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Will they be born imminently? Or after reaching term in heaven. Or will they just be aborted?

2007-02-23 19:16:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

Good question. We don't know if there will be women pregnant. You never know what strange thing can happen in the world. What if the world get a crazy new virus and the governments create laws that state we can only have a certain number of babies (china)and they have to be done through artificial methods? But just to answer, God is not some monster and just leave a bunch of still Born's laying around. Since the child or children are still a part of the mother they should be brought to heaven also.

2007-02-23 19:29:07 · answer #1 · answered by TYRONE S 3 · 2 0

god doesn't say what happens to the baby the rapture is for saved believers who have faith in the lord jesus christ babies can not make that choice to have faith in jesus. they stay with the mother who did not go in the rapture. if a christian was with child at the rapture the child would go with the mother and the child would be given a new body and the women would no longer be pregnant. when ever in the birth process the child receives the soul is when a child becomes a person. it happens when the child's heart starts beating. the child is considered a person. yes the child will go through the tribulation just as the children in noah's day went through the flood and their parents did not put them on the ark to save them. they rejected god and thus doomed their children by their choice. the same will happen during the rapture. the non-believing mother will still have her child and both will go through the tribulation period the bible suggest as much when the antichrist sets up his rule as god in the midpoint of the tribulation. the bible say to the jews who are to flee at that time. Mat 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso reads, let him understand:) Mat 24:16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Mat 24:17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Mat 24:18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. Mat 24:19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! give suck means to wean the child until they are old enough to eat on their own. that is about two and a half to 3 years old the middle of the tribulation being 3 and a half years that puts the birth of a child about 3 years just about when the tribulation starts. 9 months for the pregnancy puts it just about before the tribulation starts when the mother was with child or became pregnant.

2016-05-24 05:01:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They will probably be born imminently and taken from the pregnant women's wombs from all around the world because of their innocence. I don't believe that the Lord would allow the innocents such as those unborn babes and those under a certain age or those with certain mental conditions to be left behind to face the coming Tribulation and since He would be against the murder of innocent babies - abortions would be out of the question and it's not certain that all of those women would be going to Heaven.

2007-02-23 19:36:07 · answer #3 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

The Rapture is a false belief|

No pope ever taught it, and the "reformers" never heard of it|

It is an invention of 19th century fundamentalist Protestantism|

It takes a lot of hand waving to get the doctrine of the Rapture out of the passages of the Bible cited|

No, the Church is going to go through the Tribulation - in fact we are in it already (the ball is starting to roll), and no rapture has occurred|


2007-02-23 19:56:51 · answer #4 · answered by Catholic Philosopher 6 · 0 0

all innocents will be raptured too, which includes infants and unborn babies. most people believe that you are an innocent until the age of 12 or so. you should read the left behind series, it's very interesting

2007-02-23 19:21:52 · answer #5 · answered by a.n.a 2 · 1 0

When the pregnant woman "raptures", the unborn baby RUPTURES. Pretty messy.

2007-02-23 19:21:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Well, since the baby is a human too, with a soul, it would rapture too! :)

2007-02-23 19:23:01 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

rapture is nothing but a lie. Televangelist invented this concept.

2007-02-23 19:25:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

the woman will be pregnant for all eternity (and you thought she was going to heaven?)

2007-02-23 19:31:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Please read this to the end, and please do not balk for it seeming strange, for it is all inter-dependent, and you will be surprised by the lucidity of it.

Consider carefully the beautiful allusion to which Christ spoke in His parables....

Know, that verily, air is the sign of the Spirit on earth, it moves and is felt, but not seen.

To be "enraptured" is to be intoxicated with the new wine of the love of God. To be taken up into the air in the rapture is to be so in love with the Spirit of God as to no longer regard the earth as anything but the recipient of God tender mercy, despite its problems. Thus those deeply in love with the Spirit are in heaven even though their body still appears on earth while it yet lives.

As the baby is in the womb of the mother, so too is the earth in the womb of heaven, and the birth pains are hell, like birth growing more frequent and intense in pain, until heaven on earth is established as a new birth of Christ in humanity....

Study well the Bible, and believe. The love of child is there in the end despite the pain which must happen first, for the child will be born, and that child is "The Kingdom is God's", imprinted on the brow of humanity, and the laws of God (love thy neighbor as thyself) within the hearts of men. Notice how this is all taking place now.

Nature will not cease performing like it has, but man will cease to have "the mark of the beast", this is, men will cease behaving like animals, and begin, more and more, acting in like manner of Christ's exemplifying God's way. Then will the fullness of "On the seventh day God created man is His own image and likeness." be evident, for "A Day of God is like a thousand years".

Christ has said "I am the second Adam".... It has been 7 thousand years since Adam taught those denizens of the earth, in His Day the art of writing, and the first Scripture in this great cycle of Revelation. This is why it was possible for His child Cain to have children on the earth, for there were already inhabitants, and cities could be established through him, as clearly stated in Genesis , but they excelled the beast only through the training which Adam, born of Spirit, without human father like Christ, or mother like Mechelzedeck, as taught by St. Paul.

The Spirit is one, and perfect, without flaw, but the followers are flawed, so the Spirit takes those burdens upon Himself to forgive the children of men - this is even why Moses was prevented from going into the promised land, not for His sin, but His followers, for if it were not for His obedience, and total submission unto God, He could not have cause the rocks to burst forth with flowing water, even as the water of life causes, the lifeless rocks of mens hearts to burst forth and gush that love outward to all men.

Know thou that God has today reconciled religion and science, and "brings you all truth".

Glory belongs to God alone, and His most great "first born Son", which is the universal Spirit of Christ which all the Prophets speak, who Jesus was a perfect embodiment, and is mankind's great teacher. Seek Him "in the Glory of the Father" (Baha'Ellah in the Aramaic Jesus spoke], and in "Seest not thou Son of Man sitting on the right hand of God, Glory, Power and Might?"...

For as the spirit of Elijah came in John the baptist, so too has it Come in The Bab [The Gate], and the Spirit of Christ in Baha'u'llah (Glory of God). This is the Day of the promised peace, let man reconcile, not be divided by the swords of mens tongues, of enmity and hatred, but instead united with the kindly tongue, and load-stone of the hearts of men. Turn those sword-tongues into plowshares of the heart so that the soil of mens inner-temple become fertile for receiving the words of the Spirit which are the true bread of life.

Christ said "tear down this temple and in three days I will raise it up again." This is not just the body of Jesus, but also three Days of God, and the inner-temple, the temple of mens hearts.

Christ's first disciples were torn down, and the teachings became confused, and the temple of mens hearts was torn down for a Day.

Muhammad again witnessed as a True Witness, said I am Jesus (meaning I agree with Him), believe the words of the ancient Prophets of Israel [literally prince of God], and that of the Spirit [Christ], for they speak not but truth, and I bring nothing except to clarify for these tribes of Arabia, and those able to hear, and anyone who harms a true Christian or Jew has harmed me. Because His followers became idol worshipers again, brutal tribes, and unharmonious, and mistreated Christian and Jews, the temple of men's hearts was torn down for a second Day of God.

Again the Bab gave a Second True Witness, saying purity of heart is the greatest thing to practice, for Christ said the pure in heart will see God. Likewise he said I am the one of the lone voice crying in the wilderness, for his station was that of herald for "The Second Coming of Christ", so was a teacher of purity, and repentance like unto Elijah, and john the Baptist. Since He was crying in the barren wilderness of mankind's idle fancy, only a few "tens of thousand of the angels" [believers in the one true God] of "the Lord of hosts" hearkened unto this Great Herald of God. Thus was the temple of men's hearts down, and deprived of true remembrance of God for the 3rd and final Day of God, of what Christ spoke in prophesy.

Finally The Lord of Hosts made Himself manifest, Christ came again in the "Glory of the Father" [Baha'u'llah] "in the clouds with power and glory" [Baha]. The Spiritual Sun which bring the light of truth which brings knowledge and warmth to the souls of mankind was hidden by the clouds of men's imitations, the "worthless traditions of their fathers" spoken of by St. Peter. Christ has come "...as a thief in the night.", for the sleeping do not know the thief has been in the house until they waken from dreaming, neither does the soul which does not remain vigilant live in the world of "every discerning eye will see" until dreaming stops, and the True Sun is remembered.

This allusion of Sun is a metaphor of God's radiant, life giving power on earth, bringing the spiritual spring time, and renewal or "Resurrection".

2007-02-23 22:49:44 · answer #10 · answered by Gravitar or not... 5 · 0 0

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