirting with her, but you've gotten carried away. No matter how much you may want her, its wrong. Deal with your wife's pregnancy, and if you want more from her after may, then tell her what you want. Trying to spice things up late in a pregnancy may not be the way to go. I'm sure she'd rather have that than an affair.

2007-02-24 02:14:34 · answer #10 · answered by Pythagoras 7 · 1 1

Your wife is in a very fragile state right now so if she were to find out it might devastate her,so no dont cheat.Try to reconnect with your wife,share your fantasies with her.Most marriages hit a sex rut for one reason or another but most people try to run away i.e affair,rather than try to fix the problem.Start off slowly then build your way up.Take her away for the weekend and reconnect it just might do the trick.Good Luck

2007-02-24 02:16:37 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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