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I want to know who is the real Christian ? once who does not follow the Holy Bible & Jesus Preaches? Or who follow above those. Can any body become Christion by birth ?, if he or she born in Christian family or Country? Because I am indian & got baptizum. I think by nationality or by birth in Hindu family I will be call Hindu. Jesus Says that " If u will follow me , or believe in me, & will obey my preaches, people become enemy for u. I follow him. some one British person hit me by abusing languges. He says that If I got the baptizum , I do it just because going to england. I got the baptizum in my very younger age. At that time I had not any plann going to abroad. Jesus say Love to all.If I am Hindu by my nationality than what? what is my fault? I am Penticostry Believer I thought England has so many protest & my known,so want to plan to go there. I am thank full 2 my lard Jesus he choose me. Why the people think bad thinking four others if they are charistian by birth

2007-02-23 18:46:05 · 17 answers · asked by Rose Marry 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

This statement
" If u will follow me , or believe in me, & will obey my preaches, people become enemy for u." made feel that Muslims are actual chrsitians.
Chrstian believe in Jesus but not in the way he taught them to belive. Chrsitians follow teaching of paul and others. If having enemy is criterion than also muslims have most enemies.

2007-02-23 19:16:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Jesus says "The only way to the father is through me"

You need to ask Jesus into your lift and follow the Holy Bible as best you can (New Testament more relevant to Jesus' time)

You cannot be born a Christian (even though there are those who think they are when they are not)

God Loves you... He gave his Son so that you could live and come to know him.
Being Christian is about CHOOSING to follow GOD and JESUS.

Being Christian is about loving GOD and Jesus and the Holy Spirit (all of which you can learn about in a Christian church - Not a catholic or Church of England church)

Find a nice pentecostal church in your area. That where the real Born Again Christians will be. They will help you find the answers you are looking for.

2007-02-24 02:53:53 · answer #2 · answered by Fantom Doughnut Eater 2 · 1 1

Rose Marry: I am a Christian, and can tell you, that Christians are not "Christians" simply, because they are born into it, by a physical birth. To put it another way, "Rose Marry", Christians are "called" or "drawn" into a relationship with God, the Father, through Jesus Christ, via the Holy Spirit. England, Canada or the United States of America are becoming very intolerant of Christians, just like the Roman world of the past, before its demise, also !!! Love for both, God and neighbour is dissipating in our nations and being replaced with love for self !!!

2007-02-24 03:01:39 · answer #3 · answered by guraqt2me 7 · 1 0

I consider myself a devout Christian. Although my beliefs about Christianity aren't necessarily mainstream, I do believe in God, I believe in Jesus dying for humanity's sin, I believe in a holy spirit that empowers the human soul. As long as you believe these few tenets, I would say you are a Christian. I personally don't go to church anymore because I think a lot of the people who go there are very superficial and ignorant (I am trying my hardest not to cast judgment, but they really are). I think it's possible for you to be a Christian and not go to church. I do pray every day though. I also think fellowship with other Christians is important, but not completely necessary. I choose to believe in God because I don't see any purpose for someone to act morally if there is no God to ensure that the good are rewarded and the wicked are punished. It personally makes me feel like a better person to believe in God, but at the same time, I'm careful about becoming too fundamentalist in my beliefs so I keep a good distance from controversial topics like the morality of homosexuality and things of that nature. I would call myself a "real Christian."

2007-02-24 02:57:06 · answer #4 · answered by F1reflyfan 4 · 0 1

I am also an Indian like U originally from a Hindu family.After baptism one becomes as much of a Christian as the other , who was born a Christian.There is no difference .
Christians have better prospects even in India, now that one of us Christians ( Sonia ) is the Chief ..

2007-02-24 02:53:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Weather you are a christian or not is between you and the Lord. Jesus said as many as the father give to me are mine. The bible instructs us that we must be born again. Our birth into the kindom of God come by means of a spiritual birth. God is spirit and we become spirit upon our rebirth. If you believe Jesus is the Son of God and confess your sin to Him and ask for forgiveness you indeed are saved. Salvation is a free gift. Yeat God has given the requirement of a free will act of confession. Thus a person can be born a christian be being born of a christian family. Salvation does not work like that. Each person must come to God in repentance of heart and in truth they must ask of the Lord for forgiveness and salvation. In these simple ask of humility all are execpted into the family of God. God mercy is with out end and he can't lie. God bless you Rose Mary.

2007-02-24 03:15:52 · answer #6 · answered by the light exposes the darkenss 3 · 1 0

A Christian is one who Worships God in spirit and truth(John4:24)as God requires Christians to do to worship him in spirit and truth this is a true Christian one that does what God requires, not one who is born into being Christian, but you answered that part yourself this is true Jesus did say that if we follow him truly not only will you obey him and do the will of his father but you will know the truth about him and his Father by learning accurate knowledge about them from the Bible which is God's Word(John17:3)No you cannot be a true Christian by Birth because babies are not born with knowledge, they have to learn and accept the truth if they truly are to be Christian , but yes anyone can become a Christian if they learn the truth from the Bible and decide to accept God's will and requirements, this does requires hard work not only in learning the truth but also in practising it, or doing it! A true Christian is one who gives their life over to doing things God's way because of the love they have for God and his Son and they appreciate all that both God and Jesus his Son have done for them Another thing is thankfulness and It looks to me that you have that, that is a good start and will help you fulfil the rest if you want to, and people shouldn't judge you it is wrong for then to do so, rather they should help you if they know better than you, which may not be true at all, they may not know better! Otherwise they would know that to help you is a requirement. But to Judge you they have no right So you look to God for help and understanding he will not let you down for he is looking for Christians to worship him in the right way and sending his people to find them and warn them of the wrong things they do! and it is only the true Christians who obey God and are doing this warning work that God sends them to do.

2007-02-24 02:59:56 · answer #7 · answered by I speak Truth 6 · 2 0

No one can be Christian by birth. Your nationality has nothing to do with your religion either, other than you probably learned what the majority of the people in your country believe. That doesn't mean you choose to follow it. A true Christian is one who follows Christ, who loves God and who acts in harmony with what they learn to be true by a diligent study of the Bible. Daily is best. May God bless all your efforts to draw close to him.

2007-02-24 03:04:56 · answer #8 · answered by Sparkle1 6 · 1 0

A Christian is one who's faith and trust are in the Lord Jesus Christ. You can't be born into it, you don't get it through baptism, and it really doesn't matter what denomination or liturgy you follow. "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Those are the only requirements right there.

2007-02-24 02:50:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Christians believe in Jesus Christ. They know Jesus died on the cross for our sins and it's only through Him that we get to heaven. It sounds like you are a Christian. You can't be born a Christian, that is something you chose to be.

2007-02-24 03:31:35 · answer #10 · answered by tracy211968 6 · 1 0

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