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Nearly all the Christians I know be they Catholic or Protestant say they idea that Christians left the shores of Europe to convert people by barbaric acts is totally untrue. They say it is non Christians who made this up to stop people following Christianity.
They also claim that the many Popes have never strayed from the teaching of Christ event though history has proved they have murdered, married there own family members and had children with their own relatives?
Christians say Islam is a religion of murder etc and say theres is a religion of love. When a Muslim kills someone its because they say Islam is a religion of hate and ALL muslims are the same.
Yet, when a christian kills someone or commits a terrorist act they say they are NOT a christian a case of double standards?

2007-02-23 22:58:18 · 9 answers · asked by aroundworldsports 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

9 answers

It is because they have double standards.

There are people who claim to be Muslims who have committed acts of violence which are contrary to the Qur'an. Similarly, there are Christians and Christian institutions throughout history which have committed acts which are contrary to the Bible. If we are to act fairly, we must condemn the acts of anyone who commits massacres and forced conversions, whatever their religion.

2007-02-24 03:30:44 · answer #1 · answered by darth_maul_8065 5 · 0 0

I am a born again Christian and have no problem saying that people labelled as 'Christians' carried out such atrocities as you mention.

Regarding the Popes of course this is true as history can verify even down to the fact that there was a female Pope called Joan, something else which is denied.

But here's the thing for a Christian to try to forcibly convert someone, whether at the point of a sword or otherwise goes totally against what is taught in the Bible.

So yes when a Christian kills someone for the sake of religion or commits a terrorist act they are certainly not acting on behalf of the Christian God, The Bible teaches us to love our enemies and pray for them, the word enemies can mean just about anyone who is doing us wrong or wishes to do us wrong.

If we look behind most of the atrocities etc we will see that the motive for most of them has been power, money or some other ideal which is certainly not Christian. So how can it be called a Christian act?

Plato - I have absolutely no axe to grind but history tells us that many of these atrocities were done at the behest or at least with the blessing of the then Pope, this is not an attack on the Roman Catholic Church just a simple statement of fact, by the same token again I have no problem admitting that similar atrocities were carried out by people labelled as 'Protestants' but the same answer applies to them, not a Christian act...

2007-02-24 01:42:05 · answer #2 · answered by J B 3 · 0 0

There have been a few Popes who are not recognised by the Catholic Church-Borgia's etc. The official teachings of the Church could not sanction and massacres or whatever, it was normally the state or the King or Emperor and misguided people. There are good and bad everywhere. Forced conversions would most likely have been the State's doing. Sometimes it was also easy to convert to save ones life.

JB has an axe to grind- born again christians do not like the Catholic Church.

2007-02-23 23:39:58 · answer #3 · answered by Plato 5 · 0 0

Nobody likes to think that their religion, country, family ect do bad things. Its just natural. Also, you have to look at who wrote the history book. My husband is British. I am American. We look at historical events differently because of the history we were taught as children. I tend to see the British empire in a very different light than he does. Its been good, because we can combine our outlooks and come up with a more balanced view of things. Its a shame more people are not able to do this.

2007-02-23 23:21:53 · answer #4 · answered by sngcanary 5 · 0 0

i do no longer know that a lot with reference to the inquisitions - different than it became entire evil. (as a Christian it makes me disillusioned to renowned that folk could desire to be so deceived with reference to the glaring teachings of their very own faith, and as a result all the greater careful) i think of the element is that anybody could be brainwashed into doing something this is unquestionably a contravention of their faith - extraordinarily in a society the place no one could desire to examine and write, the place the human beings have been starving, and the place each little thing became owned by utilising the the Aristocracy. maximum 'crusaders' have been peasants, and there became even a new child's marketing campaign. that's to no longer say that they weren't truthful believers, yet those 'directing' the action have been usually manipulating potential brokers - many from the ruling instructions whose land became no longer waiting to help the vast numbers of peasants residing there. human beings are complicated and those with great potential usually very much corrupted. same factor is happening right this moment in Islam. Lenin used an analogous ideas to earnings administration of Russia - tell the human beings with reference to the equality of all, and then turn them against one yet another (so as that they weren't equivalent regardless of each little thing) same factor has got here approximately in many places in history - no longer in hassle-free terms Christians. effective human beings will constantly take earnings of the deprived and manage them to end their targets.

2016-09-29 13:30:57 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

SHOW ME 5 RELIGIONS that didn't have massacres and forced conversions? go on like to see you try its all brain wash b0110cks in almost every religion there is murder and mass killings? and even today there are nasty little people trying to convert people trying to be a voice. really what it all boils down to is power over peoples fears

2007-02-23 23:26:06 · answer #6 · answered by dragontears 4 · 1 0

Why do simpletons blame only Christianity for such acts?

2007-02-23 23:28:52 · answer #7 · answered by Dominus Satanis 1 · 1 1

when a british muslim does something wrong: he is a muslim
when a british christian does it: he is british

2007-02-24 05:21:19 · answer #8 · answered by 0000001 2 · 0 0

that is because thay hate the truth

2007-02-23 23:13:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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