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Are a female virgo and a male leo compatable?

What are the astrology signs a virgo is compatable with?

Are two virgos compatable???

2007-02-24 01:52:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

9 answers

Virgo THE VIRGIN - the sign of Discernment
The ability to choose, be selective and refine are all qualities which are part of the Virgo psyche. The desire to make the world a better place and do the right thing can bring a strong moral compass, a sense of order and purpose can be the root of all Virgo's actions. Sometimes there is a need to pay attention to the detail, rather than the bigger picture and Virgos can be relied up to take note of this to create order and integration. They have a strong sense of service and making the world a better place.

Get More from Life
By clearing your clutter, both emotionally and physically.

Ideal Careers
Doctor, dentist, anything in medicine, policeman, statistician, gardener, writer, secretary, accountant, teacher, researcher, librarian.

Advice for Partners & Friends
A good idea - Virgo's really do know what is good for you so listen to their advice.

Not so useful - to expect a Virgo to put on a show without the chance to rehearse first.

We love you at your Best ...
When you use your enormous ability to assimilate knowledge and combine what is best for mind, body and spirit. You know instinctively that everything is made up of systems, smaller components working together to create the whole. You probably invented the phrase, 'you are what you eat!" Naturally cautious, Virgos will be suspicious of wild claims and exaggeration and won't be so easily taken in by empty flattery. Great list makers, they will like to measure their success in life by ticking all the boxes. Great goal setters.

Discriminating, fastidious, analytical, meticulous, modest, precise.

.... Difficult to Live With!
Ever get the feeling that someone is looking you up and down, and finding something out of place or not the right style or colour? Could be a Virgo, who will seek, in the nicest possible way to improve you with a carefully thought out step by step method. Not only that, chaos is an anathema and although not all Virgos are clean and house proud, they do tend to have a sense of knowing where to find what they want. No surprises please.

Sun Signs You are most Compatible with
Pisces - oh so heavenly.
Scorpio - truly passionate.
Taurus - steady and enjoyable.
Capricorn - in tune with each other.

Sun Signs You are not so Compatible with
Aries - too different.
Libra - hard going.
Cancer - constant problems will occur.
Aquarius - choppy troubled waters.
Virgo - boredom in detail!

Your Opposite Sun Sign
is Pisces

Virgo is the angelic reflection of goodness and purity in humanity. While the Gemini (also ruled by Mercury) is gathering information, the Virgo is busy finding practical applications for that knowledge. She is constantly analysing and assessing facts and details, pulling out and discarding that which is not useful.

The Virgo is a highly discerning individual. She lives to serve, and has little tolerance for that which does not fit into her world. She may therefore seem finicky and critical, when in reality she is only being as concise and pure minded as possible for those she feels responsible for. She is in tune with the higher forces of nature, which constantly strive toward a perfected state of being.

Virgo's great sense of morality and purity may be tested at different times in her life, tempering her soul with a fortified ability to cut through the ugliness of the world and establish a clear path to simple goodness and charity. She will use the wisdom gained to guide others on the path.

The Virgo is the most gracious of hostesses, knowing intuitively how to please. She is drawn irresistibly to helping others and can dig in and work hard under any circumstances. She will watch and manage her resources carefully, and spend wisely. In love, the Virgo seeks someone she can give her all to, and treat with the utmost consideration and respect, thus she sets very high standards for those she may choose to share herself with.

You have some superficial standards about the man in your life. You insist that your partner be squeaky clean and practical and goal oriented. Your standards are set quite high and therefore it usually takes you longer to find someone that you feel is worthy to commit to. You do tend to marry late in life and only if the right knight in shining armour comes along. You are an excellent housekeeper, a strict parent and a good companion. You are attractive well into your middle years and often attract more men as you age.

beastly, growly Leo is warm, cuddly and playful, yet fiercely protective of everyone and everything in his domain. He has a never-ending need to shine like the Sun, and so takes plenty of time to make himself look good, inside and out.....not to feed his vanity, but to be the best he can be for those who depend on him.

The pride Leo takes in himself is the gift he gives to the world. He strives to be a model of self-esteem, strength and confidence, as every king should be. He loves children, playing, acting, games, animals, nature and all the world...and in doing so he loves himself. The Leo sometimes allows his shimmering boldness to go to his head, and then - he can become the most glorious of entertainers!

Leo needs to share the tremendous sunlight in his soul. He thrives on praise, and suffers without it. He is a great manager, organizer and leader. People love to follow Leo because he is kind and generous. He understands teamwork and can work well under the command of another, but will maintain a constant ambition to be on top

Leo is a fierce, demonstrative, loving person who thrives on constant attention and kindness, yet needs the independence of spirit that recharges him and allows him to stay strong within himself. He strives to be a creative force in the world - through raising children, artistic performance, crafting and designing or leading others.

Your Leo is independent - yet family oriented; highly organized and efficient - yet demanding of others. Leo is King or Queen of the castle, and wants everyone to know it! Shining brightly through that magnificent mane is a great joy for living... a completely self-contained world of fun and creativity. Leo wants the outer world to be just as shiny as she strives to be, and will go to any lengths to achieve it.

Your Leo needs to be happy with how the world perceives him. If enough praise is not forthcoming, you will have a sulky, growly lion! Make sure you take time to compliment, heavily. And please don't criticize overtly - make sly little helpful suggestions instead. Leo is very sensitive, but bounces back easily because he can't stand unhappiness. Life is too fun, and creative opportunities too tempting for Leo to be out of the action for long.

Remember that you are part of your Sun-God or Goddess' world. Your reputation is just as important to your Leo as her own. Do your best to look good, sound dignified and make your space organized and attractive. Sweep the dirt out of public view, and don't forget to comb your hair!

Feed your Leo with joyful, sunny surroundings, the laughter of children, organized spaces and free-time to roam. Keep competition far away from your very territorial animal. Shower her with cuddly affection, your undying love and devotion, and most of all PRAISE. You will be rewarded with a glowing soul whose heart radiates with blissful devotion to your needs. Your Leo is sure to passionately love, defend and protect you. It's his job!

You are extremely attractive to women. You are easily noticed in a crowd and you usually get a lot of attention. You are a showman, flashy and flamboyant. You can be careless at times, however you are also a master at covering up mistakes or anything else. You love and admire beautiful women, but your mate must not outshine you in any manner. You prefer your female to be reserved so as not to steal your thunder. You are an extrovert, you love to laugh, you are generous, outgoing and you love the best of everything. You have a high opinion of yourself and you want your mate to feed your ego.

When Leo and Virgo come together, they may at first think they have no common interests and nothing to learn from each other. This is a relationship that evolves slowly, each partner learning gradually how to understand and appreciate the other. Leo is outgoing, dominant, and charismatic, and often has a short fuse. Virgo is studious and quiet, possessed of more versatility than Leo. Although these two are completely different, they make a wonderful team once each partner learns to accept the other's unfamiliar style.

Early in the relationship, Leo and Virgo may see nothing in each other but their faults. Leo may seem autocratic, and Virgo may seem too critical. But once they stop focusing on each other's faults and begin learning about each other's strengths, they'll discover a great deal. Leo teaches Virgo about fun and excitement, about the spontaneity that is often missing in Virgo's life. Virgo teaches Leo patience and focuses their rationale. Leo may feel Virgo is overcritical, but will teach their partner to take things less seriously. Virgo may accuse Leo of being egocentric and overbearing, but can teach them to be attentive to the needs of others.

Leo is ruled by The Sun and Virgo is ruled by the Planet Mercury. The Sun emanates light and heat and waits for others to gather around and accept the gifts of their presence. Virgo reaches out to others and works out all the details before committing to a determined goal. Both Signs need to take the time to see the value of their partner's approach; Leo can teach Virgo to be less critical and more spontaneous while the Lion gains stability from Virgo's even keel.

Leo is a Fire Sign, and Virgo is an Earth Sign. Leo initiates projects instantly without questioning their inner motivation, while Virgo is more practical. Virgo asks, O what good will this do? while Leo simply pursues what they want with gusto! Although these partners may find it difficult to understand each other's mind set, when they work together they make an excellent business team because of their different strategies.

Leo is a Fixed Sign, and Virgo is a Mutable Sign. Virgo isn't inflexible and likes to spend time working hard and doing their part in many different arenas. Leo, on the other hand, is the one who enjoys leading or managing a project and assigns roles to the other participants. Their lack of conflict over roles helps Leo and Virgo work on the same undertaking with great success.

The best aspect of the Leo-Virgo relationship is their effectiveness as a team -- business or personal. Metaphorically as well as literally, Leo gets attention and respect by being out in the field and socializing, following through on new ideas motivated only by fun and interest. Virgo works hard behind the scenes, balancing the books and following up on details that Leo has lost interest in. Their personalities, opposite in so many ways, makes theirs a highly complementary relationship.


When two Virgos come together, they are likely to organize their lives in blissful harmony. The merging of two incredibly practical, industrious sorts such as these creates an extraordinary business team and an incredibly devoted and doting couple although public displays of affection will be rare. Though their shared perfectionism and skepticism could lead to conflict, the level-headed Virgo duo will quickly resolve any disputes and move on to the next undertaking.

The Virgo-Virgo relationship runs like a well-oiled machine, particularly for couples that live together or have children. There is never any doubt as to who will do what, and both partners feel quite comfortable with this arrangement. Making lists, balancing accounts, and keeping the house and affairs in order are second nature to both individuals. They share a discriminating palette and champagne tastes. As long as the two don't criticize each other too much, or ride one another's last nerve, their relationship will be fulfilling in every way.

Virgo is ruled by the Planet Mercury. This Planet represents communication, and indeed this is Virgo's forte. As a couple, both are well-tuned to one another's frequencies. Virgo is often able to read the nuances of words and gestures and take in an analytical meaning. One of the strongest points of the relationship is their open and clear channels of communication. Also, the reasoning and logical abilities of two Virgos together can quite possibly master all the problems of the world! They are a dynamic and brilliant team.

Virgo is an Earth Sign, thus indicating a practical nature. Also, they are a couple who likes to own nice things, but who won't settle for second best. It is worth it to hold out for something perfect, rather than to settle for anything less. Virgo is able to weigh all possible options and outcomes before moving forward, and they are the first to determine which action to take that is best for everyone; even if it involves sacrificing themselves. Fussiness and selectivity make the Virgo-Virgo team a wonderful business collaboration, as well as a romantic couple.

Virgo is a Mutable Sign. They are easily adaptable to any situation or any social setting. There is rarely conflict between them, but when it does arise it is quickly dismissed. Neither feel a great pressure to be pushy or domineering, and they share an equal enthusiasm for each other's projects. Virgo always finishes what they start, and two together doubles this energy and make a very productive team.

The best aspect of the Virgo-Virgo relationship is their practical and organized approach to life, work, fun and commitment. They're incredibly compatible, and this shows to one another and to their friends. Together, they make a wonderful pair for pleasing one another and working on the perfect relationship.

Zodiacal match-ups for you are not the easiest due to your critical analytical nature.

VIRGO & ARIES: The volatile Aries will upset your nervous nature, the conclusion being ill-fated and certainly not lasting. The Ram just won't put up with your put-downs.

VIRGO & TAURUS: You both share the same high standards and, needless to say, are not the most exciting couple on earth. This is a much better connection during the last half of life.

VIRGO & GEMINI: Not a chance. The risky, carefree fickle Gemini sees you as a drag. Truly a miracle if the two of you do interact for any length of time. This union is best left alone unless other factors prevail in both charts.

VIRGO & CANCER: Somewhat dull. You both tend to avoid getting involved in activities outside your own environment. Neither of you bother to end the relationship even if it isn't working. This union is a critical and nagging match that results in lowered self-esteem for both of you.

VIRGO & LIBRA: Libra's extravagant, indecisive nature bothers you, however Libra's charm can normally melt your critical tongue. Not likely to be lasting but it can be passionate while it lasts.

VIRGO & SCORPIO: This is an interesting match. If the scorpion can tempt you into sexual encounters that are exotic, the end result will end in fireworks.

VIRGO & SAGITTARIUS: This is sexually not bad. The Archer's non-committal approach to life however, drives you up a wall. This combo works better as a passing affair.

VIRGO & CAPRICORN: This is an excellent union. Practicality and neatness go hand in hand for the Goat as well as for you. Fear of material loss locks you in tight for a long term union.

VIRGO & AQUARIUS: This is a far more mental then physical connection. You rule the lower mind and the Water-bearer the higher mind. This is an intellectual union that is likely to be lasting.

VIRGO & PISCES: This is a polarity attraction. You are enamored by the Pisces empathetic ways and in turn the Fish needs your practical direction. Pisces' sexuality can bring out the erotic side in you.

2007-02-26 18:46:55 · answer #1 · answered by ♥gigi♥ 7 · 0 0

Virgo & Leo

When Virgo and Leo join together in a love match, they may initially overlook common interests and feel they have nothing to gain from one another. This is a relationship that evolves over time, each partner gradually understanding and appreciating the other. Leo is extroverted, dominant, and charismatic, and often has a short fuse. Virgo is studious and withdrawn, possessed of more versatility than Leo. Although there are differences, they make a wonderful love match when each partner warms up to the other's unfamiliar style.

Virgo & Virgo

When two Virgos join together in a love match, they are likely to structure their lives in beautiful conjunction. The merging of two incredibly practical, industrious sorts such as these creates an incredibly devoted and doting couple although public displays of affection will be rare. Though their shared perfectionism and skepticism could lead to conflict, the level-headed Virgo duo will quickly resolve any disputes and move on to more pleasant times.

I'm a virgo and have had a wonderful relationship with a leo. We have a lot in common. We've been together for 1 1/2 romantically, but have been friends for years. I'm constantly finding "something new". I've never been involved with another virgo, but have thought it would be interesting to see what happens.

2007-02-24 10:06:34 · answer #2 · answered by Tara 4 · 1 0

compat. stars:Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer

virgo-virgo match
Virgo matched with Virgo
Virgo can get along with more of the signs than any other. With another Virgo, it's going to be a matter of scattering forces, trying to be everywhere at once, trying to please everyone, including relatives. Then this pair ends up pleasing no one. Both of you should make a resolution: We are going to be true to ourselves and let the world go by on its own.

Both of you are discriminating and see many sterling qualities in each other, but there will be a struggle over who will lead. You are eager to improve each other, and you will expect perfection in your children, even though you are loving and devoted parents.

In love, you both are warm, supportive and eager to please. Virgos are health- and service-oriented. You may wear yourselves out helping others because you feel you are the mother and father to loved ones and friends. Even though you have so much in common, two Virgos may not find it easy to harmonize in marriage. Why not run a hospital or nutritional resort together, instead?

I believe it's not possible 2 be 2gether

2007-02-25 08:23:42 · answer #3 · answered by goldstar_holder 3 · 0 0

I am somewhat the typical shy, reserved, analytical Virgo female but have a chameleon type tendency (which is common with many Virgos).

I tend to get along with male Leos just fine, if they are 'traditional' in terms of values (I did a full natal chart and my rising sign is Leo which might influence this too). Leos tend to be very sensitive but not as bad as say Cancers or Libras. Leos seem interested in learning how the Virgo mind rationalizes and will listen to our varying perspectives- unlike a Saggie and Virgo where Saggie will force his views. I dated two Saggie males and they whine, play a lot of games but their intelligence and eyes are magnetic.

My dad and daughter are Leos too. It takes patience and a reminder to yourself to not critize the Leo but to share instead and it all works. They need to feel like they are the King (or Queen) and as a Virgo, it's quite easy to help this along.

My best friends are all Aquarians (go figure). It must be how I keep a balance. Would I date or marry one? No.

It's hit or miss with other Virgos- we either understand each other so well it works or we nit-pick each other and can't be in the same room (female to female anyway).

My sis is a Cappy and I dated one. I found they are just too boring. Very prone to being depressive and just too much a downer. They have wonderful traits for long term partners but nothing much that is interesting for the short term to keep interest.

I keep reading Taurus males are best for Virgo females but I have yet to meet one that isnt in a commited relationship. Here Taurus, Taurus...

I love Libras, love their attitude towards life, but find most of them are wishy-washy and this doesnt mesh with Virgo very well. You feel like you are on a string.

If a complete stranger told a Libra on the street to date a brunnete over a blonde, they are the type to take that advice to heart and follow it. Cancers are almost as easily swayed.


2007-02-24 17:00:59 · answer #4 · answered by Paradox 3 · 0 0

cancers are most compatible with water signs(cancer scorpio and pisces) and other earth signs ( capricorn, taurus and other virgos)

beware that even though that you can really get along with pisces and othe virgos, the two would be adaptable, which means that both of u will be to flexible in a relationship and neither of u will take the lead ( for example, taking decisions)

hope this helps!!

2007-02-25 10:31:53 · answer #5 · answered by xxyazy 2 · 0 0

Virgo and Leo are considered a terrible match, but with love and patience it can work. Two Virgos get on well because you always get on with your own sin. Virgo is compatible with Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio.

Best Match For Virgo Is Capricorn
The two of you can accomplish pretty much anything at all you set your minds to. A pretty good match emotionally as well. Truly a lot of synergy here, you will be able to read each others minds at times, especially the very close, soul mate type relationships!

Worst Match For Virgo is Aquarius
Try to avoid this match up if you can. True love conquers all, this is true, but even true love will be tested to the extreme here! You will think the Aquarian is nuts, and he or she will think you are ancient. Communication will be difficult, and there will most likely be a power struggle.

Virgo With Taurus:
Taurus will be intrigued by Virgo's attention to detail and Virgo will click with Taurus's drive for material success. These two love birds will make a strong home, and support one another in areas where each lacks, making the sum total of the two a force to be reckoned with. Taurus will need to watch their wandering eye however, and this is probably the only thing that will really annoy Virgo.

virgo and taurus - astrological compatibility rank = 8 (10 is best)

With both being earth signs there will be much common ground for these two. Both Virgo and Taurus desire material success and security. The one drawback is that Virgo is normally in control of their emotional output while Taurus thrives on deep emotion and could perhaps overwhelm Virgo. Balance is the key. Overall great astrology compatibility match up. These two zodiac signs seem to really click

Virgo With Cancer:
Cancer is shrewd in caring for their finances, although he/she may not be emotionally able to handle the criticism that will surely be coming his/her way should there be a mistake. Living with the critical Virgo will not be an easy task for the emotionally high strung Cancer who will take all the criticisms to heart and sulk for days. However, in spite of this, the chemistry is exceptionally good. The Virgo will be very "in to" the Cancer, and the feeling will be mutual. This deep, almost unconscious connection will be very strong, making this a good astrological match.

virgo and cancer - astrological compatibility rank = 8 (10 is best)

Cancer will appreciate Virgo's care and attention to detail, although they may not appreciate the critical eye of Virgo, especially when that criticism is aimed at cancer that takes things to heart as a rule. Virgo will appreciate the loyalty and sincerity of cancer, but will need to be a little more demonstrative and affectionate with cancer.

Virgo With Leo:
Leo lives for the moment while Virgo exists in the mental world of the future, a cause of much tension between them. Critical Virgo's cutting remarks can wound Leo deeply if Virgo is displeased over any extravagance on Leo's part. Unlike Leo's reactions, Virgo feels that recreational pursuits are a waste of time and would spend that time in going over future plans.

virgo and leo - compatibility rank = 6 (10 is best)

Leo likes to live life in a really big way, but Virgo is conservative. This is one of those relationships that depend on the type of relationship it is. Leo will overwhelm Virgo, whose criticism will irk Leo. In business it is best when Leo leads and Virgo follows and the differences will be tolerated. Both of them should look elsewhere

Virgo With Virgo:
These two make a match that has a lot of potential. This can be good or bad depending on other aspects in the compatibility profile. You will have to work hard to keep a balance here between your needs and theirs. There could be an over abundance of intellectual stimulation here. Over time, one or the other could come to the conclusion that something is missing. It could be a case of having too much in common. All relationships need balance. Make sure you are really in love or one of you could walk away regretting the experience.

virgo and virgo - compatibility rank = 5 (10 is best)

Finding anything resembling compatibility would be hard for this combination. Both have a tendency to end up with a battle of the wits with both opponents evenly matched. Each would over exaggerate the faults of the other.

Virgo With Scorpio:
The combination sometimes belongs to the mutual admiration society. If Virgo will keep from hurting Scorpio's pride, this combination will be happy and enduring. Scorpio is also possessive and fiercely loyal, which makes Virgo feel loved and protected. They also admire each other's minds. Virgo is logical, intellectual and analytical. Scorpio is imaginative, visionary and perceptive.

virgo and scorpio - compatibility rank = 4 (10 is best)

A strong friendship and loyalty will keep these two together. Scorpio must not play any head games with Virgo or there will be a serious price to pay. Virgo will help keep Scorpio grounded and healthy. The prognosis for a long-term love is excellent. Focus on healing yourselves and you both will have found a mate for life.

Virgo With Pisces:
The Pisces is so nice; you want to help them turn their dreams into something. This has a lot of possibilities. However, it will take a great deal of patience and understanding on the part of Virgo to cope with the sentimental nature of Pisces. This is another pair of zodiac opposites that can be great at times and horrible at others times. The opposites can learn a lot about themselves from their counterparts.

virgo and pisces - compatibility rank = 6 (10 is best)

Virgo will see social and physical adventures in Pisces and will always leave Pisces longing for more. Desire will be a strong element that keeps the relationship exciting. Love will blossom over time to the point of a possible marriage. As close as these two get, they never really get together. Pisces could get cold feet at the wrong time and Virgo could get paranoid.

2007-02-24 11:34:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

try to read astrological books. I read something from this one book which said that VIRGOs are compatible to SCORPIOs and TAURUSs

2007-02-24 10:00:19 · answer #7 · answered by manny 1 · 0 0

you can know more about Virgo on http://www.astrology.com/year

2007-02-24 10:06:43 · answer #8 · answered by sousa 3 · 0 0

I think you go along with a capricorn.....I'm not positive though

2007-02-24 10:02:27 · answer #9 · answered by Swini 2 · 1 0

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