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Why do Catholics call the Pope "Holy Father" and nearly every priest "father" when Jesus says, "And call none father upon the earth: for one is your father, who is in heaven."?

2007-02-23 22:38:19 · 13 answers · asked by Arthurpod 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

Because that is their doctrine. The pope want to be as high as God I mean even greater than God. You satan why he became satan because he want to be as high as God so you need to read between the line.

2007-02-27 17:18:08 · answer #1 · answered by jay sssss 2 · 0 0

a good point i call the pope pappa same thing i guess but jesus was making a point that god is the father of all
this i do give to god
but as christ incarnate i feel no guilt calling pope papa
god knows i have one true father
besides what is the hebrew for father i dont even have any idea father is an english word
i get the concept
cann never know the hebrew for father anyway.

2007-02-24 06:44:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because the first Catholic priests who were present long time ago did not read the Bible thoroughly and entirely depended upon their own desires and beliefs, therefore it turned out that until now, Catholics are required to memorize a series of long prayers that they themselves do not usually understand and put in their hearts. Therefore, the result was that Catholic priests call the Pope holy Father in connection with the beliefs of the first Catholic priests.

2007-02-24 06:46:50 · answer #3 · answered by MJ 1 · 0 2

The History of the Catholic Church is rooted in the 12 apostles. They were the first Christians, which the birth we Celebrate during Penticost Sunday. Priesthood started with them. The First Pope of the Catholic Church is St. Peter, which Jesus has said that "Upon this rock, I'll build My Church." Priesthood, which was instituted by Christ in the Last Supper saying, "do this in memory of me" is passed on to the apostles and the priest nowadays. Therefore, the Pope is the visible presence of Christ, the Vicar of Christ, the head of the Catholic Church.

here's what wikipedia said:

This title of the pope implies his supreme and universal primacy, both of honour and of jurisdiction, over the Catholic Church. It is founded on the words of Jesus Christ to St. Peter - "Feed my lambs ... Feed my sheep" (John 21:16-17). The Catholic Church believes Jesus made St. Peter the leader of the Apostles, hence, Prince of the Apostles, and constituted him as the guardian of His entire flock (the Church) in His own place, thus making him His Vicar and fulfilling the promise He made in Matthew 16:18-19.

No more arguments. That's what we believe in. And I mean respect to other's belief.

2007-02-24 06:52:11 · answer #4 · answered by Makisig 3 · 0 0

According to that logic, you shouldn't even call your own father "father". So....

"Call none your father--Neither be ye called masters, etc... The meaning is that our Father in heaven is incomparably more to be regarded, than any father upon earth: and no master to be followed, who would lead us away from Christ. But this does not hinder but that we are by the law of God to have a due respect both for our parents and spiritual fathers [1 Corinthians 4:15], and for our masters and teachers." (in this reference, St. Paul calls us his children. I'm assuming spiritual children. All priests should consider their flock as spiritual children, in reciprocation, all priests are the spiritual children's spiritual father)

2007-02-24 06:41:13 · answer #5 · answered by Shinigami 7 · 2 1

To sum up in a few brief sentences the titles of a Catholic Priest:

He is a king, reigning not over unwilling subjects, but over the hearts and affections of his people.

His spiritual children pay him not only the tribute of their money, but also the tribute of their love which royalty can neither purchase nor exact.

He is a shepherd, because he leads his flock into the delicious pastures of the Sacraments and shelters them from the wolves that lie in wait for their souls.

He is a father, because he breaks the bread of life to his children, whom he has begotten in Christ Jesus through the Gospel.[I. Cor. iv. 15.]

He is a judge, whose office it is to pass sentence of pardon on self-accusing criminals.

He is a physician, because he heals their souls from the loathsome distempers of sin.

2007-02-25 16:03:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

They are deceived by religion. Yes, I use to be catholic and renounced the faith this last year. This is yet, another reason why I left the catholic religion. I am happy to be a born again Christian, knowing the truth and no longer deceived by religion.

2007-02-24 06:54:18 · answer #7 · answered by Dakota Lynn Takes Gun 6 · 1 1

Matthew 23:6-9 reads, "They love places of honor at banquets, seats of honor in synagogues, greetings in marketplaces, and the salutation 'Rabbi.' As for you, do not be called 'Rabbi.' You have but one teacher, and you are all brothers. Call no one on earth your father; you have but one Father in heaven."

Are we also not to call anyone "teacher" or "doctor" which is how "rabbi' would translate?

This is call for humility for those in leadership roles. Not to be taken literally.

We are not to deny our male parent and cut the Commandment to honor our father and mother in half.

Some leaders in any church may fall into the same folly as the pharisees of Jesus' day.

With love in Christ.

2007-02-25 01:32:00 · answer #8 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 0 1

well i used to be catholic. but using that logic you couldn't call your own father (as in the man who impregnated your mother) father because that's a sin.
just state your question a little better OK.

ps i do agree with you.

2007-02-24 06:42:07 · answer #9 · answered by Evil D 4 · 0 2

Because they interpret the Bible WRONGLY. This is why I am not a practicing catholic anymore. I'm still a Christian/Buddhist thouhgh.

2007-02-24 06:41:05 · answer #10 · answered by ANSWER MY QUESTION!! 6 · 3 1

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