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I hate my house its never tidy. I have an 8 year old daughter and 2 dogs! I work 6 days a week as a nurse and try my hardest to keep on top of things, but Im so tired on my 1 day off I so need to sleep and spend time with my daughter. I desperately want a nice tidy house but dont know where to start! any ideas, and please no nasty answers Im depressed enough aleady!

2007-02-23 22:57:36 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

I dont have any cupboards or storage space in this house at all. I think it would help if I could just chuck it all in a cupboard but i cant plus my daughter has far too many toys because I work so hard and feel so guilty leaving her, I buy her a toy!!!

2007-02-23 23:26:03 · update #1

32 answers

That´s a hard job ,I think nurse´s should be pain far more than they get paid, Oh yes the Q , Well I´m sure your daughter helps in some way by keeping her room tidy ,also help by doing a few dishes or filling up the dishwasher ,there´s plenty for everybody to do, how I keep my place in order is by working in one room at a time, set the clock for 15 min.s see how much work I can get done in that 15 min´s you´ll be surprised just how much you can do .when the alarm goes off stop what your doing have a rest . If you feel you´d like to carry on the do so if not leave it for the rest of the day . but Try this way and see how it goes for you, I understand your work is a hard job , but 15 min´s here and there make´s a big difference you´ll see

2007-02-23 23:14:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hello, I know exactly how you feel. We have lived in this house for over 3 years and it still looks like we have just moved in! I have 3 year old twins and they have far too many toys. Every corner in the house is full of toys and the floor is usually always covered with them. The ironing baskets are over flowing and we have not eaten at the dining table since Christmas because there is endless amounts of crap on there too! We still have toys in santa sacks as there is nowhere to put them!

After a while you just give up hope of a tidy house and you think what is the point if nobody else keeps it tidy. I guess really I have no-one to blame but myself. So my mission... I have booked a week off work and I intend to get it sorted once and for all! I started a little last week. I sorted through the toys corner by corner. Anything broken I binned, things that the girls have out grown either go to the charity shop, pre-school or I sell on ebay (bit of extra cash which I used to get a HUGE storage cupboard built in the girls room) The cupboard has been built into an alcove in their room and has big cupboards at the bottom and lots of shelves for books, toys and teddies. It looks good and its functional!

With your own things in the house ask yourself...
do you need it?
do you even like it? (you will be surprised how may things people keep and they don't even like them)
When was the last time you used it?

Start with one room at a time. If you do a little every day you will get through it in no time. Once you have got on top of things encourage your daughter to help keep it tidy.The tidier your house is the better it is for your well being. Stop buying your daughter treats... I know its hard. Why don't you instead encourage her to save for something really special she would like. Or take her somewhere special on your day off.

Don't let the mess get you down any longer. I was really depressed about how untidy my house was. Not only that, it made me feel unattractive (if that makes sense) I never felt like doing anything. I even thought I maybe needed anti depressants but I thought Prozac won't tidy the house for me! So I decieded enough was enough. So after this week off and my home is sparkling I intend to have a little me time. Also I have promised myself my house will never be messy again!

You know what... I feel better already and all I have done is recalim the corners in my living room!

2007-02-24 03:01:52 · answer #2 · answered by Lovewilltearusapart 5 · 1 0

You must be shattered love.
Have a sort out and throw all the rubbish out cause I know how much junk kids collect.
Your 8 year old can be helping, and explain to her when she has played with something she has to put in back, and then tell her what a good girl she is.
You probably cannot afford it on the pittance you nurses get paid but once a week have someone come in and do some cleaning for you. It doesnt have to an expensive cleaning company just look at all the adverts. There are plenty of people that will come and clean for a few hours at a good basic rate. You could even throw some ironing in.
As for the storage space I know what you mean, but once you have had a good sort out get some of those storage boxes and keep various items in those.
Just do a room at a time, and when you see the finished result you will keep on top of it.
If you have a partner he needs be doing his share being as you are doing one of most underpaid jobs there is. Well done for doing the job you do cause what would us lot do without you.!

2007-02-24 03:43:14 · answer #3 · answered by janeybest 2 · 0 0

I have the same problem, no time to really get in and clean from top to toe. I have 3 children, eldest is 5. It is never ending washing all day everyday. I have learnt that seeing as I am the only one that knows how to pick things up that if i see something i pick it up and find a home for it then and there. Storage boxes are great, they can fit under beds and hide things that don't need to be out all the time. i have found that space makes a big improvement on a homes neatness, clutter never helps. I won't have a coffee table as we would just leave stuff all over it, if something has been left on the kitchen table i remove it as I know it looks better without anything on it. Find a cupboard for everything that doesn't need to be left out and try to make sure when used that item goes back in the spot it came out of. Vacuum before bed, an 8 year old is more then capable of operating one of these for her working hard mum! Alot of my friends mop their floors just before bed aswell.
I also have a fantastic mum who pops in and will help if I ask and we do a morning of cleaning.
I hope you can get some positive feedback from your question, i will be checking for handy hints to keep my home more squeaky clean too.
ps don't be so hard on yourself either, you work 6 days a week as a nurse and raise a daughter, you don't need more work just a little help.

2007-02-23 23:19:10 · answer #4 · answered by riszo 2 · 0 0

Start by getting rid of anything you dont use. You can donate old toys that your daughter does not play with. They have tons of websites on how to organize the space you have. Ive always like the bookshelf and then you buy baskets for them (they have different colors and you can pick what they are made of) this way alot of things are out of site, but still right there if you need them, such as books. The same for your daughters room, she can put her toys in them, and if theres enough room have a small one on the living room for her toys. Things like shelfs work great because it uses up less space then a book shelf since they are off the floor. I know that www.ikea.com has a section where it gives you space saving tips and all. So try there.

2007-02-24 02:51:10 · answer #5 · answered by smwat03 6 · 0 0

ha! tell me about it, i have the same problems, I'm lucky in that i do have a little storage space but not much, so everything gets bunged in cupboards and drawers, under the bed, my loft is so full of stuff that the step ladders are always close by for when we need them next! i think my tip would be to keep all your daughters toys in her own room, at least it will be confined to the 1 area! also tidy as you go, make it a house rule to never leave any cups, plates, etc in your living room, never to have any clothes, coats or shoes in the living area. maybe your daughter could contribute to chores every day after school and you could reward her with a toy (the one she already gets!). good luck

2007-02-24 08:56:51 · answer #6 · answered by sue brew 4 · 0 0

My mother was divorced with 5 kids and had 3 jobs. She worked a lot! One thing that always worked really well at our house was having a chore chart. Make one up for you and your daughter! Make it fun by decorating it and making it colorful. Let her help you with it. Then, divide all the different chores up according to the days of the week. Maybe something like, daughter-p/u toys, sweep kitchen, you-do dishes, take out trash. And that can be for tuesdays or whatever. Just be realistic about what you think can really get done on certain days. Then, once the chore is done, place a star or sticker under that day. Doing this will make it easier to keep track of everything that needs to be done, without stressing yourself out. Maybe once you get to your day off, if all the chores were done each day, go out for icecream with your daughter as a treat for you both. I hope that everything works out for you! I think if this doesn't work, at least try to keep the living room or bedroom clean so that you have a place you can go to and relax.

2007-02-24 00:14:12 · answer #7 · answered by cuddlz123 2 · 0 0

ok, you work 6 days a week but they are not 24 hour shifts are they.?

Who watches your daughter when you are at work.? Can this person not help pick up around the house.?

Are you and your daughter the only ones in the house.? How much mess can you two be making.?

My best advice is , on your day off force yourself to clean up really well and then after that if you make a mess clean it up right away. If you dirty a dish, wash it right after you use it. Same with your daughters toys. If she takes them out, she is 8, she can put them.

You really need to get past your guilt and clean your house.

2007-02-24 00:06:17 · answer #8 · answered by LadyCatherine 7 · 0 0

First and foremost, be encouraged. It's all in attitude first. You have a precious daughter and two great dogs. I'm experiencing the same thing. I would dedicate one day to clean out everything and get help for this task. Ask a few close friends to come over for an Organization Party -- tell them you will provide lunch, pizza and sodas. Do a clean sweep. Schedule a charity to come by and pick up items you no longer want. Then, take twenty minutes each day to tidy up. Let your daughter be responsible for one area like her room and the bathroom. I hope this helps.

2007-02-23 23:29:41 · answer #9 · answered by dora1 2 · 0 0

It certainly seems you have a lot on your plate.... and you work very hard. one thing comes to mind and that is you need more than one day off in a week, to be able to function not only as a mother, but as a human being.. but what about you.. You have to make time for yourself.... this will give you the time to boost your energy..... then comes the hard bit.. Routine..... The dogs need to be in the kitchen or the garden...... when you cook or eat at night. make the effort to do the kitchen.. then you wont come down in the morning and be in an instant bad mood..... Have one area for your daughters toy's only. stop guilt buying... your daughter has already adapted to the fact you are working. the one thing she loves is her mum. she knows you are the most consistant person in her life... and she will love you know matter what. Your storage problem ... is not really a problem.... go to your local council recycling centre. they have all sorts of furniture at very cheap prices. also look in the local papers. people give things away. plus the car boot season is nearly here. be happy....

2007-02-24 04:20:32 · answer #10 · answered by kazzii 1 · 0 0

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