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hey,just wanna know what should i do to make my bf loves me more that can never leave me anymore??cause i love him too much just wanna keep him to stay with me wanna marry him one day
thanks,waiting for your answer

2007-02-24 01:17:22 · 14 answers · asked by sweetie 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

14 answers

What can you do to make you love yourself more? That should be more important to you. There's no guarantee that he'll stay with you FOREVER...that only happens in fairy tales. When will girls ever learn this? If you do things in your life that make "EVERYONE" love you, then he'll probably do everything he can to stay in your life. On the other hand, if you're only concerned with his happiness and not your own, you may end up waking up one day and finding him following some other girl. Time to get real, schweety!!

2007-02-24 01:19:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You can't make someone love you, or love you more. That is something that comes natural. It sounds like you are too focused on this. You sound very young and I think that you should focus on other things. A young guy very seldom stays with the same girl and only her. He will need to "be free" I'm not saying that you won't have him in the end but if you try to tie him down too young then you are in for a world of hurt. And he is going to run if you keep being so "needy" . Let him have his space and you stop worring so much and do things with your friends and stuff. When you stop trying so hard and let loose of him a little you will see what you are asking for.

2007-02-24 01:33:10 · answer #2 · answered by *queenfairy1*Antioch California 7 · 0 0

Well sweetie, Let me just tell you from my own experience. You can not do anything to make your b/f or husband love you more. He has free will in life and his heart is only under his control. Be yourself and dont try to be something your not. As much as you love him and don't want him to leave, if you "try" to make him love you, years down the road he will wake up and realize that this is not what I signed up for. I dated my husband in high school and he chased me for years. After my first marriage failed due to a cheating husband, we got married. Now after nine years of marriage he has left me and told me that he just doesn't love me like he should and wants a divorce. I don't want another divorce and we have three children that will pay the price and their lifes will be changed forever becuase he has decided to walk away from his family. Love alone is not enough to keep a marriage alive. It is so much more. You have to stay friends first and communicate daily about life, work, his day, your day, how he is feeling about himself (this one is hard). I know that my husband loves and cares for me but he has lost himself somewhere in our marriage and has been unfaithful and I still forgave him. That was a year ago. We have been trying ever since and two weeks ago he moved out and asked for the divorce. My point is this - KEEP IT REAL AND HONEST!

2007-02-24 02:13:15 · answer #3 · answered by katcoplen 1 · 0 0

It's probably true that you can't make him love you more than he loves you now. Cause either you love someone or don't, there is no middle. But what you can do, and I wish if you could call my girfriend and tell this :) is to make him crazy about you. Show him that you love him, hug him, kiss him, run into his arms, wear the most sexyiest clothes you have, just for him. And the most important, give him what he needs when it comes to sex. Be the one who starts it, do it whenever it's possible, and be sure if he gets what he wants, he'll never look for another girl. Than, not only he will love you, but I'm sure he will be like a puppy asking for a bone.

2007-02-24 01:45:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ovid once wrote, "To be loved, be lovable".

Since he's already your boyfriend, he must see something in you. Find out what those things are and capitalize on them. Do things for him that demonstrate that you care for him. Get him tickets for his favorite team. Cook him his favorite meal. Let him go out and do the things he likes to do (within reason) without giving him a hard time. You don't have to go overboard to show someone you love them.

Two warnings, though:

1. There is no foolproof solution. You may do all of these things and he may still leave one day. Or you might decide to leave one day. Time changes things.

2. Be prepared to keep up this rate for a long time. If you go overboard early, say something special once a week, and then let up over time, he's going to think that you don't care as much.

I wish you well

2007-02-24 01:32:27 · answer #5 · answered by Pythagoras 7 · 0 0

When I was in college, I was all into this girl but she wasn't into me, at least not the same way. I got so depressed about it that I went to the counseling center on campus. I met with Dr. Nicholson. His name has stuck with me to this day because he gave me such sound advice. I call it Nicholson's Law and it goes like this:

The commitment to a relationship is proportional to the emotional investment in it and NOT the profit from it.

Think about that for a minute. It means that if you want your bf to love you more, you have to find a way to get him to invest more emotion in the relationship. How do you do that?

Let's look at some basic biology. I don't mean human biology, I mean how nature works. There are some basic laws and one of them is this:

Males compete--females choose.

Said another way, it means males pursue and females accept or reject the pursuit. Men make emotional investments in relationships in the early stages by pursuing the girl.

Bottom line: get him to invest in you by pursuing you, doing little things for you, coming to you. Ask for his help. Get him involved in something you like that he'll like. Ask for his opinion while being clear you may or may not take it but you value his point of view.

The other thing that's important is that in a healthy relationship, the emotional investments of the two people are rougly equal. Think about that, too.

The other way men emotionally invest is with their money. Drop hints about small, affordable things you would like but don't ask him to buy it outright. Let him figure it out.

Finally, I'd suggest you read the book "He's Just Not That Into You." See if you're investing in a losing cause and if so, dump him and find a better investment opportunity.

2007-02-24 01:44:55 · answer #6 · answered by Net Rider 3 · 0 0

I hate to tell you this but there is no way that you can make someone love you more. There are no guarantees that he will stay with you forever. Love is the hardest thing to understand because it's so complicated. If it's meant to be it will be. Just don't push because that the best way to lose a guy.

2007-02-24 01:43:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well u guys should do some activities together go to a dinner once in a while tell u you love him every single day and how much u apprieciate him and want to grow old and maybe a few kids.

2007-02-24 01:23:12 · answer #8 · answered by tay tay 1 · 0 0

You can't make someone love you more than they already do. If he wants to leave you, then that's what he needs to do for him. You need to worry about yourself.

2007-02-24 01:26:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you cant make someone love you more just be really nice to him and tell him you love him and how special he is to you etc good luck with that! xox

2007-02-24 01:21:27 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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