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I'm a peaceful Muslim who does not believe in fundamentalism or extremism and believes in peace. Yet many evangelical Christians would still deem me as Satanic and misguided. What is the reason for this? Won't Christians be ever satisified unless you're Christian?

2007-02-23 21:52:27 · 31 answers · asked by Sai~ 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

31 answers

I will answer your entire post by answering your last question.The answer to that one is no.Their job is to convert according to their little rule book.They get extra points from their God if they convert.Until a person converts they will always be an Unchristian and that means that they will define you by what they consider is bad about the group or religion you belong to and they will use stereotypes to do this.But then not all Christians are like that just like not all Muslims are terrorists.Remember, stereotyping goes both ways for all people and all groups.

2007-02-23 22:03:38 · answer #1 · answered by Demopublican 6 · 3 1

Im not a believer in any religion but agree that christianity sucks and any religion that contains the catholic church cannot be peacefull!.People are blinded by the media and believe what they told which is all meant to put fear into the western worlds minds so the western govs can pursue their middle/far east agendas without too much opposition.I have met only a couple of hostile muslims yet have met hundreds of dodgy so called christians over the years.I think it will get worse before it will get better but i hope that love & respect for one another will come in our lifetime...peace!

2007-02-23 23:23:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dear Sai. I am an Indian and let me be honest that it's not just the Christians who feel this way.

In my 22 years I have had absolutely no problem with Muslims. This is why I find it so hard to believe that you can be treated this way.

Two years ago in a class of religious studies, some of the ladies were followers of Islam. When we discussed other religions they did not refuse to learn, they did not force their religion on to us, they never pulled a funny face, or become aggressive.

It's a shame that some people think that if a handful of Muslim extremists are responsible for the killings, then the Muslim mass must be terrorists too.

It is very scary.

Please stay the peaceful Muslim that you are.

2007-02-23 22:12:43 · answer #3 · answered by Magic 2 · 1 2

Maybe it has nothing to do with religion as such.

Religion is only what people care to believe, and many people believe the most ridiculous things, yet are not marginalised by the majority.

ALL religious people are hypocrites, in the sense that they fall miserably short of that which is required of them, and that applies as much to Christians as it does to followers of Islam.

In fact, if you were to make certain comparisons between these two major religions, you would discover common-ground, with similar views on the sanctity of marriage, the wrongfulness of sex outside marriage, homosexuality, child-care, care of the elderly etc etc.

Generally speaking, most people accept that a MAJORITY of the specific beliefs are probably a good thing, but then there are often very heated debates about things such as abortion, homosexuality and euthenasia within the Christian religion, without it ever turning into outright civil-war, and without a majority of people continuing to accept that many aspects of the Christian (and Muslim) faiths are beneficial and wholesome for the individual and for society.

There is however a major difference between Christianity and the Mulsim faith.

If I, or anyone else, does not agree with something said by a Christian church-leader, then we would not hesitate to shout loud and clear about it, because that is part of western culture, which democratically permits dissention and debate, even within the religious context.

So, if a Christian stands up for gay rights or abortion, the chances are that he wouldn't be vilified or gunned-down because he had "insulted God's word." Granted, a few religious zealots and fundamentalists would talk about "the wrath of God" and "eternal damnation," but they are a familiar and even welcome voice of comedy, and few people take them seriously.

If I choose the simplest possible answer to your question, I think it would be fair to suggest that Islam represents a figurehead for a system of "Theocratic government," and Christianity stands for moral-debate within the wider context of "Democracy," in which everyone has the right to debate, protest or vote for or against.

When Muslims are now seen as represented by (often uneducated) religious-leaders, (when the great Muslims of history were superbly educated and liberated Europe from the dark-ages) and when what they preach is both anti-democratic and utlimately anti-Islam, then all followers of Islam will be regarded with mistrust.

So it is a direct conflict between the theocratic and the democratic......a severe clash of cultures in effect.

Living in the UK is interesting, because very people ever object to the Sikhs, the Buddhists, the atheists, agnostics, scientologists, catholics, methodists, wiccans, astrologers or followers of Star Trek (among other things).

If they therefore object to "Muslims," then that raises a number of very interesting questions.

If there is a moderate voice of Islam, and Muslim religious-leaders who can work within the democratic process, then perhaps THEY should raise their voices against those who bring Islam into disrepute, but are there any who are brave enough to do that today?

2007-02-23 23:43:59 · answer #4 · answered by musonic 4 · 1 0

A true christian will not dislike a Muslim like yourself. However they will disagree with your religion because the Bible teaches that the only way to God is through Jesus Christ and yes unless we come to know Him we are lost in our sin.
Some so called Christians are not Christians and make statements that tell us more about their politics than their religion. Christians are taught to love everyone not just those like them - we are to look to the Lord Jesus as an example in this.
Regards, James

2007-02-23 22:10:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I wouldn't worry about it-most Christians regard everyone who doesn't follow their religion as Satanic and misguided, it's part of the ideology which comes with every religion which states that their belief is the right one. I am Atheist, but still respect everyone else's choice and believe that it is the individuals choice to believe whatever he/she wants whether they are right or wrong. And no, Christians won't ever be satisfied until everyone is Christian, and the churches (as well as the collection plate) is full.

Oh and any Christians who complain about my complaint, I disagree with every religion, not just your's, so it's nothing personal :)!

'One day as in the words of John Lennon's 'Imagine' we will have a world with no religion. Then we can all live in peace and harmony.
Until then, unfortunately, we will have to live in a world of war, terrorism and sectarian hatred.'
I couldn't agree with you more, congratulations on your excellent taste in music!

2007-02-23 22:12:11 · answer #6 · answered by mallybb298 3 · 2 1

A lot of Christians are do not have this view. The ones who do are judgemental and rather arrogant.

You could also ask "why will Muslims not be satisfied unless you're Muslim" though, but that's clearly not a view *all* Muslims have.

These view are extreme, and judgmental. Certainly not ones that I hold.

2007-02-23 21:57:55 · answer #7 · answered by somesky 2 · 2 0

It's a sad fact that many Christians are so blinkered in their views of Islam. To many Islam is just seen as a religion of hate and to back up there view of this will say just look at the TV News or mis quote Qu'ran passages. Yet if they looked at their own Christian followers around the world and watched TV News other than main stream TV then they would see what 'Christians' are sdoing in Nigeria, South and Central America, Pakistan, Indonesia etc etc.
They also fail to notice that their own Holy Book the BIble is full of war in the name of God, yet they get these quotes banned by the Yahoo service.

Maybe they feel such insecurity in their own beleif they have to attack others and sadly Islam is seen as a legitimate target little realising God is watching and listening and will call them to account on the Day of Judgement.

2007-02-23 22:43:00 · answer #8 · answered by aroundworldsports 2 · 0 2

Punter? How can Ecclesiastes talk about "Christian" women when it was written centuries before Christ?

Anyway - many Christians would deem you Satanic simply because you're Muslim. In the same way, many Muslims would characterize me as less-than-chaste (to put it delicately) because I'm American. Most people refuse to think any more than they have to, and it's remarkably easy to categorize people in one way or another and then never think about them again. Regrettable, but there's not much you can do about it. It's best not to give in to sweeping generalizations - as you do at the end of your question.

2007-02-23 22:04:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The way muslims like Punter and his gang are spreading false information about other religions is sufficient reason for people to hate muslims

Islam also says, non-muslims will go to hell...so why complaint about christianity ??

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones on others

2007-02-23 22:31:12 · answer #10 · answered by ۞Aum۞ 7 · 3 0

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