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Im working in an office atm that I enjoy, its only 5 mins away from home, I can walk which is an advantage. Its working in an small office where I may have the opportunity to work my way up the ladder, the only problem is that I have to do the work via distance learning which I have tried and cannot physically do, due to being unable to work solely on my own, and from a book. My manager is leaving the firm in a few weeks to take up a post in a much larger firm ,in a big city, with huge prospects. Her advice for me before leaving was for me to leave myself to go to a larger firm where i would have a more options available to me. She said that i am only young (20) and that i should set my sights higher than just working close to home because its convenient.

My problem is i am very family orientated and wouldn’t want to move miles and miles away, but i do think that what she said made sense, and i know she’s only looking out for me.

I don’t know what 2do, any advice?

2007-02-24 01:21:59 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

18 answers

I realize that there is an attraction to being able to walk to work, but your boss is right; you have skills which allow you to do so much more and you need a job that will better offer things you need.

So, what about taking a job that is withing commuting distance. I don't know what type of community you live in, but what other jobs are within driving distance or using public transportation. Please don't limit yourself.

2007-02-24 01:26:54 · answer #1 · answered by Searcher 7 · 0 0

You say you MAY have the opportunity to work up the ladder, it all sounds a bit convenient and comfortable to me, a bit like a comfy old jumper you wear at home....

The manager is a manager because she takes chances and works up and forward. Even she is going forward and sometimes the advice we need is given in the most sincere way.

There is nothing wrong with being family orientated, and no-one is saying you should move away, but half an hour or and hour of train / bus / walking or driving to & from work could make a very big difference in your career, your salary, your homelife and your inner self knowing you are doing your best to make your life better.

Good Luck, take a look around and see what is on offer, you already know your manager is making sense, maybe she can see you could do so much better than the current firm can offer, dont give up this job without a new one though, so happy hunting if thats what u decide

2007-02-24 01:39:09 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Hard question to answer.. You are very young and for now you can stay near home. Always considering and researching for better and bigger opportunities. The reason you do not feel "ready" to look for something else, is because you are still (taking a chance on this) immature, and not ready. I work 1hour 45 away from my home. I wake 5:30 am and out the door by 6:30, do not get home till 6:45pm... but I love it. I enjoy even more than ever spending time with fam & friends...my weekends are filled with things to do because i rarely have the time during the week... It may sound as if I am far but not really... The most important thing is that what ever you do, where ever you work, you LIKE IT!!!!

2007-02-27 02:53:34 · answer #3 · answered by Hermosa bori 2 · 0 0

It's funny in a way.. I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum from you! I'm 50, and have worked for a good portion of my career quite close to home, and am now commuting almost an hour each way. I'm tired and cranky and want more time to spend with my parents, who live close by and are in their 80's, and my husband, who is due to retire in a year or so. I would LOVE to have a job that I enjoy that was 5 minutes from my home, and am actively looking for one. I still need to work.. partly for economic reasons but mostly to keep myself sane..

I say.. stay put.. enjoy what you have while you have it. Not everyone is meant to have a hotshot career, but if you are taking distance education, good for you! There is no big rush though.. no one is going to hire a 20 yr old to be CEO. Perhaps you can find some combination of classroom and home study that will suit you.

But whatever you do.. do it because it's what is right for you, not because of what someone else tells you to! Listen to what others say, but make up your own mind.

I wish you the best of luck in whatever choice you make :D

2007-03-03 18:00:35 · answer #4 · answered by endorable 4 · 0 0

I disagree with some of the above posts,

What would you rather be, a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond.

I have been lucky enough to work for both large organisations and small ones.

In my opinion, i prefer the smaller as its easier to make a big noticable impression and they show their appreciation of your work. In a big company its easy to blend into the background and theres always someone, who isnt family minded who will work later etc to make them look good and you look bad.

My point is, if you make yourself valued, it shouldnt matter what size company you work for, a small company will possibly appreciate you more and be more willing to reward you more financially or with other perks such as more holidays, flexible working etc

THe small company I work for has around 20 people, i make around 30K, work monday to friday, get 4 weeks holiday and time off whenever i need it if i ask nicely, further more, my boss helps the staff out alot when they need help, financially or for family matters (E.G. paid time of in times of family problems) im not sure you would get the personal touch with a larger firm.

Oh and im 23 by the way.

2007-02-24 01:43:48 · answer #5 · answered by brett d 1 · 0 0

Only you can make this decision, but if I were you I would want to consider whether I had any responsibilities that would make the decision for me. I.e children etc.

If I had nothing (but my heart) keeping me where I was, I would go for it!

What have you to lose? You could return if you absolutely hated it, but on the other hand, you wont know until youve tried it!

You might find a whole new you! A new job with new prospects, a new life and a new beginning. But only do it if your hearts in it and because you want to....otherwise it'll never work.

Good luck in whatever you do !

2007-02-24 08:18:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I say yes to both. You have the best of both worlds and are in a great position not knowing what is around the corner is an exciting prospect to be in, I used to be a postman at 20 and now 26 I am training myself to become an astronaut.

2007-03-03 04:53:47 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You need to do what is best for you, you are 20 years old, you have your whole life ahead of you... there are draw backs to working farther away from home, transportation costs, etc... that sometimes out weigh the pay increase you might receive. I left home at 18 and have never gone back (to live)...I've lived all over the country and in different parts of the world, it has been wonderful, but I gave up the closeness to family, wasn't there when my grandmother got sick and eventually passed away... so you need to look w/in and find out what is BEST for you...no one else can tell you that. Good Luck you've got your whole life ahead of you!

2007-02-24 01:32:17 · answer #8 · answered by i_love_my_mp 5 · 0 0

In response also to your other question of AAT...you should go to college. Also if you go to a larger firm they will want to promote within the company..and they WILL pay day release for you!
Go for it..I did the AAT at 30 for a change in direction...and you are young enough to have other options open for you if the Accountancy doesn't work out!

2007-02-24 01:48:26 · answer #9 · answered by xpurplexiax 1 · 0 0

Your still young and learning so........here is the best advice you can use. Stay were you are for 1year more. Give yourself 3 deadlines. Which you can call your goals and set a plan to make it happen. Your 1st is to be completed in 6-months .....then 9-months...... and last 12-months. Being close to family is good but , is it letting you reach your dreams.....life is short so don't wait for it to come to you........go to it!

2007-03-03 10:34:24 · answer #10 · answered by DeeMny 1 · 0 0

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